My office=diet killer!



  • chrimsonfyre
    chrimsonfyre Posts: 21 Member
    unfortunately most offices are that way. Nothing we can do about it, but try and be strong and avoid the temptation.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    cake, candy, donuts, cookies, breakfast, parties, fairwell's, congrats, birthdays.. everything has to be celebrated!! I'm always the one refusing and they think I'm being rude. No, its rude that you keep trying to shove cake down my throat!
  • alyssaxonestel
    I work at a hair salon with all girls who can eat there *kitten* off but never gain weight one of the girls husband is a baker so you can just imagine plus the fact we have a huge collection of cookies in our back room for the clients. Im the shampoo girl and though i am always busy theres alway that 10 mins that goes by that makes me really almost cave in :(

    Now I can see why you have such gorgeous hair alyssaxoneste! I wish I knew how to do that to my hair!!!!

    aw thats so sweet ! i did that myself i went to school for hair ! that easy get a hot tools 1 in curling iron put your hair in sections and curl you'll get the hang of it oh and add some hairspray !!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    The worst is when people poke fun at you because you said "No thanks" to the donut or the piece of cake. I just think "the joke's on you, fatty."

    When I first started trying to eat healthier, my one coworker would constantly tell me I was depriving myself and that I would fail if I didn't have treats once in a while (which I actually was doing, just not at work!). Jokes surely on her now still yo-yo-ing around the same weight :)
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 276
    Yes, and co-workers ask me what MY problem is when I take thier junk to the cafeteria where I don't have to pass by it, smell it or be tempted by it.

    What is your problem? You're moving other people's food without their permission.

    If you can't control yourself or give yourself a reasonable indulgence, it is no one else's fault. No one needs to cater to your dietary concerns.

    My problem??
    I lost 120 pounds that's my problem...and I don't need someone bringing an expired cheescake variety platter to the area near my desk and deserting it (literally) no one knew or claimed to know who brought it so I moved it to the cafe where more people could enjoy the lovely tasty treats.
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member

    Today - Hypnotic Donuts and Breakfast Tacos

    EVERY Wednesday - Warm Cookies from the bakery down the street

    EVERY Friday - Wine Down (Beer and Wine sometimes with served with Chick-fil-A nugget and brownie platters)

    EVERY DAMN DAY: Candy Bowl with reese's peanut butter cups, snickers, heath bars, mars bars, almond joys, mr. goodbars, you name it... and it's NEVER empty!

    Last week: Chili Cook Off and Bagel Breakfast

    We do a party for every damn holiday!!!!
    And if you have a noon meeting they bring in Pizza or BBQ.

    bangs head against wall...
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I used to have the same problem when I worked dayshift at my work. I now work graveyard hours. No ones around. No food or temptations.
  • ckdub428
    ckdub428 Posts: 453 Member
    schedule your whole days worth of food before you leave the house. then when you get to work, if you don't have the room, then you don't participate in the work food. I know it sucks that no one is there to support you there.
    Also, what if you brought in a fruit tray so that you could have some snacks, but it would help you stay on track?

    Good luck!! Stay strong!!
  • cbl40
    cbl40 Posts: 281 Member
    Keep little hundred calorie snack bags in your desk and have one of those if you are craving something sweet. I love the 100 calorie dark cocoa roast almonds from Emerald. Or, make a cup of coffee. That seems to satisfy a sweet tooth for me.
  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    There isn't always cake and stuff, but everyone is constantly eating WAFFLES. I love WAFFLES. Damn Eggos...

    Today I was also told "Well, you don't like rolls because you don't eat carbs.". I DO eat carbs, I f*ing love carbs. But I am trying to scale down on them, so excuuuuse me. Same girl that said it was hardly eating 6 months ago and said no to everything. No, I don't want to be the fat girl in the office so y'all can feel better when you're around me. And I won't be skinny fat either!
  • mSquared77
    mSquared77 Posts: 47 Member
    At my organization we only have healthful food and snacks. This includes at meetings, when we bring in catering, or when during a staff pot luck. We used to stock our fridge with soda (diet & regular) and now offer staff and guests exclusively Vitamin Water, Sobee Water, Coffee or bottled water. Any catering and snacks are healthful in nature and we live and promote this throughout. I encourage everyone to be the catalyst for change within your respective workplace and be the one to always brings a healthier option. Rather than find the negative in it, celebrate the difference that living a different way can make. This doesn't have to be hard. I have found it enlightening, fresh and fun.When people see you start changing in a positive way, they will want to emulate it.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    There isn't always cake and stuff, but everyone is constantly eating WAFFLES. I love WAFFLES. Damn Eggos...

    Today I was also told "Well, you don't like rolls because you don't eat carbs.". I DO eat carbs, I f*ing love carbs. But I am trying to scale down on them, so excuuuuse me. Same girl that said it was hardly eating 6 months ago and said no to everything. No, I don't want to be the fat girl in the office so y'all can feel better when you're around me. And I won't be skinny fat either!

    Waffles / Eggo's with syrup isn't far off from having a slice of cake. Stay strong! :)
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Just tell anyone who offers or gives you a hard time, that you are trying to take better care of your health.
    They can't argue with that -
  • AmyBeth719
    AmyBeth719 Posts: 184 Member
    Yes, same here except the goodies are put on my desk since I am in the front office. When no ones around I sneak them off to the lunch room. I am good, but not when it is in front of me!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Yes, and co-workers ask me what MY problem is when I take thier junk to the cafeteria where I don't have to pass by it, smell it or be tempted by it.

    What is your problem? You're moving other people's food without their permission.

    If you can't control yourself or give yourself a reasonable indulgence, it is no one else's fault. No one needs to cater to your dietary concerns.

    My problem??
    I lost 120 pounds that's my problem...and I don't need someone bringing an expired cheescake variety platter to the area near my desk and deserting it (literally) no one knew or claimed to know who brought it so I moved it to the cafe where more people could enjoy the lovely tasty treats.

    You didn't say that before, you said you moved "their junk." Presumably your co-workers got upset with you for moving it. That doesn't make sense if it didn't belong to anyone.

    Regardless, losing 120 pounds is fabulous. You obviously have the willpower to avoid a rogue cheesecake. Congratulations.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Ha, my office keeps a steady supply of snacks and goodies. Guess who is the one who makes the trips to the warehouse store to buy them? I do. I volunteered to do it. I get to get out of the office for a little bit, get a little exercise in (loading/unloading the car and walking around the store is better than sitting at my desk any day), and I get to choose the snacks.

    The thing is, I barely ever touch anything I buy. I even buy better-for-you snacks like Fiber One bars in the bulk boxes, and bananas and apples on occasion. I get the big pouch of Frigo Cheese Heads string cheese for the fridge, too, and wheat bread and peanut butter. The owners want all this food in stock. But they also want chips, cookies,and candy.

    Honestly I am not tempted by it for some reason, because I know what I have to work with calorie-wise during the day, and if I want a beer or a little extra dinner (whatever hopefully-delicious thing I end up cooking), I want to be able to have the calories in the bank to do so and not worry!

    I eat breakfast, lunch as late in the afternoon as I can, and I forego the snacks.

    Now, if they had cheesecake on steady supply, you'd probably have to roll me in and out of my office ..... but we all have our weaknesses!
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I got in "trouble" at work because the girl before me always kept a basket of candy on her desk to share with the co-workers and clients. I told them I didn't want candy in front of me all day since I would be the one always eating it. They were not happy about that. So I come in one day and there on my desk is a basket of candy for everyone to share. Apparently, they want it there since I am the front desk in the office.

    I feel your pain, believe me
  • misswallie2u
    misswallie2u Posts: 28 Member
    yep! offices are evil, evil places! lol.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Most of us have spent a lifetime associating food with good. The people bringing in the stuff likely mean no harm. They are just doing what they've learned and offering treats is a way to say, "Here, I like you and want you to feel good." A simple polite, "Thanks but no thanks" response is good enough. If they take it any other way than a simple no thanks, it's their problem, not yours.

    On the other hand, the temptation is tough to deal with. That is true and that is what I assume the person that started the post is concerned about. It's tough enough when we tempt ourselves but to have it thrust on us is a bit tough to take. Good luck to you. You've all given some good advice and tips on how to handle things.

    Well said! I agree.
  • Cimolestes
    Cimolestes Posts: 33 Member
    We get homemade pink glittery cupcakes, cherry and coconut cake, celebration cakes, enormous Costco trays of double chocolate muffins and Danishes. I never thought developing an intolerance to all grain flours would be so useful! One mouthful and I am yawning and dropping asleep at my PC. So when I say I can't have any, no-one is upset or feels I am making any judgement about their eating habits. I've got used to refusing and have a sugar free sweet instead (Werthers are nice). Ive been fat for too many years and I'm not giving in this time!