Difficult to meet water intake goal



  • klj491
    klj491 Posts: 9 Member
    If you drink out of a quart mason jar it helps a lot. Two of those and you've got 8 cups already! If you have to, force yourself to drink at least two to three cups before you eat each meal. That way you're getting your water, and also it will help you with portion control!
  • cindycoley19
    cindycoley19 Posts: 39 Member
    I have a 48 oz cup, I try to drink when I get up in the am. I have 1/2 of my water for the day down if I do that and it's not so hard to get my other 48 ounces in by the end of the day if I do it this way. I'm not a water drinker, so this is the only way it works for me. Hope it helps!
  • scarlettsky7
    scarlettsky7 Posts: 128 Member
    the more you drink water the more you will want it and not desire sugary carbonated drinks. i use a large dishwasher safe reusable cup w/ a STRAW and seal-able lid that you can put in the freezer. it may seem lazy but having to exert zero effort to pour the water into my mouth (thanks to the straw!) makes it so there are no excuses. its the little things that count like adding lemon or ice cubes. i use the bathroom frequently, but its better to flush out your system than to hold all those toxins in. and if youre at work, you get paid for it! :)
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    I'm also having a problem getting in my water. I can get 2-20 oz. bottles in, but that's about it. I'm home all day and you'd think it would be easy, but it's not!

    AT WORK I USE A STRAW... IT HELPS:bigsmile:
  • chunk1691
    chunk1691 Posts: 90 Member
    i also have the weeing problem, lol. my job is very busy and i really dont have time to be running to the loo every 5 mins, i am trying to drink more but i do struggle, also im getting up about 4 or 5 times a night for a wee too, arrrgghhh. lol.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    It just has to become habit - whether you're thirsty or not just drink. And I think people don't drink enough so aren't used to going to the toilet that often, but it's healthy to!
  • _mr_b
    _mr_b Posts: 302 Member
    The whole water thing is an interesting one, too much can be as much a problem as too little.

    Check the colour of your pee, too dark and you need to drink more, too light and you're drinking too much. I got a colour chart thing in a magazine I got with my Great Run stuff and committed it to memory, that's what I go by rather than drinking a mandatory 8 glasses.
  • LisaLashesxx
    LisaLashesxx Posts: 133 Member
    I really am the water monster and must store water like a camel.......I drink anywhere between 10-20 glasses a day. No problem!

    Just drink then refil, peeing will ease over time as ya bladder expands and learns to hold more. Failing that just go pee!

  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Don't worry guys :)
    The only benefit you'd have by forcing yourself is.... going to toilets more often
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I will probably be really unpopular here for saying this, but I'm not a fan of the whole 8 glasses thing. I mean I understand the theoretical benefits, but I am also aware that my body is quite good at what it's built for. So I don't make myself drink if I'm not thirsty. I like a lot of people here have never drunk much, I probably have a couple of glasses a day, if that, if I'm not active. Now that I'm exercising more my water intake has gone up, maybe to 3-4 glasses. I did try for quite some time to hit the magic 2litres a day. I did it for several months. The amount I peed never reduced, I was constantly needing to go. Why? Because my body didn't NEED all that excess fluid and so was dutifully emptying it through the appropriate channels :) I have healthy kidneys, so for now I'm going to trust them to do what they do best, and not stress about the fact that I physically can't make myself drink that much in a day!

    It's jjust not one of those things that works for me, so I won't worry about it :)
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Don't worry guys :)
    The only benefit you'd have by forcing yourself is.... going to toilets more often
    Not quite true - muscle heals and grows better in a water rich environment...water all the way
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    i had a hard time at first.. but now i easily drink 8 cups a day.. usually more.. i always have some with me and try to drink 8 oz or so an hour.. Yes i pee ALOT! so i do have to space it out.. im a substitute teacher.. so its difficult sometimes to leave the class to use the rest room.. i have learned to HOLD it!!
  • stephenatl09
    stephenatl09 Posts: 186 Member
    You are supposed to pee a lot that''s why you drink the water. It's how your body gets rid of waste, toxins, etc.... "IN WITH THE GOOD OUT WITH THE BAD"
  • amilani1
    amilani1 Posts: 5 Member
    It just has to become habit - whether you're thirsty or not just drink. And I think people don't drink enough so aren't used to going to the toilet that often, but it's healthy to!

    Bump. More frequent trips to the bathroom are a pain, but water is going to help you in a myriad of ways. Don't do it because you are thirsty, just drink it like ^he said. If you spread the water out over the course of the day, it becomes less dramatic.

    If you start your day off with at least 16 ounces of cold water, your body's metabolism will be sped up for at least 30 minutes afterward. It does so when your body heats up the water naturally to maintain a steady internal temperature. It's nothing drastic, mind you. It shouldn't be used as a rationalization tool ie "I have a faster metabolism so I am going to have McDonalds for breakfast" lol

    More water is going to help you lose weight. Water is essential in helping your liver metabolizing fat. If it doesn't have sufficient water, the fat is just stored.

    If you drink enough water, then your body will stop retaining water.

    Your muscles have large amounts of water in them. If you are dehydrated, they will look less toned.

    Water suppresses your appetite. It reduces cholesterol. It aids digestive problems. It makes your skin more soft and moisturized(saving money on expensive lotions).

    I am sure you have heard ALL of those before, so I apologize for beating a dead horse. With every glass of water you drink , think of one of the aforementioned benefits it is adding to your body, make a list of 8 of those benefits that you want each day, and don't stop drinking water until you have all 8 checked off. (more if you excercise)

    I bought a Nalgene 32oz water bottle, and it has become attached to my right hand. I am consciously trying to fill and empty it 4 times a day. ( I sweat a lot when I work out.)

    YOU CAN DO IT! Stay strong! Drinking more water is probably the second best thing anyone can do to vastly improve their health, aside from quitting smoking (and dont even get me started on that)
  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz Posts: 410 Member
    I'm a homemaker, and trust me it is still hard to get that water intake. But practice makes perfect. And look at it this way... Your skin is te lady organ of our body that gets water, and your skin definitly needs it. So drink up.i think urs true what previous people said youre body will adjust after it gets used to drinking water, you'll pee less.
  • DarrenSeeley
    DarrenSeeley Posts: 41 Member
    It just has to become habit - whether you're thirsty or not just drink. And I think people don't drink enough so aren't used to going to the toilet that often, but it's healthy to!

    Bump. More frequent trips to the bathroom are a pain, but water is going to help you in a myriad of ways. Don't do it because you are thirsty, just drink it like ^he said. If you spread the water out over the course of the day, it becomes less dramatic.

    If you start your day off with at least 16 ounces of cold water, your body's metabolism will be sped up for at least 30 minutes afterward. It does so when your body heats up the water naturally to maintain a steady internal temperature. It's nothing drastic, mind you. It shouldn't be used as a rationalization tool ie "I have a faster metabolism so I am going to have McDonalds for breakfast" lol

    More water is going to help you lose weight. Water is essential in helping your liver metabolizing fat. If it doesn't have sufficient water, the fat is just stored.

    If you drink enough water, then your body will stop retaining water.

    Your muscles have large amounts of water in them. If you are dehydrated, they will look less toned.

    Water suppresses your appetite. It reduces cholesterol. It aids digestive problems. It makes your skin more soft and moisturized(saving money on expensive lotions).

    I am sure you have heard ALL of those before, so I apologize for beating a dead horse. With every glass of water you drink , think of one of the aforementioned benefits it is adding to your body, make a list of 8 of those benefits that you want each day, and don't stop drinking water until you have all 8 checked off. (more if you excercise)

    I bought a Nalgene 32oz water bottle, and it has become attached to my right hand. I am consciously trying to fill and empty it 4 times a day. ( I sweat a lot when I work out.)

    YOU CAN DO IT! Stay strong! Drinking more water is probably the second best thing anyone can do to vastly improve their health, aside from quitting smoking (and dont even get me started on that)

    Yep, what he said!

    Whilst I agree the 8 glasses of water and similar 5 portions of veg a day recommendations are always quoted out of context, the simple benefits and importance of water in a weight loss programme are indisputable.

    I went from someone who drank just a few cups of coffee a day to now, where I know when my body needs water. I drink about 2 litres a day and 3-4 on gym days.

    I also bought a soda stream to jazz things up a bit with fizzy water!
  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    your body/bladder will get used to it after a while and you wont have to pee so much.

    How long is "after a while"?? Because this is something I'd love to know...

    For me it took about a month.
    But to be fair, I'm one of those stubborn ones that decided I needed to up my intake and doubled/tripled it overnight.... oops.
  • AngelMc78
    AngelMc78 Posts: 9 Member
    I drink HALF my body weight in water. Example: Wt 150, drink 75 ounces, Wt 200, drink 100 ounces.....etc

    Doing this has been a HUGE key to my weight loss of over 50 lbs. Every time you pee, you are flushing toxins and weight from your body. Yes it's a pain to keep running to the restroom......but you can't expect to lose weight if you're not releasing it.

    My bladder can't hold much either and honestly within about 20 minutes of drinking a 20 ounce bottle of water, I expect to be running to find a restroom.

    The less water you drink, the more water your body is going to retain in order to function. The more water you drink, the more likely your body is going to release the extra and the quicker you'll be able to see the scale going down! :-)

    Good Luck!
  • sweetie1980
    I still have difficultly drinking 8 glasses of water but I at least try to get in 6. Mixing my water with sugar-free flavored drink mix makes is so much easier. It did take a few days getting used to the sugar-free but now I can't even tell the difference. Oh! and when I do drink water I try to chug if fast. That makes me feel more full so I eat less too. Plus side from the drinking alot of water is my skin has cleared up and looks more moisturized.
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    I used to have this problem. I hated drinking water because I live in Savannah. But I got a water filter and now pretty much all I drink is water. Yes, I do have to go to the bathroom a lot but I don't mind because it's cleaning out my body, ridding my system of trash! Just deal with the potty breaks for now and as soon as you start drinking 8 cups a day, every day, your body will adjust.