MFP spitfires cycling club week #2



  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    What a day for the tour...

    dlester, your homeboy Tyler is not local anymore, he's global superstar now. VS had a big feature on him today and he seems like the real deal. I am fan already... go Tyler!

    What a breakaway too, that's very rare to see. I love seeing my hero George Hincapie pulling the train too, what a domestique. We'll see some real action tomorrow! It's been several years since the team time trial and it's amazing to watch the precision, and no time limits!

    Great job everyone last week, and special thanks to Spyguy for running the metrics. :drinker: :drinker:


    I saw that feature on Tyler too. I think we'll be hearing his name quite a bit in the coming years. I'm also a Hincapie fan. When Lance came back, it just didn't seem right that he and George weren't on the same team anymore.

    Really looking forward to today's team time trials. I won't get out of work until after 6, so I have to force myself not to turn on VS until the primetime coverage. I plan on watching it from my trainer :drinker:

  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    10 miles this morning. It was amazing to get out. I don't know why I don't do this everyday.
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    18 miles today, at least 10 of it with my sister which doubled the fun!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Anyone catch the Team Time Trial? Amazing!!!! That's all I have to say. I'm speechless, except to say that I put in 36.5m today :happy:

  • dlestermfp
    dlestermfp Posts: 106
    First, I have no idea how to post pics in the blog. Second, I posted pics in my profile of my night ride last week and a few of my bikes.

    Now before you get all judgmental about the bikes... they don't add up to even one Harley... and I prefer spandex... HA :laugh: :laugh: I always joke with the Harley guys in my office that real men wear spandex, it's a hoot!! But, they never convert :noway: :noway:

    I have always thought that classic Y-Foil frame was really cool. You don't see them around much, which makes them that much more appealing to a wierd guy like me. I don't have one, but I almost picked one up earlier this year. Before I pulled the trigger I ended up getting a great deal on a closeout LeMond Versailles. That puts me at two road bikes and a mountain bike. Too many more and it might be divorce time.

    I have almost no pictures of myself, so I have nothing to post. It has always been strange to me to say, "here, can you take my picture".
  • dlestermfp
    dlestermfp Posts: 106
    Does anyone here use a cyclocomputer to track their rides? I am not all hard-core about it, but I really like the convenience of how it keeps track of my mileage, not to mention how fun it is to compare results from a few months ago to the same ride more recently.

    Here is a link to one of the routes I take on my commute home. The elevation tab is particularly fun as it shows the ups and downs, though going home it is mostly ups.
  • junkgypsy
    junkgypsy Posts: 217
    Man, I gotta get cable so I can know what the heck you guys are talking about, haha.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    I use a Cateye computer (wireless). I like to check speed, distance, avg. speed, etc... It doesn't have cadence or ant of the high-end stuff, which I don't need anyway. I changed tires since I was always getting flats with the old ones. I'm now using Continental Ultra Sport with Kevlar. Almost 700 miles on the tires and no flats!

    I've ridden about 65 miles since Sunday. Trying to get at least 100 per week.

    Agreed, the Team Time Trials were great!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Da Computer
    Not that it will help many of you... but I got a Garmin 605 a few weeks ago and it's so awesome for tracking rides & routes. It syncs all the data on the computer and I am already comparing routes and times. It was an adjoined Fathers Day, B-Day, Anniversary gift all in one. I'd never spend that on a bike computer... but heck, that's usually what makes a good gift. I was planning to let the technology stabilize but it's a fun gadget... and no wires!!

    Le Tour
    Big time drama this year! Mountain stage in a few days. Until then, go Tyler!

    The Y-foil
    Dlester, It's a super plush ride that's hard to explain. Super stiff for climbing and cranking, no flex at all. But silky smooth on road vibration. I am very luck to have snatched one, and it's wicked fast too.

  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    I would like to join, however, it will be a couple of weeks until I go riding again since my son fractured his leg, and I feel bad going when he can't :ohwell: Do you just post how many miles you plan to do for the week?
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I would like to join, however, it will be a couple of weeks until I go riding again since my son fractured his leg, and I feel bad going when he can't :ohwell: Do you just post how many miles you plan to do for the week?

    Welcome aboard!! You can send a msg to Spyguy and tell him you're joining and how many miles you want to do. Then every Sunday evening or Monday morning you can send him how many miles you actually did for the week & he posts them Monday evening. It's been highly motivating for me :happy:

  • junkgypsy
    junkgypsy Posts: 217
    I managed to squeeze in a little 5-mile ride yesterday.

    I'm slacking this week!

    Question, do you guys ever get a friend who isn't overly active, that decides they want to bike with you? So you take 'em along and take it slow and easy and ALL they do is whine the whole time and you briefly consider maiming them?
    Okay, forget the maiming part.

    But seriously.

    Just 'cause a friend of mine decided she wanted to go with me and did nothing but complain, then wanted to brag about how far we went, and says she can't wait until next time.

    I'm a patient person, but I can't really get in my fast, long rides with her with me, and don't have the time to take a seperate ride for fitness, and then one for leisure.

    Ya know what I'm sayin?
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I managed to squeeze in a little 5-mile ride yesterday.

    I'm slacking this week!

    Question, do you guys ever get a friend who isn't overly active, that decides they want to bike with you? So you take 'em along and take it slow and easy and ALL they do is whine the whole time and you briefly consider maiming them?
    Okay, forget the maiming part.

    But seriously.

    Just 'cause a friend of mine decided she wanted to go with me and did nothing but complain, then wanted to brag about how far we went, and says she can't wait until next time.

    I'm a patient person, but I can't really get in my fast, long rides with her with me, and don't have the time to take a seperate ride for fitness, and then one for leisure.

    Ya know what I'm sayin?

    I do know what you're saying. Tell her you're doing a 50 miler and see if she still wants to tag along :wink: :wink: Then when she backs out you can do your regular ride. :laugh:
    I recently rode with a few women I didn't really know (friend of a friend deal). I didn't mind taking a slower pace for them to keep up, but one of them just complained the entire time about the other who was struggling. I felt like dropping her (and I could have left her in the dust) just so she could see how the other woman must have felt. I never rode with them again. I don't need that kind of negative energy when I ride.

  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Early on in riding I got hooked up with training partners, and wow did that help. I totally agree that workout rides need to be that, and not joy rides. A little whining is ok, but maybe pass on the second invite.

    I am so, so lucky to have lot's of buds to ride with. We are all relatively the same fitness level and have a great time. Keep at it and you'll end up finding those training buds too. It makes long rides so much more fun.

    OK... Friday is it for TDF! We'll see who is ready to climb. Take a look at the finish, it's like 70k all uphill. YIKES! :cry: :cry:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Early on in riding I got hooked up with training partners, and wow did that help. I totally agree that workout rides need to be that, and not joy rides. A little whining is ok, but maybe pass on the second invite.

    I am so, so lucky to have lot's of buds to ride with. We are all relatively the same fitness level and have a great time. Keep at it and you'll end up finding those training buds too. It makes long rides so much more fun.

    OK... Friday is it for TDF! We'll see who is ready to climb. Take a look at the finish, it's like 70k all uphill. YIKES! :cry: :cry:

    These are the stages that separate the men from the boys... Hehe.... :laugh:

  • junkgypsy
    junkgypsy Posts: 217
    I hope to find someone on the same level to ride with soon!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    I hope to find someone on the same level to ride with soon!

    It would be sweet, but I honestly like the peace and quiet most of the time. Nothing but me and the road. Don't get me wrong I love the "joy riding" with family and friends. But there is something so soothing about seeing how far, and fast I can go on my own.

    Now, it would be amazing to get to ride with someone more experienced and willing to give me some pointers. But it's all fun no matter what I am doing anyways!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Evening spitfires. Woah was it a busy week. It looks like everyone is getting in some good rides. Thanks to the rain I have a bit of making up to do this weekend. Anyway, I'll check back in later gotta help DW get the kids into bed!

  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Lance is in 3rd, but only :08 seconds shy of Yellow!!! Contador had an amazing finish, but can he do it again? What an exciting Tour!!! Love it!!! :happy: :drinker: :happy:

  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Ahh yes, what a tour... a real delight. :smile: :smile:

    First, Skywalker, I love the graphic in your ticker... awesome stage eh? The next mountain finish is the day before champs de elysees, so there are only a few chances to sort out the climbers in the GC.

    Second, how intense is Annecy going to be? I've been there several times and it should be magical.

    Third, it's a story book start not to have any of the Astana crew in the maillot jaune. It just keeps the drama going. Once that's awarded everything changes. It will be interesting to see if Astana will try a breakaway without a mountain finish, they do need a buffer on the other GC contenders.

    So I say, way to go Garmin! They are a serious contender and hope they can grab a stage or GC podium with Wiggins or Vandevelde. It's great to see them moving to the front to be a real force.
