My office=diet killer!



  • Claible
    Claible Posts: 106 Member
    My work has Food day at least one to two times a month. UGGG. It is always junk food. Last time was valentines day. and another one coming for st. patty's day as well as a brunch from our employer. I always say no and pack my own snack. It took 6 to 8 months to get people to stop offering me food even if they considered it healthy(er) and to realize I don't feel left out.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I indulge every now and then. I figure if I eat in in the early A.M. I will likely burn it... or at least it is wishful thinking!!! Yesterday, it was a chocolate chip bagel and one donut hole.
  • pornstarzombie
    Mine isn't the office, but school. Donuts the other day. I ended up with a jelly filled sugar donut...sooo good, but sooo damaging to my daily log. Worth it, though :)

    It's hard to have will-power when it's right next to you, but it can be done. I don't look at it, try not to smell it, and keep myself busy. Sometimes I'll cave.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I honestly think it would be perfectly ok to ask if it be moved to the break room. That's where it should be anyway. And do your share...bring in a bag of inexpensive apples or clementines and put them in a bowl next to the garbage food :)
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    MINE TOO. Lemon, raspberry, blueberry cakes and muffins, cookies, pudding, pineapple bits (not bad just love em!), orange juice. Plus people like to thank me with chocolates lol.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    Do you work in my office too?:wink: Hate that...
  • mattjolsen
    The worst is when people poke fun at you because you said "No thanks" to the donut or the piece of cake. I just think "the joke's on you, fatty."
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    What I suggest is you actually bring in something that tops whatever everyone else brings in there...drop it and watch everyone else pack on the pounds. I used to do this at work and it stopped me from partaking in the eating part of it and made it more of a spectator sport.
  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    It happens at my office as well. It doesn't bother me. I just think about my goals and what I am trying to accomplish and have no urge to want to eat those things.
  • vabrewer33
    vabrewer33 Posts: 185
    I ate 4.5 cinnamon rolls that someone brought in yesterday. Please judge me and feel better about yourself! I deserve it- yikes!

    No judgement here!!! It happens to the best of us! :)
  • alyssaxonestel
    I work at a hair salon with all girls who can eat there *kitten* off but never gain weight one of the girls husband is a baker so you can just imagine plus the fact we have a huge collection of cookies in our back room for the clients. Im the shampoo girl and though i am always busy theres alway that 10 mins that goes by that makes me really almost cave in :(
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Hi there,

    I don't deal with this as much as you by the sounds of it, however every Thursday we have a staff meeting and a different group of staff have to bring in morning tea and it's always cakes, scones, piklets, etc. and over the past 6 weeks there's always been a birthday, whether it's a staff member or one of my student's (I am a school teacher)! Super hard, but I have not craved in once!!! Next week is my turn to take in food with my group, I am going to try and put a positive and healthy spin on morning tea! :-)
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    There is not one day that goes by without someone bring in horrible food! Today it was donuts, yesterday it was cake, and so on. I'm strong and will not fold but you think it could be kept in the break room instead of the desk next to mine? Anyone else have this to deal with? As if it's not hard enough.

    We must work in the same office...that same thing happens to me. I return to me desk..and there is a dozen donuts sitting on it...with everyone eating from it...It's like..ARE WE SERIOUS RIGHT NOW??
  • okerachel
    okerachel Posts: 45 Member
    Guilty! I bring in homemade cinnamon rolls and my most recent marshmallow creations all the time... I love to bake and I can't keep it around at home so I bring it into the office. I try to post point+ values, calories and keep the sizes small though, if that makes it ahem... better.
  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    My office has a near unlimeted supply of Nature Valley Sweet and Salty Nut bars, bags of peanut m&m's, and peppermint patties. All free of charge.
  • ryannpem
    ryannpem Posts: 11 Member
    I do have to deal with it sometime sweetie, but it just makes you stronger overall. The will to say NO is hard to gain, but once you have it down it isn't so bad. I actually see stuff now and don't even want it at all.....
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    We've had this in the office this week, and the only solution for me has been picturing myself adding the food to my diary. I visualize it, and instantly the reality check of what it contains and the hard work I put in kills my impulse and I put it back.

    it has also helped me in the past to think "am I going to miss this donut tomorrow?" the answer is usually 'no'
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    I work at a hair salon with all girls who can eat there *kitten* off but never gain weight one of the girls husband is a baker so you can just imagine plus the fact we have a huge collection of cookies in our back room for the clients. Im the shampoo girl and though i am always busy theres alway that 10 mins that goes by that makes me really almost cave in :(

    Now I can see why you have such gorgeous hair alyssaxoneste! I wish I knew how to do that to my hair!!!!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    My office is the same way and they save the leftovers! If someone send a giant box of donuts, the extras are put in the freezer. Same with cake... we actually have two entire king cakes in there right now. Also, my office is bad about candy bowls. There's one on every desk but mine and one on every table and 6 of them scattered around the breakroom. Candy, candy everywhere... and not crappy left over Halloween candy, but the good stuff. And fresh M & Ms every day and boxes of peanut butter cracker packs and nutri-grain bars and at least 4 packs of Oreos at all times. Good Lawd! Can't someone pick up some apples and carrots every once in a while? BAH! I do my best not to nibble, but sometimes I do it mindlessly and out of boredom. I hate that about my self.
  • shooterchica
    shooterchica Posts: 2 Member
    Yes! We have potlucks about twice a month so I try to bring something healthy. At least that way, I can always eat what I brought ;) Also, there are ALWAYS snacks in the breakroom! I've gotten really good about not indulging but there are also little candy dishes on people's desks! I try to keep healthy snacks in my desk so I can stay away from the candy :)