Weddings and Weight Loss



  • krnelso
    krnelso Posts: 21
    Hey there everyone :flowerforyou:

    So I'm getting married on April 18th & wow is it coming up fast!!! Just a month & a week now. I'm trying not to get stressed out because I gain weight when I'm stressed out.

    One of my bridesmaids actually turned me onto this site & so far I love it! We're motivating each other to do better, kind of like each other's personal cheerleader (minus the outfits).

    I'm afraid I won't meet my goal...BUT THAT IS OK! I have decided that my goal is the lifestyle change & the overall weight loss, not just for the wedding. I'm the heaviest I've ever been & that bothers me, so its time for change!

    I'm actually marrying into the military, so of course that makes things just that much harder. I've moved to a place where I know almost NO ONE & it's really hard to meet people. It's a tourist city, so of course most people aren't going to be around very long. I found that I've been lacking motivation because I prefer to be outside DOING SOMETHING instead of just working out. I don't like going to the gym since I'm so self conscious, so I work out at home & just try to find things to do outside when I can.

    I will admit, I have gotten into one good habit. I used to never watch TV, but not having people around here has made being social quite difficult. However, the good part is, while I sit there & watch TV, I do weights & sit ups & (attempt) push ups. My arms are getting stronger & that makes me happy.

    I've already lost 8 pounds, but I have QUITE A WAYS TO GO. But you've got to start somewhere! I'm really doing this for me more than anything. I want to get fit & healthy. Diabetes runs on both sides of my family & I don't want to increase my risk by being overweight any longer.

    Best of luck to everyone!!! And congratulations!!! :drinker:

    speak for yourself about the outfit, haha, just kidding :laugh:

    I now have a picture in my head that I may never get out... You're hot! :wink:
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    I am not getting married but my best friend is getting married in May 2009 and I will be her maid of honor. We joined this site together and so far we both love it. I would like to be down to about 140 by her wedding in May of next year. I have the time to do it the right way so that I can try to keep it off. I think the challenge will be hard but worth it in the end. Congrats to all!
  • coreysmommy2005
    Where is everyone??? Are we doing anymore challenges?
  • krnelso
    krnelso Posts: 21
    Ok, so I know that both these things are supposed to make a person happier...weddings & weight loss... I mean, it's self explanatory. But for some reason, both aren't doing a damn thing for me. :grumble: Lately I've been emotionally drained & I don't know how to even explain it. But I've just been so miserable & lonely & upset these days. I'm to the point of crying at the drop of a hat & heaven forbid I listen to music because that just makes me cry as well. :sad:

    Anyone have any suggestions, thoughts, comments? :indifferent:

    I know y'all aren't therapists (well someone may be, who knows), but I just needed to kinda throw it out there... I didn't know if any of you have gone through this or if I'm just retarded... *sigh* :frown:
  • coreysmommy2005
    Ok, so I know that both these things are supposed to make a person happier...weddings & weight loss... I mean, it's self explanatory. But for some reason, both aren't doing a damn thing for me. :grumble: Lately I've been emotionally drained & I don't know how to even explain it. But I've just been so miserable & lonely & upset these days. I'm to the point of crying at the drop of a hat & heaven forbid I listen to music because that just makes me cry as well. :sad:

    Anyone have any suggestions, thoughts, comments? :indifferent:

    I know y'all aren't therapists (well someone may be, who knows), but I just needed to kinda throw it out there... I didn't know if any of you have gone through this or if I'm just retarded... *sigh* :frown:
    Ok, so I am NOT A THERAPIST...but have you done anything lately that makes YOU happy, not anyone else? I always try and do something every week that makes ME happy!!! Whether it be going shopping for an afternoon, or out to lunch, or sitting down and scrapbooking. Something to step away from reality!!!
  • areay
    areay Posts: 463
    Good luck on your goal!!! Keep at it!
  • krnelso
    krnelso Posts: 21
    Ok, so I know that both these things are supposed to make a person happier...weddings & weight loss... I mean, it's self explanatory. But for some reason, both aren't doing a damn thing for me. :grumble: Lately I've been emotionally drained & I don't know how to even explain it. But I've just been so miserable & lonely & upset these days. I'm to the point of crying at the drop of a hat & heaven forbid I listen to music because that just makes me cry as well. :sad:

    Anyone have any suggestions, thoughts, comments? :indifferent:

    I know y'all aren't therapists (well someone may be, who knows), but I just needed to kinda throw it out there... I didn't know if any of you have gone through this or if I'm just retarded... *sigh* :frown:
    Ok, so I am NOT A THERAPIST...but have you done anything lately that makes YOU happy, not anyone else? I always try and do something every week that makes ME happy!!! Whether it be going shopping for an afternoon, or out to lunch, or sitting down and scrapbooking. Something to step away from reality!!!

    Actually I've been trying to do things that make me happy. I treated myself to a massage & it was really horrible, but they comp'ed me a massage & that one was good. However, I'm still not relaxed & happy. I've watched movies instead of doing dishes because I needed time to veg...but that didn't make me feel that much better either. Hell, I'm an organizing freak (weird, I know) & I even planned out what I could organize & accomplished a lot of other house chores & stuff... Went out to lunch with my fiance yesterday & that was great for the time, even have gone shopping... Nothing seems to make me just feel calm & content. :cry: I'm thinking I'm losing it. Maybe its because he's military with a screwed up schedule? Maybe it's the fact I miss my family who is halfway across the country? Maybe it's because I have no friends out here? I sit in the apartment a lot by myself or just kinda blah the shopping because I'm by myself... Any suggestions? Las Vegas isn't really the easiest place to meet people (well at least meet people that are going to be there for more than a week, ha!)...
  • coreysmommy2005
    Ok, so I know that both these things are supposed to make a person happier...weddings & weight loss... I mean, it's self explanatory. But for some reason, both aren't doing a damn thing for me. :grumble: Lately I've been emotionally drained & I don't know how to even explain it. But I've just been so miserable & lonely & upset these days. I'm to the point of crying at the drop of a hat & heaven forbid I listen to music because that just makes me cry as well. :sad:

    Anyone have any suggestions, thoughts, comments? :indifferent:

    I know y'all aren't therapists (well someone may be, who knows), but I just needed to kinda throw it out there... I didn't know if any of you have gone through this or if I'm just retarded... *sigh* :frown:
    Ok, so I am NOT A THERAPIST...but have you done anything lately that makes YOU happy, not anyone else? I always try and do something every week that makes ME happy!!! Whether it be going shopping for an afternoon, or out to lunch, or sitting down and scrapbooking. Something to step away from reality!!!

    Actually I've been trying to do things that make me happy. I treated myself to a massage & it was really horrible, but they comp'ed me a massage & that one was good. However, I'm still not relaxed & happy. I've watched movies instead of doing dishes because I needed time to veg...but that didn't make me feel that much better either. Hell, I'm an organizing freak (weird, I know) & I even planned out what I could organize & accomplished a lot of other house chores & stuff... Went out to lunch with my fiance yesterday & that was great for the time, even have gone shopping... Nothing seems to make me just feel calm & content. :cry: I'm thinking I'm losing it. Maybe its because he's military with a screwed up schedule? Maybe it's the fact I miss my family who is halfway across the country? Maybe it's because I have no friends out here? I sit in the apartment a lot by myself or just kinda blah the shopping because I'm by myself... Any suggestions? Las Vegas isn't really the easiest place to meet people (well at least meet people that are going to be there for more than a week, ha!)...
    Have you ever heard of That's where I made a lot of my friends!!! I started a playgroup for myself and my son and we now have like 40 something members. I have made so many friends, and always have someone to call if I want to hang out or do something! They have all sorts of groups that you can choose from. You should check it out.
  • brfortu
    brfortu Posts: 27
    Ok, so I know that both these things are supposed to make a person happier...weddings & weight loss... I mean, it's self explanatory. But for some reason, both aren't doing a damn thing for me. :grumble: Lately I've been emotionally drained & I don't know how to even explain it. But I've just been so miserable & lonely & upset these days. I'm to the point of crying at the drop of a hat & heaven forbid I listen to music because that just makes me cry as well. :sad:

    Anyone have any suggestions, thoughts, comments? :indifferent:

    I know y'all aren't therapists (well someone may be, who knows), but I just needed to kinda throw it out there... I didn't know if any of you have gone through this or if I'm just retarded... *sigh* :frown:

    Just remember that the Wedding isn't only about the day. It's about the marriage that you and your future husband will share and build together. It's about the celebration of beginning a new road and a brand new life! Sure everybody wants to get into shape for their wedding day, but you should be losing weight for yourself, to make yourself a happier and healthier person.

    This is the most exciting time of your life. Don't let it pass you by in letting stress and goals getting in the way... I hope this helps! :love: You'll be fine! :happy:
  • krnelso
    krnelso Posts: 21
    Ok, so I know that both these things are supposed to make a person happier...weddings & weight loss... I mean, it's self explanatory. But for some reason, both aren't doing a damn thing for me. :grumble: Lately I've been emotionally drained & I don't know how to even explain it. But I've just been so miserable & lonely & upset these days. I'm to the point of crying at the drop of a hat & heaven forbid I listen to music because that just makes me cry as well. :sad:

    Anyone have any suggestions, thoughts, comments? :indifferent:

    I know y'all aren't therapists (well someone may be, who knows), but I just needed to kinda throw it out there... I didn't know if any of you have gone through this or if I'm just retarded... *sigh* :frown:

    Just remember that the Wedding isn't only about the day. It's about the marriage that you and your future husband will share and build together. It's about the celebration of beginning a new road and a brand new life! Sure everybody wants to get into shape for their wedding day, but you should be losing weight for yourself, to make yourself a happier and healthier person.

    This is the most exciting time of your life. Don't let it pass you by in letting stress and goals getting in the way... I hope this helps! :love: You'll be fine! :happy:

    Actually it's not the wedding or the goals that are getting to me. Really, I'm happy with my goals & they are not for the wedding day. And I'm very happy with my soon-to-be hubby.

    I think most of my problem is having an opposite schedule than my man, having almost no friends/contacts in the area & my family being so far away. I am generally at home by myself thinking about too much. I think I need more to do that's for ME, not just house "chores" & going to work. *shrug* I would be doing MUCH better if my honey & I had more time together.
  • michelvall4
    hi....sooooo im not getting married just yet, but one of my best friends did last summer and she wanted to lose 20 pounds before the wedding....everyday one of the bridesmaids would go to her house and do a work out video with helped to motivate her and we also could spend time discussing the wedding while we worked out or give her time to relax from the stress of planning a i would suggest you call up your bridesmaids and make them do some richard simmons with you=)
  • kkurz
    kkurz Posts: 20
    oh god... my fiance and i often have opposing shifts. it was harder when we weren't living together. I'm standard m - f 8 - 5. however his shifts change every 3 weeks. doesn't always have weekends off and for 4 months was stuck in a 3am - 11am shift. i saw him for 1 hour before he went to bed.

    what is working for us now...

    we have a mandated 1 day a week shared shower. it gives us "us time" to relax... we also have a mandatory "date night" to keep us out of the house for at least 1 night every 2 or so weeks. we like to try and sample different restaurants like ethiopian, thai, etc... this friday we are just doing standard authentic mexican (cause i've been craving it)...

    and it works for my diet too cause i watch what i eat, but don't stress at the dinner... just make healthy options (like no nacho appetizer)

    .... and aside from the together stuff to keep us happy. i will treat myself to something every so often.

    i just bought new jeans this weekend (mostly because none of my old ones fit me YAY!) first time i've been a juniors size 13 in 10 years maybe....
  • kkurz
    kkurz Posts: 20
    where is everyone?

    was everyone good for easter?
  • bride2be_dee
    i'm getting married Sept 29th 2008 and i need 2 lose 52lb.i want 2 get down to 140lb :flowerforyou:
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    Back after a long break! Sorry!
    Still getting married on June 7.
    I haven't tried on my dress in a year - it's on its way to me in the mail. I may get it today. I know it's going to be too big and I'll have it altered but I'm so excited to see it again!

    Just wanted to share...
    *BUMP* this topic back to the top, where it belongs this time of year...
    Cheers, everyone!
  • His_Kelly
    His_Kelly Posts: 248
    I bought my dress a week or so ago. Pics are posted on my profile. Time is flying (so crazy!!!!)

    Do we have anymore challenges?
  • jammergirl99
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


    It looks like our group has grown and that is terrific!

    I am so glad to hear about all of your successes.

    I haven't been in touch for a few weeks do to some major conflicts going on with my future mother in law. So, I have just been emotionally drained. Fortunately, I haven't really gained or lost any weight. It has been quite a rollercoaster ride for me. I am just glad it is starting to settle down. I really want to thank bauekel for contacting me to find out what was going on. Its so reassuring to know that I have friends here to support me through this rough time.

    And now.. for a new challenge!!

    CHALLENGE #3 (I think that's what we're up to...)

    Post your favorite "diet" meal.
    Complete this challenge by midnight, Sunday, April 6th.

    Here's to a fit and healthy life! :drinker:
  • coreysmommy2005
    My favorite "DIET" meal...I guess that would be something at dinner time!!! I really enjoy this Pampered Chef recipe for Shrimp Orzo Skillet...I think it 330 calories, and it's really yummy!!! My favorite snack is the Weight Watchers ice cream bar that is chocolate icecream with an oreo cookie outside!!! I believe it's 140 calories and so yummy!!!!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well!!! I'm down 17 pounds!!! Only 15 to go...and I hope to be there by May 31st!!!!!!!
  • kkurz
    kkurz Posts: 20
    OOO my fave "diet meal"

    well... i make sushi at home which i constitute as a diet meal just cause it's healthy...

    and as a snack i'm IN LOVE with the 100 calorie popcorn packs!
  • jammergirl99
    I really like to mix it up...
    But one of my faves is actually half a turkey avocado sub from Jimmy Johns with NO mayo! mmm yummy and it fills me up. :)

    Anybody else care to share?