Has anyone recently completely cut out soda?



  • OKmac3
    OKmac3 Posts: 192 Member
    I used to be a big big Coke drinker until I decided to get healthier and I did it cold turkey. I had a headache for a couple days and now I do not have any headaches.

    You will get through it, just be patient. It will get better.

    Now I only drink a Coke when it is mixed with Jack, Jim, Sailor, or Captain.

    We are here for you if you need us.
  • garbanzalo
    garbanzalo Posts: 61 Member
    I did. Soda and six cups of coffee a day. Given up cold turkey.

    The headaches are due to caffeine withdrawal. You will also likely feel very sleepy and tired for some days.

    Drink lots of water and stay hydrated. Sleep a lot if you can. The headaches go away and you will feel much fresher and energetic.
  • Bsnell10
    That's awesome you cut out soda!! I did it two years ago... and yes every now and then i will have one and most of the time it is too sweet or sugary for me to drink all the way...The headaches will go away, if you can't handle them there are two things that i know of that are healthier than the soda choice one is tea it is really healthy for you has lots of antioxidants and you can get it in caffine form whats great is you dont have any sugar!! the other choice the one i go to especially that TOM when i need some energy is Chocolate, dark chocolate is the best for you, but it is all loaded with anitoxidants and a natual caffine..i have a little piece every couple of days to keep be from gorgeing myself on it...good luck hope this helps
  • hollythehutt
    I've never really liked soft drinks, not since I was 7-8, but my recent attempts to give up coffee have been disastrous. I tried when I was 16 because my doctor thought that it might contribute to my migraines, but gave up pretty quickly because of the headaches and lethargy, which I only recently figured out must have been caffeine withdrawal, and because I love the taste of good coffee and had, as 16-year-old girls are wont to, zippo willpower.

    Giving up coffee wasn't really a concern for me again, as my migraines have all but disappeared, until recently, when I became serious about weight loss. Again, caffeine withdrawal = ouch, which is seriously interfering with my productivity in school-related matters. I think I'll give up giving up coffee until I've graduated from university. The only beverages I drink daily are teas, coffee, and water, so I doubt that it'd be too much of an issue if I drop the idea of giving it up entirely. Hey, we all need some vices.
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    I gave up soda when I found out I was pregnant with my last child (now 6). Then while nursing her I didn't drink anything with caffeine and stuck to only clear. Finally I gave it up all together and did drop about 5 lbs! But I have to say, it's not just the caffeine that will cause headaches. I think the sugar withdrawals do it too as I know I still got them and I didn't drink caffeinated. Now, I occassionally will have a Sprite, 7up or Gingerale, but as others have stated most of the time I can't make it through a whole can or glass. To sweet and syrupy tasting. Do like sprite as a mixer though! :)
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    First of all, good for you and deciding to live a healthier life style!!!! I used to drink nothing but Dr.Pepper, other then my morning coffee, I literally never drank water. I first quit smoking, and on me and my husband's one year anniversary of quitting smoking, we both decided it was time to quit drinking soda as well. So April of this year will be a year without soda. We were both pretty miserable at first, felt really tired all the time, and the head aches where awful, but after a week or so we both started to feel better. Now I only drink water, other then my morning coffee, milk, and protein shakes. You will not regret quitting soda!!! Good luck! You CAN do it!!!!