What is a typical breakfast for you and cal count?



  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    Coffee with sugar-free creamer (15)
    Carbmaster Yogurt (60)
    1/3 cup Special-K-type cereal (37)
    0.7 cup plain wheat puffs cereal (42)
    1 TBSP Peanut Butter (95)
  • xdaysbingefree
    xdaysbingefree Posts: 98 Member
    3/4 (uncooked) cup of oatmeal
    1 tablespoon peanut butter stirred in

    360 calories, and I'm not hungry until 1
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    2/3 cup oats
    2 tbspn PB&CO variant
    cocoa powder
    chocolate whey

    539 cals 40P/52C/19F
    Consumed at about 1pm each day :smile:
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    I usually have poptarts, it's like 380 cals.
  • monala09
    monala09 Posts: 56 Member
    I eat two slices of Sara Lees 45 calorie multigrain bread, with 1tbsp of nutella (100cal) & a apple (65)

    255 cal! It keeps me full from 6-12
  • bobie1978
    bobie1978 Posts: 204 Member
    I usually have 250 calories or under for breakfast.

    Protein shake, Kashi cereal or a greek yogurt.
  • Dilfster
    Dilfster Posts: 434
    a naked drink (like mango or something)
    and a piece of grilled chicken every morning.
    It totals about 420 calories...

    then i exercise about an hour later.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    Water. :blushing:
  • Moonblood
    Moonblood Posts: 199 Member
    Homemade granola: 193 cals
    coffee: 2 cals
    25ish blueberries: 19
    1/2 cup whole milk: 80 cals

    Total cals: 297

    I usually have this every single day.
  • xXKatrinaXx
    xXKatrinaXx Posts: 234
    300-350 calories... Usually have an egg white burrito with 5 -8 egg whites, whole wheat tortilla, fat free cheese, and some fruit.
  • Thermogenic
    Thermogenic Posts: 11 Member
    I either cut out breakfast entirely or keep it under 200cals (granola bar), but that's mostly because I start my work day at 9:30 and am at lunch by 11:30. I do end up getting hungry very late since I'm up until about 1am every day. To fill that hunger, I typically will eat a Zone Perfect bar, which is about 200 calories and about the same amount of protein as sugar. They satiate me (the chocolate helps!) and have a good amount of vitamins and minerals - give them a shot.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Kashi Go Lean cereal w/ almond milk, and strawberry Greek yogurt; 340 calories.
  • castaliavt
    castaliavt Posts: 84 Member
    I usually eat either:

    1 egg + 1 egg white, a slice of ezekiel toast and an orange


    oatmeal with raisins or blueberries
  • SandersWifey
    Todays Breakfast
    Nature's Own - 100% Whole Wheat Thin Sliced Bagels, 1 BAGEL **110 Calories

    Yocrunch - Greek Parfait - Nonfat Yogurt Strawberries and Granola, 113 g **110 Calories

    Frigo - Cheese Heads Light String Cheese, 1 oz (28g) **60 Calories

    I toasted my bagel and used part of my yogurt and the fruit in it to top my bagel. Ate it at 7 and was full til lunch at 11:30! :happy:
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Cereal or oatmeal, and some greek yogurt. Coffee, if I have to work. Usually around 300 calories.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    200-300 always have a coffee

    then I do high fiber high protein cereal

    cream of wheat and I add protein powder

    tofu scramble with high protein pita bread

    Soy yogurt with scoop of protein powder

    English muffin with tofutti cream cheese

    I guess the point is I like to have a high protein breakfast that feels filling. I eat lunch at 11:15-11:30 due to work and my breakfasts usually keep me going till then. Sometimes I add a mid morning peice of fruit.
  • Jamiep0
    Jamiep0 Posts: 3
    I eat Quaker oat meal. Depending on my class schedule I eat one or two packets in the morning with a tablespoon of chia seeds for the extra health kick. Although i should add Fruit to that
  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 208 Member
    360 with 2 slices of orowheat 10 grain toasted bread and 2tbsp of smuckers all natural smooth peanut butter
  • COLOMomOf4
    COLOMomOf4 Posts: 10 Member
    sounds like you're getting lots of good breakfast ideas - but what I'm curious about is why it is considered a negative when you're hungry 4 hours after you first eat. I could never go 4 hours without getting hungry. The whole idea of keeping your metabolism going is snacking and/ or light meals throughout the day. I have breakfast around 6:30- 7 (sometimes yogurt & fruit smoothie... sometimes 1/2 whole wheat bagel w/ 1/2 tablespoon light cream cheese, etc. )... and then at 9:30-10 (3 hours later) I have a mid morning snack... (sometimes 1/2 cup light cottage cheese w/ some berries... sometimes a spinach smoothie, etc.) Then lunch at 12:30 or 1; snack again at 3:30 or 4, dinner at 6:30 ish and sometimes a light snack of veggies & hummus or a glass of milk or something in the evening. I usually come in right at or just below my 1200 calorie requirement for the day (I am going very heavy on fruits & veggies w/ only 1-2 servings of bread/pasta and 1-2 servings of lean meat per day). I stay satisfied all day. I would recommend that you don't necessarily have to change up your breakfast as much as change up your expectations as to how long you should be able to go on that breakfast. IMHO. Good luck.
  • stablesong
    stablesong Posts: 224
    I eat either
    raisin bran with milk and 3 oz banana (325 cal)
    Quaker strawberry and cream oatmeal and 3 oz banana (205 cal)
    Two Eggo low-fat nutrigrain waffles with 2 tbs of sugar free syrup, and 3 oz banana (225 cal)

    I eat at 7:00 am and I'm usually pretty hungry by 10:00, but a Special K bar is usually enough to hold me over. The reason I eat 3 oz banana every single morning is because I always make a peanut butter and banana sandwich for lunch with one ounce of banana, and the remainder of the banana won't usually keep well without the peeling, which I take off to weigh it. I'm set at 1200 calories a day and I eat back most of my exercise calories, usually between 2-400. My problem is carbs because I always get so many at breakfast and I eat a ton of fruits/vegetables.

    Tomorrow I'm having the oatmeal breakfast and an egg!