Anyone else upset with the people they live with due to lack

I sure am. I understand this is real life and your family will eat whatever they want in spite of you trying to lose weight and eating healthier. Im sure some of us, like me, live with people who are overweight and or never watch what they eat yet want to lose a good amount of weight yet do nothing about it. Im sure also a lot of people on here did the exact same thing with making every excuse in the book for not exercising and eating right but it's really aggravating and frustrating when family doesn't support u or even see any of the hard work you are doing for yourself. No, they don't need to give u a pat on the back everytime u make progress but still. I see foods they shouldn't eat all over the house and it really frustrates me. I get that they still want to eat what they want to eat but I just wish they would at least attempt to eat right and exercise at least a few times a week. Sigh. Anyone else have a similar situation?


  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Yep 100% same here. I see hubby buy stuff that has always made me cringe, like dripping to cook his chicken wings in.....ewwwwwww. Or even the fruit juice he claims is healthy for him, yet I know better. I just shhhh cause that is his choice to have that. I can't force him, wish I could.

    It makes it hard to see people do it to themselves & for them not to even notice that what you are doing is so much better for you. I don't ask for a pat on the back all the time, but I would love to be able to pat him on the back. I guess part of that is my fault, I will go out & buy the things he needs if asked. I could say they were out of stock, but that wont change a thing :( it will just get purchased later on.

    I even got a total flex for us all to use here, son has no idea how to use it & hubby wont even try :( He does love my kettle bells & swings them lmao... but that's the whole exercise thing for him. He makes excuses like his ear hurts (he has a bad ear infection that wont go) and that he is tired :( I wish that part of it all would change. He can see how well I have done, he does praise me for it.... really he does & the fact he can't keep his hands off me is a good thing. I love him no matter what size he is, just wish he was healthy :(
  • Definately! I am 57 and just started eating healthy and doing a lifestyle change last Oct. I had done a little good before, but that's when I really got serious-when I joined MFP! I want my kids to pay attention to what I'm doing and just take a look at what they are eating! My 2 daughters are both overweight-quite a bit I might add-and I'm so afraid of they way they feed their children! I also have an 18 year old son who still lives with me, and though he's not totally on the bandwagon, he does try to eat better sometimes. I only cook healthy and he likes what I make but still has to have his junk food!
    I must say, they all have noticed the change in me and do give me encouragement. Don't you just want to get through to your family SO bad? You stick with your plan and know you are doing the right thing for YOU! We're here for ya!
  • awidener86
    awidener86 Posts: 247 Member
    Yes! They like to eat fast food A LOT and eat late at night. Plus there is a ton of junk food in my house on top of the fast food
  • smariere
    smariere Posts: 459 Member
    Yes! I normally do the grocery shopping, and as part of my attempt to get healthy I have been going every Sunday so that I can get fresh produce. My family knows this but will still stop at BJ's to pick up really unhealthy food, french fries, chicken wings etc. Its hard for me to have temptations like that in the house all the time. I could deal with that, if I wasn't the one who cooks almost every night. Its hard to make an unhealthy dish for other people and not eat it yourself!
  • IndyInk
    IndyInk Posts: 212
    What I've noticed is that people who don't like to eat healthy--usually guys-- are extremely proud of it. You'll be sitting there eating your salmon and vegetables and they'll look you in the eye and say "Mmmm!" over and over while scarfing down plate after plate of bacon, biscuits, doughnuts, Oreos, buttered rolls or potato chips.

    Then they wash down their 80 medications with coffee, and go on their merry way.
  • My boyfriend is a meat-aholic. If it's got meat, cheese, and carbs, he's all over it. I keep trying to subtly remind him that his family history is going to catch up with his eating habits one day (his family is littered with heart disease). It just drives me nuts because: A) it's hard to be happy with my salad and light dressing when he's sitting across the table swimming in bacon, and B) I now know just HOW bad all that stuff he's eating is. At least I know I'm not alone.
  • I run into issues when my husband doesn't want to eat anything at the house and wants to eat out. There are not a lot of tasty low calorie options as fast food restaurants, in my opinion. Since I cook dinner, I control at least one of his meals, and he has lost a little too. We don't know how much, but he needs a belt for his jeans now. He asks me to buy things like frozen burritos and oven pizzas and they smell so much better than dry turkey on wheat. Since he is disabled, I have to actually fix the junk he wants to eat.
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    I'm soooo very lucky that my husband is health concious as well...but I do see it all around. Especially when we have family gatherings...if you even make the whole wheat, brown rice/pasta option it's like WTF! lol
    And God forbid you have diet soda (which we drink on occasion)...

    I laugh because all we hear is "I read about diet soda, it's terrible for you" YEAH well, you don't read articles that say REGULAR soda is bad for you because you should know that already!!! lol...(I know there are articles, I'm just sayin)
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 673 Member
    My brother and my mom always bring cookies, donuts, cupcakes, apple puffs, coconut custard pie and brownies into the house. Oh, and there is ALWAYS at least two 3-liter Pepsi bottles in the fridge.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    When I visit my parents, I'm faced with a diet of bread, cookies and coffee. I usually do some grocery shopping for myself when I take the trip there... :) Thankfully I don't live there full-time.
  • I have the same issue and I am just starting! It is hard so when I have to I eat light since its so high in calories. (ok today was a bad day) then try to make them all see me walking on the teadmill. (we keep it in the living room)
  • shine_
    shine_ Posts: 150 Member
    I don't live with my family, so it's probably way different but the fact that I have a flatmate that is overweight and eats really crappy food all the time helps motivate me. I look at him eat pizza and I don't want it because the way he eats it, the way it drips down his fingers and arms and the way he slurps his way through the cheese and grease makes me never want to eat pizza ever!! Same goes for pretty much everything else he gets through in a day. I just see it as him highlighting exactly what I don't want for my body - inside or outside. If he wants to treat his body like that, then fine! I can imagine it is very different if the person in question is someone you care about though or if you're the kind of person that needs the house to be free from unhealthy things in order to stay away from the temptation. I'm quite okay personally with there being sweets and things in the house, I still don't want to eat them.
  • mandamommy3
    mandamommy3 Posts: 297 Member
    Absolutely on the same page here. It's just me and my 3 little ones all day so they pretty much just eat what I give them. But once my fiance gets home its a different story, he's at least 70 pounds over weight and makes jokes about wanting to be bigger and that the only reason I'm trying to lose weight is to get other guys attention. He eats what ever he wants and gets mad if I don't have the junk he wants in the house. He told me that he would probably want to get on board once he sees me lose at least 20 lbs, well buddy I'm at 15 lost so far. And then he thinks that when he does try to lose weight all he's gona do is get some magic diet pill or just not eat or something stupid. He just likes to get under my skin about it and if he thinks its going to make me stop then he's dead wrong. I'm just going to prove him wrong in the end.
  • samanthagreen3
    samanthagreen3 Posts: 39 Member
    All i have to say is, Mcdonalds, KFC, burger king. All my friends want to eat there. Even if i was on a binge I wouldnt choose to eat there! Horrid food, if you can call it food!
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    I run into issues when my husband doesn't want to eat anything at the house and wants to eat out. There are not a lot of tasty low calorie options as fast food restaurants, in my opinion. Since I cook dinner, I control at least one of his meals, and he has lost a little too. We don't know how much, but he needs a belt for his jeans now. He asks me to buy things like frozen burritos and oven pizzas and they smell so much better than dry turkey on wheat. Since he is disabled, I have to actually fix the junk he wants to eat.

    You can make healthy pizzas and burritos and please both of you! Healthy food doesn't need to be dry and unappetising... look up some good ideas online and start experimenting!
  • Balice57
    Balice57 Posts: 125
    Here's where I'm lucky to be single and have only the cat to notice how I'm eating. She doesn't care whether I'm healthy or not, although she has it pretty good, so would like to keep me around. I do recall when I was on a diet once and home visiting my folks, so I cooked dinner. Dad looked at the broccoli without any sort of sauce on it and gave Mom a look. Mom told him to just eat it, but we always had sauces on vegetables growing up. A naked vegetable? I don't think so.

    I highly recommend the new Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice meals - they have some incredibly tasty ones now. I'm sticking to those most of the time until I learn my portions.

    Sadly, we can only lead by example. People hate change, and nobody wants to be told what they should be eating/doing. We all have to figure it out for ourselves. Lord knows, it's taken me long enough to figure out that it feels better to be healthier.

    My sympathies are with those of you who have to deal with the unhealthiness surrounding you at home.
  • samanthagreen3
    samanthagreen3 Posts: 39 Member
    I don't live with my family, so it's probably way different but the fact that I have a flatmate that is overweight and eats really crappy food all the time helps motivate me. I look at him eat pizza and I don't want it because the way he eats it, the way it drips down his fingers and arms and the way he slurps his way through the cheese and grease makes me never want to eat pizza ever!!

    Going to think about this on the treadmill to motivate me!!
  • Most of my family still lives together due to our own circumstances... although it's not so bad since I'm in the only one overweight and it's kind of driving me to get healthy. My Dad is an example of what not to be so that works too, not weight wise, just health wise... vitamin and nutrient deficiency come to mind when I think of his diet. My mom and my sister exercise all the time.

    Although... the one bad thing... my house has smelled like a bakery for the past 2 weeks... right as I got started again my sister took a job making baked goods for my Dad's business. She makes brownies, cookies, etc 2-3 times a week in the house. I've done good though, I've eaten a whole 2 cookies in 2 weeks lol.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,333 Member
    My take on this is: none of us ate healthy all our lives, or we wouldn't be on this site.

    We all have to start somewhere. You can't change them and thankfully, they can't change us.

    All we can do - any of us - is set an example. It's their lives to lead, and screw up or not.
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    I moved out a long time ago, but my mom was ridiculous! I was pretty young and would ask her to buy some healthy foods (was an obese child, sad face) and she'd be like "deep fried cheese curds ARE healthy because they have CHEESE"

    I was young, not retarded :p