100+ Pounds to lose Labor Day Challenge beg 7/6



  • chellebelle
    Is it too late for me to join? My name is Tanya and I joined 2 days ago ...
    My starting weight is 252.6 ( it really should be 253 but I'm holding on to the .6) however as of today it's 249.4 ..yes yes I know don't hog the scale but I was curious:laugh: is there a specific weigh day..I'm currently using Monday as my official weigh in..let me know


    Btw: How do u guys get ur ticker on the post?

    Welcome!! I don't blame you for holding on to that .6 :laugh: I am also currently using Mondays for my 'official' weigh in.

    I hope everyone is having a great day!!
  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member
    Hello all,
    I would love to join.

    This sounds great.

    I am at 287 as of Tues. I weighed at the Dr's office, my scale at home is a little off. The gals at the Dr's said I could pop in whenever I wanted, that was nice.

    My husband and I walk at least every other day. We both have a large amount to lose the difference is this time I am in it for the long hall. No stopping and starting, healthier life style is my goal.
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    Welcome Weightoffmom (I love that name!) I think you have the right idea. Slow and steady wins the race. Everybody feel free to post anything anytime. I don't want to be the only loudmouth on the thread!!! Especially post when it comes to those things that frustrate/anger/sadden or whatever usually drives you off to the fridge. I was watching something on television that said if you have a significant amount of weight to lose your problem may be more emotional/psychological than overeating and inactivity. I know that's not true of everyone, but it was definitely food for thought for me. I guess the old saying is true it's not what you eat, it's what's eating you.
  • BSantos
    BSantos Posts: 9
    Okay I need to vent a bit more about my slow weight loss since Aerdrea said we could post anytime about anything. When I weighed myself and only lost 1/2 pound, I was so very frustrated (as you all know).:grumble: That night I made myself a brownie, topped it with chocolate ice cream, and chocolate syrup. I took one bite of it. Normally I would have eaten the whole thing and more, but after that one bite, I asked myself "what am I doing?":noway: I realized that I did not need to eat that, because it would not help me with my goal. So, my frustration turned into guilt, which then turned into pride. This was a great accomplishment for me.:smile: I am sharing this with you because it seemed to fit Aerdrea's last post about sometimes our problem is emotionally, and I could not agree more. Hope everyone has a great day! Becky:
  • chellebelle
    Good Morning Ladies!! I somehow hurt my back yesterday. I'm thinking it's a pulled muscle since I didn't do one certain thing to 'hurt' it. It was kind of sore and after I sat to watch America's Got Talent, it HURT when I got up to head to bed. So I'm stuck in the recliner with the heating pad :frown: I'm trying to refrain from sitting here and stuffing my face because I know that food won't make it feel better!! But it's still hard. It seems like whenever things are going good, something happens to slap me in the face. Sorry for my rant...lol

    I'm just glad my husband got me this laptop a few months ago. :love:

    Thanks for reading. Have a great day!!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Okay I need to vent a bit more about my slow weight loss since Aerdrea said we could post anytime about anything. When I weighed myself and only lost 1/2 pound, I was so very frustrated (as you all know).:grumble: That night I made myself a brownie, topped it with chocolate ice cream, and chocolate syrup. I took one bite of it. Normally I would have eaten the whole thing and more, but after that one bite, I asked myself "what am I doing?":noway: I realized that I did not need to eat that, because it would not help me with my goal. So, my frustration turned into guilt, which then turned into pride. This was a great accomplishment for me.:smile: I am sharing this with you because it seemed to fit Aerdrea's last post about sometimes our problem is emotionally, and I could not agree more. Hope everyone has a great day! Becky:

    Hi Becky, I'm sorry you are having such a rough time, this stuff is hard. As far as advice, can you elaborate on what you are doing to lose weight? Are you working out, how long, etc. What kind of diet are you doing, following the MFP guidelines and eating the recommended calories, etc? I've been having good luck and seem to be losing about 2 pounds a week so I'd be happy to share whatever I can to help. Kim
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    Becky, I totally feel your pain. If you are an emotional eater like me, it's hard. I have been stuck in the 240's for about a month now and I can honestly say it's my own fault. Believe me, one of the reasons why I'm enjoying this challenge so far is because I need the support more than anybody. We have to work through our emotional connection to food and find new outlets if we are ever going to kick this habit for good. Smokers can stop smoking. Alcoholics can stop drinking. Food addicts can never completely stop eating, so we have to face up to the things that might be hurtful to us and make peace with the past to have a better future. Congrats on beating the brownie. It means you are changing. We didn't gain this weight in a day, but day by day we can make new habits and renew our commitment to take it off. Don't give up!! I'm rooting for you!
  • anew30
    anew30 Posts: 6
    Good day ladies, hope everyone is having a good day...Today is day 4 of my new lifestyle and it's going okay...Oh before I forget thanks Kamcat73 on how to post the ticker ....and for the warm welcome from chellebelle ( I hope I spelled that right, I'll just edited it later :laugh: ) ..I'm back at work tomorrow and I'm nervous as hell..when it come to meal preparations, how are u guys dealing with it? ...My plan is to do 3 meals in advance and cook on the 4 the day...any other suggestions! ...I'm a nurse that is on days and Nights ....trying to curb the late night muchies!

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    :flowerforyou: Emotional eating - probably most of us with 100+ to lose have been there, letting a setback drive us to emotional eating. There aren't many emotions that DON'T drive me to eat (sad, frustrated, mad, happy, bored (my biggest trigger)). Becky - good for you for recognizing it and stopping - that's great!
    I've been trying to celebrate those 1/2 pound losses instead of getting frustrated with the slowness ... because you know what .... the scale is still going down, and it's a lot better than up! I try to think of a year from now, and how depressed I will be if I'm still weighing the same or more (like in the past) ... but if I could average a 1/2 pound weight loss every week I would be ecstatic compared to making no progress at all!!!! So congrats to you on your weight loss!
  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member
    That was a the real deal Santos. Brownies are my weakness. I had a similar moment last night. We had eaten dinner and I did not have much room for anything else to eat and I was content with that. We had a fund raiser event for my son's football team and spent several hours in the later evening with the team. Of course someone orders pizza, it took all my will power to not have a slice. I had a diet Pepsi and tried to busy myself. I was pre-occupied with the stupid Pizza. I would like to not have nagging thoughts about food. What is the deal. There was several people who passed on a slice and I was thinking "Is that pizza bugging them too, or are they really not interested?"
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    I am convinced that it has to be some kind of brain thing. You know, something to do with the way we are wired on the inside. I can be at a work function where everybody is drinking and never want a single sip. But like you were mentioning with the pizza situation....absolute torture for me.
  • ksumme
    ksumme Posts: 283
    Hi all, Is it too late for another to join? I have been a member for MFP for almost 3 weeks now. On the 6th, when the challenge started, I weighed 272. (that was up a couple of lbs since I WAY over did at a BBQ the night of the 4th.) I did plan for the extra calories by working out harder and drinking more water. So, this morning I weighed 268.

    My goal is to get 30 minutes of exercise 6 days a week. The first week, I think I only hit the gym 5 days, but the 2nd and 3rd week I have been able to hit that goal.

    Currently I find a lot of my mindset and motivation is coming from the cousin and sister also being here on MFP. Also, I have an aunt who has been fighting stage 4 (inflammatory) breast cancer for almost three years now. She is doing great, but stil has to take chemo. She knows that the chemo is part of her life going forward, and it is very hard at times, but she does it. If she can face that with the strength and grace she does for a healthier, longer life, then I can get my fanny to workout for a mere 30 minutes a day (minimum). It is my chemo!!

    I wish everyone luck, strength, peace, and most of all success on your journey!!!

    Happy Friday,
  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member
    I totally get that. I come from a family with addiction problems and I think my struggles with food is a form of addiction. They found relief in booz or other things, I used food. I feel at my age I should have this under control. :huh:

    Today is going to be a bit of a challenge. All day events with our football family. Garage Sale all day then a game and movie tonight. Lets not forget HOT! HOT!HOT! My plan is to drink loads of H2O and no snacking. Stick to my meal plan. I have allowed for fast food today cause thats what will be available.(hope the water helps the insane sodium) If I follow the plan I should stay on track. Wish me luck and steady nerves...about 20 12yr old boys running around. :laugh:
  • cdwinters
    cdwinters Posts: 48 Member
    I would love to join if it is still okay. I realize it is already 7/11 but am fairly new to all of this. I have been working out and watching my weight for a couple of weeks now and the scale hasn't budged:( So, as of today my starting weight is 280.6. I have a long way to go and really would like to get there this time!
  • jlenglish
    jlenglish Posts: 1
    I would like to join - I certainly need motivation. I have been dieting (again) since June 29 - counting calories. My starting weight was 310 pounds. I am down to 295.2 today. I know the first weight to come off is the easiest. I would like to get down to around 150 ultimately. Right now I am aiming for each 10 pounds at a time. I am 67 years old and have not been below 200 since my 30's - yo-yo dieter in the past but really want to make it this time.

    P.S. If anyone can help me put up the weight loss scale on my post I would appreciate it. Thanks.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Hi there to all the new ones, glad to have you and it's never too late :) This is becoming a really great group of people and I look forward to hearing about everyone:)

    jlenglish, I posted something a while back about the ticker on your post, so I'll just quote it here...

    "As far as the ticker, I believe you create one under Tools, then copy the ticker code and paste it into your forum signature under settings (My Home)" --- try this and if you still needs some help, let me know! :smile:

    Things for me are weird right now, For the last couple days, every time I eat a meal, I end up being nauseous. It never comes back up, but it's uncomfortable:( I hope I don't have a bug coming on. So needless to say I didn't eat my calories yesterday, but was able to get the workout in. The Firm really kicks my butt! But I also am down more pounds - I have to weigh twice a week because I check in with a nutritionist on Thursdays, so I must be doing something right :) I'll post the actual weight on Monday.

    I've come to the conclusion that I may have it a bit easier than many of you. I'm single, live alone, no kids, etc. I applaud you all for having the strength to do so well, impressive! I am grateful for the fact that I don't have the temptations that you all have, but still, it's a bit lonely sometimes:( Enjoy your families and good luck with all the temptations!

    Hope everyone is having a great Saturday and BE GOOD! :) Kim
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    Hi all! Welcome to all the new joiners. Never too late to become a part of our group. How's it going everybody? I know that this is the day of the week that I dread the most. I don't have to work on Saturdays so usually I'm just relaxing or doing housework whatever. This lack of schedule makes for really easy falling off the diet wagon. I've realized that I need a little structure to my weekends to keep from going off plan. Anybody else? Speak on it.
  • cdwinters
    cdwinters Posts: 48 Member
    I need some help and motivation. I have been watching my calories and exercising for a couple of weeks now and the scale is not budging. I feel like I am working my butt off and have nothing to show for it. It is not like I am at a healthy weight and just need to tone...I have a lot of weight to lose but have lost none:( Thoughts? Suggestions? Anything to help me through this at this point. I see my trainer on Wednesday and am really hoping for some good change either in the scale or my body fat. I cannot continue to work this hard with no results!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    I need some help and motivation. I have been watching my calories and exercising for a couple of weeks now and the scale is not budging. I feel like I am working my butt off and have nothing to show for it. It is not like I am at a healthy weight and just need to tone...I have a lot of weight to lose but have lost none:( Thoughts? Suggestions? Anything to help me through this at this point. I see my trainer on Wednesday and am really hoping for some good change either in the scale or my body fat. I cannot continue to work this hard with no results!

    What kind of eating are you following? What kind of workout and how much, how often? Just trying to get a gauge of what you are doing so I can offer suggestions. The accountability of this site really helps to show us what we are really putting in our mouths. I have found that logging everything helps to keep me honest. I've been averaging 2lbs loss a week, eating healthy for the most part, and exercising about 4-6 times a week. Btw, I've made my diary visible to friends if anyone has the interest.
  • cdwinters
    cdwinters Posts: 48 Member
    I realize that I may not be eating the healthiest foods around. It is very difficult to do with a family of 5 and on a very limited income. I have been staying under my calories, fat, carbs, etc. now for approximately 2 weeks. I have been going to the gym at least 3-4 times a week and doing at least 40 mins or cardio and some light weights. This seems to be what happens everytime that I try to lose weight and then I get discouraged and give up. I really don't want to give up this time. I know that my doctor says that for my weight I am healthy and all but I don't feel healthy and I would like to be around for a long time to see my kids grow up. I just need to figure out what the wall is so that I can break it down!