5'4. Girls what are your weight goals



  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    My weight goal is to be at a weight that makes me happy healthy and confident. I may not be able to rock a bikini at that weight but I won't get physically I'll at the thought of a bathing suit either. I hope whatever weight I end up I have some muscle on me and. An do REAL pushups and maybe even the monkey bars.
  • mdebbie1026
    mdebbie1026 Posts: 164 Member
    I finally reached the top of the "healthy" weight range at 143 but still have a pouch I do not love at all.

    Currently doing 30 Day Shred Level 3 and following up with L1 or L2 for a higher calorie burn and muscle toning. I am attempting to eat all my exercise calories some days 0 are left, other days vary from a few under to a few over, occassionally a few more than a few over :blushing: on our weekly "Family Nite" when our children and delightful Grandsons join us for dinner. Even though we are attempting to cook lighter with ground turkey and more veggies, somehow those stinking calories tend to stack up on me.

    Hoping to "arrive" soon but still happy with recent accomplishments. Wishing I could lose more than .2 or .4 per week.:explode:

    Thankful to MFP for the easier calorie counting tools than we had in the olden days of notebook paper and pen. Android app for cell phone is a tremendous leap from there. :love:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I'm at 163 and would LOVE to get back to 140. Slowly but surely will win this race!
  • Alcoria
    Alcoria Posts: 167 Member
    Starting weight- 196

    current weight- 192

    Goal weight- 125

    It's gonna be a long road ahead but hoping to get there soon.
  • Currently around 126-130 lbs. (my weight fluctuates like crazy) and trying to get down to 110/115. I fit alright in a size four and would be happy being comfortable in a size 2.
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    Currently 139-145. My goal weight is 130-125 depending on how happy I am at 130. Would love to have friends that share the same goals. Add me :)
  • I was 152 for a very long time and was a size 10-12.
    I did weight watchers 2 years ago and did some exercise changes and went down to 132 with 22% body fat. I was little to no wheat at the time and felt awesome, looked awesome and was a 4-6. I have gained unto about 10 lbs since the summer of 2010 and I am beside my self. I want to be that size again and I work out like a MF. I have lost 3 lbs since last week and I cut out all wheat products...

  • I'm at 152 reaching for 135.
  • jixxy18
    jixxy18 Posts: 1
    Currently at 133 and going for 125.
  • cask16
    cask16 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm currently 132lbs - aiming for 125lbs but gosh those last few lbs are slow to go :(
  • peacek
    peacek Posts: 211
    I am 147, aiming for 128.
  • roachtg
    roachtg Posts: 56 Member
    I am 5'4 1/2
    Long term goal is around 160, then will reevaluate.
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    I'm 5'3 and looking to weigh 110lbs
  • KimKramer
    KimKramer Posts: 44
    I'm 5'4" and currently 135. My highest was 165, but I started this time around at 147. I made it all the way down to 130, but then gained 5 back over a three month span of time. My goal is to get into the 120's - preferably down to 125 and see how that feels. I'm currently a size 4, and I don't think I want to be a size 2 (I think that's an unrealistic goal for me), but I'm going to just see how things go.

    This is me EXACTLY!!! How weird :P
  • rintin88
    rintin88 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm just shy of 5'4". my highest was 150lbs and a size 10, was able to get down to 120lbs and then maintained between 122-125lbs for six months at a size 4/6. Over the winter I've gained 10lbs, current weight 134. It's not a bad weight, I just feel very pudgy since I lost most of my muscle mass. Hoping to get back down to 120 by summer. Weighing anything less than that I feel like my face looks WAY too skinny.
  • I'm 150 now, and I wanna be about 135. Then depending how I feel and look at that weight, maybe try to get down to 125.

    Our goals are the same! We should be pals! :happy:
  • kao1114
    kao1114 Posts: 51
    My goal is 135 then tone everything up! If more weight comes off, so be it - if not, that's OK too. Best of luck!
  • I'm 5'3 1/2 and my weight goal is 125lbs. But I'll be happy at 135!
  • mom2scc
    mom2scc Posts: 99 Member
    im 5'2"my goal weight is around 120...im 144.8 as right now
  • LindsayE007
    LindsayE007 Posts: 212 Member
    My highest was 153, I'm at 131, goal weight is 120. I will reevaluate when I get there. I am thinking I will want to lose another 5-8. I have never been lower than 125, so I have no idea what I will look like at 120, LOL!