How old were you when you had kids?



  • SkinnieFinnie
    SkinnieFinnie Posts: 145 Member
    I was 21 when my daughter was born & 25 when my son was born. I'm 28 now.
  • bebreli
    bebreli Posts: 229 Member
    I was 32 and we got 2!! Biggest surprise/shock and blessing of my life!!
  • k_sharp
    k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
    I got married two days after turning twenty and we wanted kids right away... I got prego with my son right about when I turned 21 and the had my daughter when I was 22. I do wish we would have weighted a little bit longer I am almost 26 and I do kinda want another child soon because I don't want kids after I turn 30.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    23. Had one and one only, and it's a good age. I'm 25 now, and I feel perfectly capable.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I'm not trying to be the voice of negativity or anything, but for many women, it is harder to get pregnant in their 30s than it would be in their 20s. Fertility rates, on average, do go down as we age. That's just something to think about as you plan your family. :flowerforyou: I do know a couple of ladies, personally, who had careers and did their thing, and now are in their 30s and trying to conceive and have been having a terribly hard time with it. :(
  • p_barron
    p_barron Posts: 63
    I was 19 when I had my son. I was married and now I am in college as is my husband. I am now 21 and loving being a mom.
  • dlei456
    dlei456 Posts: 201 Member
    first at 30, second at 33

    I really wanted to have kids before I turned 35... but that was my personal preference. Part of the reason I don't want a third is because I hit 35 in April!
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    My husband and I are 28, and don't plan on having kids for another 2-3 years... once he's out of grad school. I think this is perfectly fine, women in their 30s have babies every day. Meanwhile people of my mom's generation are telling me I need to have kids NOW before I'm too old!

    So, I'm just curious, how old were you when you had children?

    Your story is too familiar. Hubby and I got married when I was 28. Waited 1 month shy of 3 yrs before we started trying (May 18, 2006, we had "the" talk and decided we were ready). I had my (only) B/G Twin-kies at 32.
  • BodyRockerVT
    BodyRockerVT Posts: 323 Member
    I was 21 when my son was born and 23 when my daughter was.

    Both, however, were surprises. Seems BCP and I don't get along.

    I will say I am at the VERY young end of the spectrum where I am living and it makes it a little difficult in terms of finding mom-friends etc. Most people with kids in K here are 35+. At 27 that is a bit interesting for me.
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    My mom had me when she was 25, and I had my beautiful baby girl when I was 25. I'm 28 now, and we want another but we're too broke. haha! :o)
  • mamatoboys6219
    mamatoboys6219 Posts: 75 Member
    27 with my first, 30 with my second. I am 33 now and want more. Probably wont work on that for another year or so. You know when you want kids, like another person said, stick to your plan. Trust yourself. You have a great plan..:happy:
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    22 and 25. I'm now 41 with one out of the house and the second one just a couple years from being out. I like the fact that I'll be relatively young when they are out on their own. But, I don't see a thing wrong if you want to wait, even to your 40s. Only you know if and when you're ready. No one else can tell you that.
  • bobie1978
    bobie1978 Posts: 204 Member
    I was 23.. my daughter is 11.. I'm 34 now and want one more.. I feel old having another but do what works for you!!
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    My first child was born 18 days shy of my 31st birthday. My second was born 18 months after that.
  • Creolemama88
    I had my first son at age 30. That was a good age for me. The pregnancy was wonderful. I had my second son at age 35. I must say that I could definitely feel the age difference. The 2nd pregnancy wore me out.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,723 Member
    I was 30, 33, and 36. My wife was 26, 29 and 32 years old, respectively.
  • DrPepperLeigh74
    DrPepperLeigh74 Posts: 236 Member
    I was 28 with my daughter and 32 with my son. You do it when you are ready not when everybody else is ready. My husband and I married when we were 19 and 20 and everybody asked constantly when are you having a baby? We had them when we decided we were ready. Good Luck to you and follow your plan!!!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,209 Member
    I am in your mom's generation. You do what is right for you. I had mine at 26, 30, 32 and 36, all healthy and happy and wouldn't change a thing.
  • iaemmy
    iaemmy Posts: 13 Member
    I guess some of the timing depends on how big you'd like for your family to ultimately be, and how late into your life you want to caring for children and teens on a day-to-day basis. There is something to be said for getting your "free and simple" life back for your own enjoyment before you're too "old" (which differs for each person). I had my first son at 27, my second at 30, then two miscarriages, then my daughter at 32 and my last son at 35....basically a kiddo every 21-28 months. I'm 37 now. We spaced the four them closely because we knew we wanted them but we weren't "spring chickens" with all the time in the world to get it done (and actually our last son was a surprise). Was it/is it crazy sometimes? Yes. Would I trade them in? Nope.
  • bootbuilder
    I was 35 and 37. My sister in law was 37 and 39. I think you just don't have the same energy level, but I would not have done it any other way. I wanted to be established in my career and have grad school completed before family! Now we can do what we want to do and not have to worry about schooling getting in the way.