How old were you when you had kids?



  • nemsmom
    nemsmom Posts: 48
    Had my son at 19, 1st daughter at 21, and 2nd daughter at 24. But... I have always wanted the parenting thing, and if medical reasons would not have interfered, I would have had more.

    As far as the medical thing that's exactly me and I wanted more as well! I had my daughter at 19 and my son at 22, had I waited I would not have been able to have any.

    That's not to say that every woman would be the same. There are many women who have babies into their forties and do just fine. It is higher risk, but doable! Don't let anyone pressure you into having a baby sooner than your ready or waiting longer than you want. That is a VERY personal decision between you and your husband! You get all the advice you need but please, let no one pressure you!

    I'm sure you will make wonderful parents when you are ready.
  • JamieDD
    JamieDD Posts: 175 Member
    My Mom was almost 36 when she had me. I was 5 months away from being 29 when I had my only son. Both my Mom and I had a hard time getting PG.
  • I was 28 and my husband was 32. I had my first child at 31, 3 years after we married and my son at 33. :) sometimes it's best to give yourselves get used to being married... that's why we waited.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I had my first at 29 and my last at 36. Hurry up! You get tire when you're older. :o) Plus it dosnt always happen right away. It took us a year and a half to get pregnant the first time. Your eggs get older and it harder to concieve the older you are.

    We were married 6 years before we had babies. Then had 4 babies in less than 7 years. Maybe thats why I was tired? lol No, really it was ok.

    Good luck and much happiness to you and your husband.
  • haitienne56
    haitienne56 Posts: 11 Member
    I had my 1st at 25 2nd 27 and 3rd 36. I was much better at 36 so enjoy your time with your husband.
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    Well I guess I am the "late bloomer" thus far in this thread: Had my one and only at 42, with no assistance from medical science. She is beautiful and healthy and my pregnancy was not difficult by any means. We were not seriously trying, (not to piss off anyone who has struggled with trying to conceive) - it was just God's will and timing - and perhaps a wee bit too much alcohol on the night of my mother-in-law's memorial.... I have always considered that Marie went to heaven just to pick Casey out for us.

    I like this story a lot. It makes me smile :)
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    My daughter was born three days after my 35th birthday. If I had known how great it was being a mom, I would have started earlier, and had a couple more!
  • I had my daughter last spring at age 25. Although the pregnancy was a surprise, I've really enjoyed being a Mom.
    I should probably add, I've been in Grad school since autumn 2010, so have had lots of extra on my plate (with being pregnant and now having a baby). We're not planning another baby yet, I'd like to lose this baby weight first :)
  • laurenabell
    laurenabell Posts: 2 Member
    I'm turning 28 this year and my partner will be 29, neither of us have any kids yet and we aren't ready for them yet either! Do what suits you and have them when you're ready after all it'll be your lives that change and not anyone elses so their opinions don't count.
  • lilyvale68
    lilyvale68 Posts: 96 Member
    My only pregnancies were at 30 and 32. Both kids and I are completely normal and healthy. :)
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    I'm not trying to be the voice of negativity or anything, but for many women, it is harder to get pregnant in their 30s than it would be in their 20s. Fertility rates, on average, do go down as we age. That's just something to think about as you plan your family. :flowerforyou: I do know a couple of ladies, personally, who had careers and did their thing, and now are in their 30s and trying to conceive and have been having a terribly hard time with it. :(

    From personal experience, I am going to have to agree with you! I had my first at soon as we decided we wanted a baby....... BOOM! I was preggos!!! But, we decided to what a few years for the second. And it was much harder!!!! I could not get preggos....I was so discouraged!!! I actually gave up....and that is when I got pregnant! BUT, many people told me not to wait too long....I guess I shoud have listened.
  • I was young. I turned 18 only 11 days before my daughter was born and them my son was born 13 months later. Neither of them were planned and it definitiely made life a struggle for awhile, but I have loved being a mom from day one. There are definitely pros and cons to being either a very young mom or an older mom, but I feel like it is personal preference. I had to grow up fast, but on the flip side, my children will be adults and on their own (hopefully) before I hit 40, so I will have lots of time for myself at a point in my life when I know better who I am. My children are 12 and 13 currently and I still love every day of it, but it can be awkward at school functions some times when I am so much younger than most of the other parents. Whatever you decide, enjoy it!
  • Had my daughter the year I turned 30 and hoping for another maybe next year (will be 33). My husband and I also decided to wait a bit - enjoy being a just a couple for a while and get more financially stable.

    One point of interest, I work in a genetics lab and medically/biologically speaking 35 is considered "advanced maternal age" because the risk of a genetic error occurring goes up significantly at that point. So biologically speaking the 20's are probably more "ideal".

    Having said that though, plenty of women have had healthy babies in their 30's and well beyond with little or no trouble. And modern fertility medicine is amazing if you do have issues, which can happen at any age anyway.

    So there's no reason to rush into it. Wait until you are ready. Because it's a BIG change.
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    Had my first at 19 and my second at 21. No regrets.
  • muzmacol
    muzmacol Posts: 358 Member
    28 and 33, my wife was 38 with the 2nd child!
  • nussbaums
    nussbaums Posts: 8 Member
    17 wit my first...I had my 2nd 5 days before I turned 25 and my 3rd 11 days before I turned 26...
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    28, 30, 37
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    ill be 28 in april - i was a week from 22 when i had my first, and two months from 23 when i had my second. was going to start trying for #3 this june, but finances arent where we thought theyd be, so might have to wait a bit longer.
  • chinn5
    chinn5 Posts: 1
    I had 5 children and did not have my first until I was 30. At 33 I had a set of twins and then at 36 and 38 had one more each time. All went fine with no complications. However I was willing to except the higher risk of downs syndrome or complications. I did not have any optional pre-natal testing because of my age. I opted out since I would except any type of child we were blessed with.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I had my oldest when I had just turned 19 and my youngest 5 days before I turned 21... in 3 years I will be 40 and ready to face life as if I was 20, LOL