New PCOS Buddies



  • bethieannie
    bethieannie Posts: 75 Member
    Feel free to add me. I was diagnosed with PCOS about 7 years ago. I have struggled with my weight for a long time. This site is the first thing that I have found to help. The motivation I get from others makes it a little easier to make the right choices. I am no comparing my food to people around me, but to the people on here who have made it through so much already.
  • sreichen
    d-chiro-inositol (a supplement that your body already makes but people with PCOS have been show to be deficient in). I researched for about 2-3 months before I would let my daughter take this because I did not want her to be on diabetes medicine which I felt had too many side effects.

    You can check out the tests done with this at, and back up info on

    To order the supplement, there is only one place right now that sells it and for people over 130 lbs., you need 2 capsules daily to equal 1200 mg. A one month dose is $60.00. You can also try to locate some buckwheat farinetta and make muffins out if it, I think 1-2 muffins will be the same as the pills.

    Also, visit This is where my search started and when I found out about the D-Chiro-Inositol.

    If you read an earlier post of mine, I talk a little bit about my daughters struggles. While she isn't trying to conceive, she is 26, 5'2" and was 220 lbs. She is now down to 202.

    The first time she started taking this supplement she lost 36 pounds in 6 weeks. She didn't want to let me know she couldn't afford the medicine so she stopped taking it. I noticed that she was gaining weight back and asked her about it. She told me the truth and since them I have been buying it for her.

    It has also helped with her thyroid (she no longer needs synthroid) and her mood swings.

    I hope this helps!!
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi, I too have PCOS. I was diagnosed about 10 years ago after constantly going to the doctor with period problems and being told I just needed to lose weight!
    After going 6 months without a period and no help from the doc I changed docs and was sent for blood tests and a scan straight away. I went on Dianette for a while which sorted out my periods. They've stayed regular since coming off Dianette a few years ago. I was also prescribed Metformin but didn't take it for long because it made me feel sick and didn't seem to help any symptoms.
    Anyway, now I've finally managed to lose most of the weight. I don't take any medications, so I just deal with the symptoms as best I can.

    My symptoms are:

    -Gaining weight easily (under control now if I'm careful with my diet)
    -Thinning hair (nothing seems to help)
    -Acanthosis nigricans (dark skin patches around neck, inner thighs and inner elbows - this has gotten a lot better since losing weight)
    -Hidradenitis Suppurativa (painful boil like lumps around my thighs and butt - no change since losing weight, it comes and goes. Not sure if it's a PCOS symptom but a lot of PCOS peeps I know have it, I think there's a link)
    -Facial hair (also a lot better since losing weight)

    Sending friend request :)
  • Bigshadyg
    Bigshadyg Posts: 2 Member
    I have pcos too. There is a group on here as well that you could join, its for women with pcos!

    I'm new to this site (about a week) and find it so comforting that I'm not alone w/ PCOS and weight and infertility. Where/How do I join this group??

  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    add me, I've had it for a few years. It's only caused me problems in the past year or so.
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    I thik I too have PCOS...
    I have all the symptoms and was put on a lot of the meds by my doc...
  • MonDeee
    MonDeee Posts: 37 Member
    I think you need a new doctor! Your weight should not interfere with a PCOS diagnosis. Try to get in to see a PCOS specialist if at all possible.
    The thing that has made the biggest difference for me is reducing my carbs/simple sugar. Its difficult to lose weight with PCOS but it can be done.
  • pandalady8
    pandalady8 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Amanda! I'm also an Amanda, also recently diagnosed with PCOS. It's so great to know I'm not alone!
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    Does anyone have pain with sex? My Dr is still trying to figure out why I am but I am wondering (and so is she) if it's the PCOS. Whatever the case, pan with sex is absolutely not okay with me.
  • dreanance
    I have PCOS without insulin resistance. I've had several m/c in the past two years but other than that and a long cycle don't have a lot of the traditional symptoms. I'm sorry you're also dealing with this :(
  • MissLyn01
    MissLyn01 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Amanda! You can add me! I was diagnosed with PCOS 13 years ago. I have been struggling to lose the weight ever since then. It would be great to have contact with someone who understands how hard it can be to lose weight with PCOS. Lynda :-)
  • onewithwings
    Hi everyone, I'm Amanda. I got diagnosed with PCOS a few weeks back and I've been a member since mid December. I would like to add a few more friends that have PCOS as well because I feel they can relate to me. Anyone out there?

    Count me in too! I had to take fertility drugs to get pregnant.(My kids are grown) I recently had to have a hysterectomy and ovaries removed due to PCOS. I'm glad I did. I can't imagine my life the way it used to be.
  • catpurcell29
    Hi Amanda! I'm not usually a forum poster, but i saw this thread and just had to say hello! I STRUGGLED with PCOS w/o knowing it for 4 years through out college and finally was diagnosed my senior year. I've been off and on all kinds of different medicines and finally got it in sync with my body last year! :) I've been able to keep the weight off successfully for the past year as well with regular exercise and a new diet.

    Feel free to add me! I'd love to swap stories and am so glad to see a lot of other cysters out there! It's so encouraging to know you're not alone!
  • MehiraDeOro
    MehiraDeOro Posts: 117 Member
    Hi there!

    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 19, and I've been managing my symptoms with the pill since then.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • catpurcell29
    Edited to requote the caption i wanted to, which it took me a couple times to actually do. :)
  • catpurcell29
    thinnk weight can be a side effect and its usually round your middle and it is harder to loose also i've been told when you loose some symptoms should get a little better i.e the dreaded facial hair x but i am no expert there is lots of help online and your dietician usually is helpful, my beautician actually suggested i had pcos before my docs fiqured it out..

    I feel like people have varying degrees / levels of PCOS. My doctor told me some were more acute; that is, the symptoms might suddenly appear, but after some weight loss, etc., those symptoms would go away. On the other hand, I can date symptoms/signs of my PCOS going back to when I was 5 years old, and my doctor told me I was NOT one of those who had the "type" of PCOS where it would go away or even abate with weight loss, etc. She likened it to the difference between Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes.

    So it would depend for each person.

    I agree with this completely. I had blood tests and 2 kinds of ultrsounds to be sure it was pcos and Although I've kept my weight in check for the past year, i still have symptoms of excess hair, irregular periods and need insulin pills. Finally I just got a bc implant which helped with the periods (yay! now I have none and it's supposed to be that way!) and spironolactone for the hair, but i still get it, although it's much thinner.

    From my experience I would say your doctor is right. There must be varying degrees of it.
  • QueenJenna
    QueenJenna Posts: 34 Member
    Hi All - My SIL, a NIC-U Nurse, told me I had PCOS. I tried talking to my OBGYN and he said he didn't know anything about it. I don't have a regular physician. Is a PCOS specialist an OBGYN? I haven't found anyone (doc) that is really interested in helping or learning about it... I am sort of floating around the internet trying to find help.
  • snkoyle15
    Just wanted to say hi to all of you Cysters! i too have PCOS. i started noticing problems with my weight and cycles about my junior year of HS. i got married the beginning of 2007 and after a year we went into an OBGYN to see what was going on because i was gaining weight really fast, and we had been trying for a baby since we got married but nothing was working. he did a ton of blood work, which all came back normal. after several cycles of clomid we gave up for a while and stopped seeing him. in 2009 we were able to get into a OBGYN that specializes in infertility. he did an ultrasound and found tons of cysts, on both overies. he explained to me that even though my blood work that was done before had all come back normal, the "normal" range is HUGE so even if it says your hormones are normal, it doesnt mean that they really are. and to answer the lady that asked about being able to get pregnant; after we went to the second dr, he had me continue to take clomid but added Femara and i was able to get pregnant the first cycle. since we started trying for a second baby, it did take us about 15 months to get this one, but im currently 5 weeks pregnant. This time, even the clomid and Femara werent doing it. we took a break for a while and i started taking a cinnamon supplement and it actually caused me to ovulate on my own. Which i have to say, i have NEVER done, at least since we got married 5 years ago. I am also on Metformin in case any one is curious.
    Hi All - My SIL, a NIC-U Nurse, told me I had PCOS. I tried talking to my OBGYN and he said he didn't know anything about it. I don't have a regular physician. Is a PCOS specialist an OBGYN? I haven't found anyone (doc) that is really interested in helping or learning about it... I am sort of floating around the internet trying to find help.
    to answer your question, from what i have read and been told, most normal OBGYNs dont have a clue about PCOS. and they just try to prescribe birth control because they dont know how/or dont want to deal with it. if possible, find one that specializes in infertility. you could probably just call around and ask right up front if they are really familiar with it. or if you are trying to conceive, see if your normal OBGYN will refer you to a reproductive endocrinologist. they will be familiar with PCOS and should be able to help you manage what ever you are struggling with (if anything) and can help you get pregnant, if that is what you want.

    fell free to add me if any of you would like to.
  • snkoyle15
    Oh i just wanted to add, if any of you ladies have Facebook accounts there is a GREAT support group for ladies with PCOS. it is a closed/private group so you just need to ask to be added. we talk about anything and everything you could think of, and where its private, no one but the group sees what you post. it has been an AMAZING help to me. there are ladies in every situation. we are here to listen no matter what, even if you just need to vent. just wanted to share this with you ladies.
  • jenrod1118
    jenrod1118 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi everyone! I have been struggling with PCOS since high school and am now 29. My husband and I have been together for 12 years and no kiddos yet. I've been trying to slowly but surely lose some weight and manage symptoms without pharmaceutical meds. It's been working so far.

    All friend requests accepted :)