Alcohol and Weight Loss



  • weight2go
    weight2go Posts: 92 Member
    Me too. I drink on Friday and Sat. night. Not every Friday and Sat, if i know we are doing thing one of those nights like we did last weekend we went to Houston Rodeo Cookoff(major drinking) then I drank very little Friday night. . I stick to Vodka and (i know it sounds gross but) light Kool Aid. Only has 5 calories per 8oz. The fruit punch taste the best. When at home or going to friends. Vodka and tonic when out. I also try to do heavier workouts those days knowing Im going to be needing those calories.
  • machchic
    machchic Posts: 229 Member
    I don't drink during the week because it is difficult to get in the long workouts to overcome the calories. I do have a few drinks on the weekend, but I exercise for over an hour to get the calorie burn in. What I do not do is exchange my food calories for alcohol calories. You need to make sure you are eating food and not just empty calories. I have tried it both ways and I did not lose eating less and drinking. Some days I just want a glass of wine and 1 is okay, but I mostly keep it to Friday and Saturday in so I can really get in a good calorie burn. Hope that helps. Also I stick to vodka and wine and it is a good wine so I enjoy it.
  • allison_42
    I still drink. I'm a 21 year old college student so obviously I still drink. I just make sure I work out the days I consume alcohol and try to make sure it is within my calorie limits. I don't drink beer though, not because of the calories, I just don't prefer it. I drink liquor with 0 calorie sodas/juices/etc.
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I drink every weekend, and when I do drink, it's normally at least a bottle of wine. I know that that probably isn't good for me, but it's what I do, and I have lost weight consistently over the last year. So, from a weight loss point of view, it's totally possible to still drink alcohol, as long as you account for the calories.
  • ViSabbi
    ViSabbi Posts: 120 Member
    You know...weighloss is about lifestyle changes. Just be reasonable about it, and make 'space' for it. It's particularly difficult to completely cut out something you enjoy but splitting in half is often possible or even just cut one. Small changes, in the long run, will help you reach your goal. The swaps suggested above are all good ideas of how you can still enjoy your happy hours without cutting it all out.

    I personally chose to cut alcohol out. I drink a glass of wine perhaps once a week or on special occasions, sometimes a beer during social activities because people just think something's wrong with me when I don't drink (I used to party a lot every friday and they liked that part of me I guess even tho I'm not boring without it) Anyhow, no matter the changes you apply, you must think long-term, things that you will be able to maintain once your weighloss is achieved otherwise you will just gain the weigh back.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Treat it like chocolate, its calories that you may enjoy but will do very little good for you.

    If you are getting enough goodness and have some left over calories then that is fine assuming you are happy with the rate that you will be losing at and you can control the amount you have.

    There is a thought. For all those threads that have someone asking why they are not losing weight and the reply is you are having too few calories,eat more, the answer for them could be to drink more instead.
  • Scott_P
    Scott_P Posts: 95 Member
    If you are thinking of health and fitness in the short term then drinking on the weekend is probably not a good idea. However, if you are like most serious people and view your health and fitness as a lifestyle change and not a diet for the short term, then indulging once and awhile wont hurt. Being care free 1-2 days isn't what got most people to where they are, it was adding the other 5 days of over eating as well.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I posted this in another thread. Just so you can see it's not all about the calories. It's always good to be informed. :flowerforyou:

    "Well, according to research carried in the American Journal
    of Clinical Nutrition, alcohol puts the brakes on fat
    metabolism (your body’s ability to burn fat as energy) in
    more ways than one. In the study, eight people were given
    two vodka drinks separated by 30 minutes.

    Fat metabolism was checked both before and after each drink.
    It turns out that even hours after drinking both drinks, fat
    metabolism dropped by an incredible 73%. What is happening?

    When you drink alcohol, your liver converts it into a
    substance called acetate. (The acetate levels in the
    subject’s bodies were 2.5 times higher than normal). And it
    is the acetates in your body that make losing blubber almost

    Your body prefers burning acetate to all other sources of
    fuel (fat being one of them), and basically shuts down its
    normal process of burning off any other source of energy.

    In other research, alcohol has been shown to increase
    appetite. When you combine alcohol with meals, studies have
    shown you tend to eat more. And since the alcohol is going
    to serve as your body’s primary source of fuel, all the
    calories go directly to your waistline.

    And finally, alcohol increases your cortisol levels and
    decreases your testosterone levels for about 24 hours after
    you imbibe. And this definitely is not good for trimming
    down or adding muscle!"
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    I drink Friday and Saturday every week and have continued to lose weight, just log it like everything else.

    People say things like "if you stopped drinking you would lose weight faster", my retort is always that I enjoy a drink so why should I deny myself, this is a lifestyle change not a diet.

    I have lost 42 pounds in just over a year by the way.

    Good luck and enjoy.

  • nmerley
    nmerley Posts: 98 Member
    sit back and look at what your drinking. Could u change it up to something less sweet or less cals. I use to drink budweiser and switched to select 55. It has fewer cals and taste just as good. I tried the cuttin it out totally then I thought this is a life time commitment do i honsetly want to cut my beer out all together. NOPE so I just learned how to add it to my diet.
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    count the calories of the drink the same as you would calories in food, work your drink round your diet, example vodka, soda water and lime juice is about 66 cals,

    vodka 65 cals
    carbonated soda water 0 cals
    dash of lime juice 1 cal

    good luck :)
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    sit back and look at what your drinking. Could u change it up to something less sweet or less cals. I use to drink budweiser and switched to select 55. It has fewer cals and taste just as good. I tried the cuttin it out totally then I thought this is a life time commitment do i honsetly want to cut my beer out all together. NOPE so I just learned how to add it to my diet.

    ditto I like my beer, stella yum, but at 250 cals a pint, I need to cut it out / down (i dont like the lower cal beers) :(
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Everything in moderation....
  • Ballerina_Cara
    I think you can still lose with drinking. You have to allow yourself to enjoy things in life in moderation. Unless you have some sort of drinking problem. Me personally enjoy my weekend beers, and it normally gets worse in summer with all the BBQ's we go to. Just watch your moderation if you dont want to keep it. Honestly too maybe try a light beer?? if possible?? I only drink bud light or miller lite. so cal wise i have that sorta on my side.

    I've found that Beck's Light Beer is only about 65 calories and still tastes like a full beer!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    I have my diary set so that only my friends can see it, even that took a while cause I didn't want the flack I thought I would get for my alcohol consumption. I opened it just to them and have not gotten a single criticism. I am living proof that you can drink and have weight loss. I log it all and even plan other calories around the fact that I know I will have a drink in the evening. My husband and I have a cocktail and discuss our day before dinner every evening. Just make sure you acount for it.
  • Orangecupcake
    Orangecupcake Posts: 17 Member
    I started using MFP about three weeks ago. I eat very healthy already but I cut back on wine, which is my only vice. Instead of having a glass or two almost every night, I maybe have 1-2 glasses a week. I don't really miss it much either. It helps that my husband stopped drinking entirely. Even after just one glass we felt groggy in the morning. I think that cutting the alcohol has helped me lose 5+ lbs in three weeks. My clothes feel loose and my post pregnancy belly that never went away is shrinking every day. Moderation is the key!
  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    This is something I'm slowly conquering on my own as well. I used to have a beer almost every night after work, but now I'm only drinking one night a week. I've been able to lose even drinking a lot on Saturday, but I'm sure to get to where I want to be I'll most likely need to cut that back as well. I love beer so this is going to be tough for me LOL. I have found that when I drink whiskey and water (my fav. drink besides beer) instead I drink less and consume less calories overall. I guess the important thing, like everyone else has said, is to log it. I know, probably not much help, but either way, good luck!!
  • buckeyegirl6973
    buckeyegirl6973 Posts: 21 Member
    if i know im gona have a night out drinkin i make sure i save enough calories for it. i have cut way back on drinking so sometimes i go out and have 4 beers(budselect55),,then i switch to water and still have an excellent time out.and if i still feel to have another beer after the water i go for it. but i do stay away from the mixed drinks and when you drink hunger follows..but my mind is set.i do not eat!
  • Ro0kins_Wedding
    I still enjoy a drink and I am still losing weight. Like most people have said on here, all you have to do is budget for it. If I know I will be drinking a lot in the evening I will balance my diet acordingly. If I go over my calorie limit for that day, i will try and balance that out later in the week. As long as calorie counter is under my weekly total, i'm happy.