Gril Talk (That "time" of the month)



  • Perswaysion
    Perswaysion Posts: 69 Member
    Chocolate milk is my worst friend during t.o.m. I have long cycles and this last cycle I managed to avoid the cravings (I refused to buy it lol) and it's the first time I've not gained during a cycle. Yay!!!! The bloat arrived though. :grumble:
  • footballmom12
    footballmom12 Posts: 100 Member
    I usually do gain at least 2 or 3 lbs ...but last week it was TOM and I lost 4 go figure. The nice thing about this site is that you can see why...I crave salty/sweet stuff but last week I restrained myself so less bloating. When I started MFP I went out and got dark choc can eat 20 for 70 cals...fakes me out that I'm eating more and satisfying that oh so unstopable craving!!
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    I think mine is coming. I'm not that predictable. But I noticed I was feeling off and then today got the signs that I will start shortly. The major sign is that all I want is McDonald's! I did give in. I just want meat and salt. Nothing is the same as McD's fries. But then sometimes I still have to follow with something very rich and sweet. Ugh. It sucks. I feel like my body is ruling me. I agree with another poster though that said if I don't give in to what I REALLY want, then I will eat everything else trying to placate the craving and still end up getting the craved item as well.
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    Yep, mine goes up, you're not alone here! A little dark chocolate and a nice piece of steak with a side of salt shaker seem to get me through! I've learned to curb the cravings by trying to tell myself that it's not a craving, it's an excuse, and if I cave, I'm just making excuses for myself.

    Also, I've found that even though it's so much harder to get the motivation to work out when I get super PMSy, it makes the cramps better, and it helps take the edge off the cravings.
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    *Came running to this thread* I personally love talking about TOM! He's such a slut but personally the only real change I notice is with my appetite.
  • nightscare0
    What a depressing topic lol Yep mine is almost here, and already up 2-3 lbs! Feeling lethargic and craving all things junk food. I haven't caved yet, but it is really hard.

    I am currently craving salty/sweet foods like no one's business. But I have found that a small batch of homemade coleslaw takes care of that! I make mine with vinegar, Splenda, and low-fat mayo . . . . . so far the taste combo seems to do the trick :tongue:
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    My weight stays the same. I crave anything salty and chocolate, I just make sure it's within my calorie limit. And steak. I turn into a raging psycho if I don't get some sort of steak that week. The husband calls it 'shark week'
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    My weight doesn't go up with TOM, it goes up a few pounds the week or so before (PMS). PMS is also when I have all my cravings... mostly sweets and carbs.

    I wish I had some tips for ya... the biggest things I try to do... drink lots of water, and not keep those craving foods in the house!!!
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
  • littleblueallie
    littleblueallie Posts: 16 Member
    Honestly, I don't weigh myself when I'm on my period. I take birth control pills, so I'm already hormonal as it is, ESPECIALLY during that time of the month. I do have a lot of cravings though. When I'm craving something that's bad for you, every once and a while, if it's not TOO TOO bad, I'll go ahead & have a little treat. You gotta cheat sometimes! Otherwise, I just eat sometimes that's not so bad to snack on. One of my favorites are those quaker rice patty thingys, they have chocolate ones in 90 calorie packages. NOM NOM NOM!
  • Megclark37
    Megclark37 Posts: 111
    Mine goes up 2-3 lbs! I tend to crave bread, and chocolate
    -for the chocolate fix I drink diet swiss miss hot chocolate: (only 25 calories a packet!) it makes me satisfied and full :)
    -for bread cravings I try to have something like a mini bagel with PB and that seems to help me!

    Hope this helps :D
  • Kandygirl
    Kandygirl Posts: 249 Member
    my weight doesnt change but man, i will eat everything in sight.
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    My weight goes up. Before I started on here I used to get the WORST eat a whole batch of brownies in 3 days kind of cravings...I started here in Jan, and gave up sweets and most sugars for over a month, now my cravings are gone but I always feel hungry during TOM.
  • ChefCupcake
    I really crave junk food and chocolate a few days before my period starts. A day or two before, I the cravings die down just a little. I don't think I really gain weight though. I know that working out, good nutrition, and not too much caffeine helps me from cramping as much. Water is definitely good too!
  • ChefCupcake
    I really crave junk food and chocolate a few days before my period starts. A day or two before, I the cravings die down just a little. It's hard to find enough of anything to satisfy me. I don't think I really gain weight though. I know that working out, good nutrition, and not too much caffeine helps me from cramping as much. Water is definitely good too!
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    If its not nailed to the floor, I'm eating it.....and if its chocolate, watch out, dont stand between me and my chocolate in my t.o.m!!! I try. oh god do I try, but hard being a chocoholic

    We have to be twins!! This is totally me!!!! I keep emergency chocolate around, otherwise I become completely useless until I have it. And, I gain around 5 pounds my t.o.m. This month, I've been consistently taking my body by vi shakes and working out so and I have noticed my cravings aren't as strong. As long as I don't cave into eating, we're good -- once something hits my mouth...its all over.
  • Lifting_chick
    Lifting_chick Posts: 275 Member
    Yep weight goes up, totally crave chocolate......and for those that don't know it when you have cramps......well an orgasim will do the trick :blushing:
  • morthon
    morthon Posts: 9
    so relieved i bumped into this thread... i had such a great week burned over 2000 calories in workouts and ate what i should eat and i jump on the scale this morning expecting at least to lose a half a lb and i have just gained that - a half a lb (I took my scale to every room in the house weighing on every surface I could find too) but still the gain was there and I started my period this morning !!!!!!!!

    Gutted Gutted !! Funny enough I dont crave anything altho I used to - I dont have cravings or munchies now that I eat healthy and exercise a lot so my gain must be from water retention - soo sooo frustrating after such a good week - it just doesnt reflect how good a week I had and getting motivated to jump around with Jill now isnt on the cards either, so I will be forcing a workout in just now but not happy :(

    Hang in there water retentioners _ I have also decided that in 28 days time I will get on the scale, close my eyes and hubby can record it for me cuz i dont wanna see gains every 28 days anymore :(
  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    I am due on tomorrow, I have lose more this week then i have over the past 3 weeks, regarding the cravings I have not had any as of yet
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    im up at the moment, and on day 4 of my period.

    this one has been particulalry nasty and painful.

    i get horrendous migraines and cravings in the days leading upto it and first few days

    your body temp rises and also you expend an extra 100-200 cals a day during this time btw!