Started the 17 day diet, anyone else out there doing it?

Hi, I am on my 6th day of the 17 day diet and was wondering if anyone on here has done this in the past or is doing it right now? I have lost 4.2 pounds since I started and feeling great. I was looking for new recipe ideas and to hear of any sucess stories!! I tried the barbecue chicken last night for dinner and loved it! Looking for new recipes I may have not thought of. - Jules


  • maryjay76
    maryjay76 Posts: 7 Member
    What is this? I've never heard of the 17 day diet
  • Skinny_Kitty
    Skinny_Kitty Posts: 136 Member
    Never heard of it! What is it?
  • swade32
    swade32 Posts: 8 Member
    I am ob day 8 and lost 4 lbs. Check out this link.

    Good luck to you.
  • enromero
    enromero Posts: 104
    Im on day 3. so far I love it!!!

  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Is cycle 1 protein only like the Dukan diet?
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Here is some more info about the 17 Day Diet:
  • Thanks a mil, i have been looking for something like this x
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    So how exactly does Dr. Moreno's diet work? It consists of four Cycles that promote fast, healthy weight loss: Accelerate, Activate, Achieve and Arrive.

    Accelerate (17 days): This works to cleanse your system, removing unnecessary sugars. The cleansing accelerates weight loss by burning, and not storing, fat. Weight loss can be as great as 15 pounds during this Cycle. Foods for the first 17 days include Greek yogurt, green tea, eggs, fish, chicken breasts and low-sugar fruit, such as apples, berries and grapefruits, and vegetables.

    Activate (17 days): This next Cycle retrains the metabolism by changing your caloric consumption and stimulating fat burning, which triggers sustained weight loss. Foods added during this Cycle include shellfish, lean meats, natural starches, legumes and starchy vegetables.

    Achieve (17 days): During this Cycle, good, healthy eating habits are developed through a re-introduction of additional foods that promote weight loss. Every food group is represented, with an emphasis on non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins. One alcoholic drink is allowed daily, and the amount of exercise is increased from 17 minutes a day for Cycles 1 and 2 to between 45 and 60 minutes most days of the week for Cycle 3. Foods added during this Cycle include poultry, such as turkey bacon, and high-fiber cereals and pasta.

    Arrive (Ongoing): The final Cycle allows you to maintain your goal weight throughout the program and gives you the freedom to enjoy your favorite foods on weekends, while eating healthily during the week. From breakfast on Monday until lunch on Friday, meals should be from one of the previous Cycles, while during the weekend, you can enjoy your favorite foods and meals in moderation.
  • Allisonvl
    Allisonvl Posts: 42 Member
    I'm starting day 5 of cycle one and I'm down almost 5 lbs!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    So how exactly does Dr. Moreno's diet work? It consists of four Cycles that promote fast, healthy weight loss: Accelerate, Activate, Achieve and Arrive.

    Accelerate (17 days): This works to cleanse your system, removing unnecessary sugars. The cleansing accelerates weight loss by burning, and not storing, fat. Weight loss can be as great as 15 pounds during this Cycle. Foods for the first 17 days include Greek yogurt, green tea, eggs, fish, chicken breasts and low-sugar fruit, such as apples, berries and grapefruits, and vegetables.

    So in 17 days you can achieve a caloric deficit of 52,500 calories (that's what it takes to lose 15lbs of fat) and specifically how does this "cleanse" burn fat? Fat is burned through exercise and caloric deficits, there are no miracle foods.

    If you achieve a 15lb weight loss in 17 days it's probably all water.

    It probably took years to put on the excess weight, do you really believe it can be shed (in a healthy way) in 17 days????
  • So how exactly does Dr. Moreno's diet work? It consists of four Cycles that promote fast, healthy weight loss: Accelerate, Activate, Achieve and Arrive.

    Fast weight loss is not healthy.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    most of the loss is water weight at the beginning but do start losing fat. fast weight loss doesn't have to be unhealthy just weight train to maintain muscle and eat sufficient protein and some fats. Very slow weight loss can be discouraging.
    I don't have the book 17 day diet and have never done it. I think the first stage would be something good to do before a vacation to get bikini ready if you are carrying just a few extra pounds
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    ...... Very slow weight loss can be discouraging.

    Agreed but losing weight / improving health is a lifelong process that requires a lifestyle change not a 17 day quick fix. I've got to wonder what percentage of people who go on these "diets" just end up on the weight yo-yo.
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    Agreed but losing weight / improving health is a lifelong process that requires a lifestyle change not a 17 day quick fix. I've got to wonder what percentage of people who go on these "diets" just end up on the weight yo-yo.

    Explain to me how a lifestyle change that is conducted over three cycles that are designed to optimize your metabolism and just happen to be 17 days each in length, can be repeated in any combination if necessary, and lead to a solid, nutritionally balanced strategy to sustain your goal weight (Cycle 4, which isn't really a cycle but maintenance) is a "quick fix".
  • Allisonvl
    Allisonvl Posts: 42 Member
    I think you should read the book before judging the 17 day diet in such a harsh way. It really is a lifestyle change. My SIL had great results and is doing well maintaining. She is eating healthier and feels healthier then ever. I feel like I will have the same results. I already am not craving the processed snacks and food I ate every day. And it's helped my children to willingly eat healthier seeing me eat healthier. That's a huge win for me :)
  • lissrn
    lissrn Posts: 60 Member
    I bought both books but never followed through. I didn't like the idea of green tea after each meal (don't really care for it). Might try it again and see how I do with out trying to force down the green tea. I know alot of people that have done really well with this. Are you getting the right amount of calories you need?? Great job on your loss!
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    I don't do "diets". I make lifestyle changes.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I don't do "diets". I make lifestyle changes.

  • nanazai
    nanazai Posts: 1
    Never heard of this before. Sounds interesting...May consider to give a try
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634