5'4. Girls what are your weight goals



  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    I'm at 217 (highest weight 221) and want to reach 140 but might push to 120. It will depend on how I feel when (if) I get there.
  • modine43
    modine43 Posts: 27 Member
    187 trying to get to 140
  • keependuring
    keependuring Posts: 16 Member
    I am 48 years old, mother of a 8 and 10 year old. I like to stay between 120-122. I got up to 129 in the last 2 years. My goal was to get to 122. I just got to 121 yesterday, so I am going to try to get to 119. Not sure if I can. I am on the Dukan diet and it is so so easy. It has taken me 2 months to lose 9 pounds, but so worth it. I am not super skinny or boney. I still have a good amount of flesh on my bones.
  • DalexD
    DalexD Posts: 236 Member
    I'm at 189 just now, would love to get to 145. I like having squishy bits and big boobs and bums and hips, they all just got a bit too big.
  • Im really gonna try to make it to 140 {{Praying}}....started out at 265, now im down to 230.
  • BeachyBecky
    BeachyBecky Posts: 74 Member
    Current is 179, trying to get down to 145!
  • jillthemom
    jillthemom Posts: 31 Member
    I am currently at 137, goal weight is 130. I started 2 1/2 weeks ago at 143. Feel free to add me!
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 173 Member
    244 now, wanna get down to between 130 and 140.
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    Current is 133.5 and goal is 132. I think when I hit 132 I might lower it to 125 though, we will see. :)
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I am FAR from my goal right now, but hopefully someday I will be between 130 and 135.
  • me PERSONALLY with my body 150 is when I don't feel fat, 140 is when I feel sexy and 130 is when I feel skinny and sexy.

    This is me! In 2009, I weighed 180ish, got down to 150 and thought "This is good. I don't feel fat." But 151 makes me feel rotten.

    My lowest weight was 142 and felt AWESOME, but for the past year have been sitting at 148-150. I'm finally nudging closer to 145 and starting to feel sexy again.

    135lbs is my loose goal weight. Really though, whatever I weigh when I'm finally running 3-5 miles a few times a week (plus a couple days of strength) and eating healthy 80-90% of the time, that is my goal weight.
  • I'm just starting. I'm 221 and hoping to lose 100 pounds to get between 120-125.
  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    5'4" 128lbs 14%BF. I never really log weight loss of 5 lbs of less, because when you're muscular and a female, your body can fluctuate 5-7 lbs on any given day.
  • I was 181lbs when I started 1200 calorie diet plan & within 3 weeks,I lost 13.26lbs....long way to go....but I'm trying to be 130lbs within next 2 months....pray & cheer for me friends :D
  • Recent widow, mother of 17 yr and 11 yr old boys. Gain so much this last year (stressed-desserts) Wt 236. Starting goal of losing 6 szs.
  • I'm 5'4" and currently 135. My highest was 165, but I started this time around at 147. I made it all the way down to 130, but then gained 5 back over a three month span of time. My goal is to get into the 120's - preferably down to 125 and see how that feels. I'm currently a size 4, and I don't think I want to be a size 2 (I think that's an unrealistic goal for me), but I'm going to just see how things go.
  • ewolfe82
    ewolfe82 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm at 140 right now....First goal stop is 130, see how I feel and how healthy my body is. Then if I feel like I can go down more my Second goal stop is 125, and third goal stop will be 120. Will Not go any lower than that.
  • Lizmhoughton
    Lizmhoughton Posts: 92 Member
    Well, I'm usually 132-136, but I am now up to 142 due to lack of discipline and a TON of travel in the last 5 weeks. The lowest I've been able to get is to 128, but it's a super hard struggle. I would LOVE to be 125 on a bad day. I look good at 128 though. Right now I can still fit into my 4s and 6s, but I'd like to be able to fit into a 4 at any store and maybe some 2s. I'm really curvy, so I'm not sure if I'll ever be 120-125. I'm not unhappy in the 130s, but I start to get unhappy 138+ because my stomach is usually really flat and now it's definitely looking chunky compared to how it usually looks. I was 170 a few years ago and got up to size 12
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    135-140lbs or size 7/8 whichever comes first.
  • RockKelly
    RockKelly Posts: 62 Member
    5'4 Feb 2011 started my journey at 197lbs...My goal was to lose 50lbs by March 1st 2012... This morning I am at 156.6, so didn't quite make it, but that's ok. March 1st my new goal is to lose about 20lbs, if I can get below 140 I will be happy with that. But it sure feels like the closer we get to out goals...the harder it is to get the weight to come off