How old were you when you had kids?



  • lscrapbookp
    26... I plan my next one at 30.
  • JamzPurse
    JamzPurse Posts: 66 Member
    1st at 22, 2nd at 25, and 3rd at 28. My parents were a little older when I was born and I felt like they were out of touch with me so I wanted to have kids when I was young. That was just my experience though. I think you should have kids whenever you feel ready be it 20 or 40. Enjoy this time with your hubby. You are still young and have plenty of time.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    My husband and I are 28, and don't plan on having kids for another 2-3 years... once he's out of grad school. I think this is perfectly fine, women in their 30s have babies every day. Meanwhile people of my mom's generation are telling me I need to have kids NOW before I'm too old!

    So, I'm just curious, how old were you when you had children?

    I had my oldest at 33 and my youngest at 36. We married at 30 and waited 3 years before having kids. As for my age, I really did not sweat it, because my mom had me when she was 40, and both my grandmother's had their youngest children when they were in their late 30's.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    21, 25, and 29 Two arrived when I was 29--apparently twins become more likely as you age.
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    16 i had twins :-) then another almost ten months later... and so on
  • shinypinkpolish
    18 :-) I like being the young mom at all of the school functions when all of my son's friends parents are like 37+ and I'm 28.
  • TGomo
    TGomo Posts: 35
    34 and 38. I don't regret at all waiting to have children later in life. I had a BLAST in my 20s and was much more patient, not to mention financially secure, when we decided to bring children into our lives. Don't let age scare you. With the 2nd one I was over the dreaded 35 age and they have you meet with a genetic counselor who tried to fill my head with tenths of a percent differences of things that could go wrong, how important an amnio is, etc.. Nonsense! I ate healthy foods and listened to my doctor. I had absolutely no problem with fertility and both of my children are healthy. It is a very personal decision - everyone close to you will have an opinion of when you should. You should do whatever works for you! Know that your life will change dramatically when you have them - although it is so much work - a change for the better!!
  • Mardill
    Mardill Posts: 141 Member
    I was 22 when I married, waited 3 years, then tried to get pregnant. 7 years later (I was now almost 33) had my one & only son (through taking fertility drugs). My husband (we have been married 40 years now) & I only wish we could have been successful to have given our son a brother &/or sister. Such is fate! :ohwell: My Mom & Dad met at age 26, married at 27 & had 1st child at age 28. Two years later a 2nd & every 2 years or so, had another till there were 7 of us children! :love: Mom was 42 when she gave birth to my youngest sister. Mom & Dad had very healthy, happy, long lives - 92 & 94 years old, respectively.
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    I had my first at 18, 2nd @ 22, 3rd@30 my last (#4 & 5 - twins) at 35 :flowerforyou:
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    I guess i am the youngest...i gave birth one month before my 17th birthday so that made me 16 at the time. Second was at 23 and third was 8 months ago at 24. I dont think you can be too young or too old to become a parent. I believe people can be too selfish or too lazy, etc. I used to get alot of negative remarks and looks when i was between 17-21 just because i was a teenage mother and strangers made alot of assumptions about what kind of mother i was. For example, i was on welfare, i wouldnt finish school, i would work at a minimum wage job for the rest of my life, my boyfriend and i would split up and he wouldnt care to be a part of our sons life and so on. Well, i was never on welfare, i graduated high school with a "B" average, got my AA with a 3.8 gpa, working on my BA now, I have been a real estate appraiser for almost 6 years now, hit six figures at 23 AND my boyfriend and i are having our dream wedding in August after 10 years and three beautiful children later. Dont pay attention to your age or what other people say about it. The only thing that matters is the content of your character and as long as you can and will put your child first, strive to provide the best life for her or him and love them with all your heart, thats what counts...not your age when you had them.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    17 when I got pregnant, 18 when he was born.

    The only upside to this is I'll only be in my mid 30's when he graduates high school.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I was 18 and then 30
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I was 14
  • stwalsh226
    I was 22. My son was unplanned and his father is not around. I wouldn't change it for the world, but I wish I had waited until I was more stable in a lot of areas of life. We wouldn't have to struggle as much as we do now then. There is nothign wrong with waiting til you're ready!!! Even if that does mean you're 30 ;)
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    I had my first at 18, the next two at 19. 4th at 21, 5th at 23, 6th at 25. If I had to do it all over again, I'd wait a good 10 years longer, and leave longer between them.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Well I am currently growing my first, but he/she was an accident (a good one!). My fiancee and I were already engaged and wanted a child or children eventually but also wanted to wait a little longer...(um like after we got married, hahaha!). My mom had her first at 32 and last at 40. She had 3 healthy, beautiful girls so there is nothing wrong with waiting. There are goods and bad's to having kids a little later or sooner. She does say that if she could have had my littlest sister a little sooner, she would've. Having a 16 year old when you are almost 57 can be draining (she might look 32 but she isnt!).
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 725 Member
    I had mine at 26 and 28, and looking back I think that was too early for me. But the good part is that they will both be out of high school by the time I am 46.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    We got married at 19. I was 25 with my first and almost 28 with my second.
  • lpatterson327
    18. But that was not on purpose. If I didn't get pregnant as a teen, I would have ideally wanted to wait until I was around 30 or not at all. I don't think I'm a very "mom-like" person. I love my son more than anything and I'm so glad I have him now, but I wont be having anymore. I'm more of a "loner." lol

    im right there with you, i love my son with all my heart but i didnt want children until at least 30 and probably not at all, fate didnt end up that way and i had him when i was 21, definitly do not want any more, but he can have all the friends over that he wants to play :)
  • Maurey
    Maurey Posts: 44
    I had kids at 27, 29 and 31.