New to this.. scared about joining a gym?!



  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    Just go and do it! At my starting size of "Extra Huge" I was welcomed to my gym by people of all shapes and sizes and all different age groups. I found that people either kept to themselves or were very friendly and supportive, but never got any negative reaction from anyone. As I have become a regular there I have developed some friendships, and now get lots of compliments on the progress I have made from other members, the staff, and the trainers!

    There is nothing to fear but fear itself! (I stole that one in case it sounds a bit familiar) :bigsmile:
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Haters gonna hate. Join the gym, start with the treadmill in the back corner and people-watch for a little while. You will come to realize that the people who are there to work are too busy sweating to pay attention to you. And the people who have the time and/or nerve to judge you... shouldn't.
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    Don't listen you what your family members are telling you. Not everyone at the gym is going to be fit and in shape. Just go and do what you can. No one will be watching you. The first time i went i did 10 minutes on the treadmill, and 10 on a bike. There were people there that were more out of shape than me. So dont worry about it and GO.................................have fun.
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    if you want to join a gym, GO FOR IT ! Everybody is at the gym for their own reasons and I am sure if they are fit now to some degree they started out like you are now. Yes you might have the odd rude person but hey you can walk down the street and get that. You are there for YOU. Go work your butt off and have fun doing it ! I am still a bit self conscious myself but I think of where this is going to get me and it always trumps the looks I may get.
  • Your fear is actually totally understandable. I was totally freaked and self conscious to go to the gym alone the first day. It was mostly just due to working the machines and not keeping up well. I suggest you either bring a friend or ask someone who works there to show you how to use all the different equipment the first time?

    My suggestion is to be strong! You aren't just losing weight for weight.. you want to feel better about yourself! You want to feel self confident! Be proud of who you are.. EVERYBODY is there to change their bodies and move closer to their goals? It isn't just you. So don't feel alone! Yes, even those people who look perfect.. are obviously working on themselves :) I admire seeing people of all stages of working out there!

    The other option is working out by walking outside or doing a workout video at home? For some that works better? It is a personal preference.

    I just don't think you should let anyone make you feel inferior or self Conscious. Prove them all wrong!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT.
  • I signed up for a 3 year contract with my gym and didn't even go the first year. I got up to 328 and decided I had to do something and started going to the gym. I was extremely self conscious and some days would just leave after walking in. But then I noticed that nobody cares if I'm there or not, just like I didn't care if anyone was there. The only thoughts that went through my mind when I saw someone struggle was "good for them, they are trying". I've had a few gym members say something like that to me too, which embarrassed me, but they were encouraging me.

    Do your best and if you think someone is judging you, ignore them. It is all up to you and remember don't try to talk yourself out of it, try to talk yourself into it.
  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 532 Member
    Is there a Planet Fitness near you? I just joined and I love the "judgement free zone" Plus its a lot cheaper than most gyms.
  • my2boiz
    my2boiz Posts: 89
    Thats honestly ridiculous. I'm sorry someone even said that to you. Here's what I say when I see someone new at my gym...... Go YOU! I'm happy that it seems more and more people are putting health and fitness first. The gym may be the last place you feel self concious or out of place. Tons of people have the same goals you do. When i'm there im focused and motivated and hardly ever have time to look at someone else. You may feel like you don't know what youre doing, but take advantage of the sign up tour that most gyms have. They will go over a lot of the machines and so forth with you. If they don't offer that then you should ask about it. Everyone starts somewhere. 40lbs ago I would for certain be thinking what you are. It only took me one week to become addicted to working out. Best addiction I could think of having. Give it a chance! If you don't like it, there are a lot of workouts you can do from home. Good luck!!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The people at my gym do their thing and I do mine. No reason to feel self-conscious. Despite the myth that many who have NEVER been to a gym believe, there are all shapes, sizes, ages and levels of fitness in every gym. And if you really feel weird about it, go during really slow times (Saturday and Sunday mornings tend to be dead, or after 7 in the evening, unless you can get there when everyone else is at work).

    Join! Go!

    Personally, I prefer to exercise outside and at home because I feel less claustrophobic, but it was pretty cheap for me to join a gym and I like using the weights, so I have a membership.
  • sjackson1717
    sjackson1717 Posts: 94 Member
    I USED to feel the same way but I went anyway and have been going for 2 yrs now. I actually feel guilty when i don't go. Can you believe that? Your worst enemy is your self thoughts so don't think about it and JUST DO IT! I am rooting for you. DO IT, DO IT, DO IT! :happy:
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 468 Member
    I was nervous at first, but I LOVE it there now. It's like my home away from home, where I got to escape, I can work out without the kids needing me and it is "my time". I put on my ipod and my headphones and ignore th rest of the world and just focus on getting in the best workout I can!
  • I used to feel the same way. I was totally intimidated, more by not knowing how to use equipment than self-conscious but some of that too. Is there a gym in your area that is for women or has a women's area? I used to go to Curves and I really liked it, and I know the Gold's where I live has a women's room.
    Eventually I realized nobody cared what I was doing. Same goes for classes. As long as you aren't physically running into other people, no one cares. You may not be the fastest on the treadmill or using heavy weights, but you are beating the pants off everyone who never started.
  • Becky_Boodle
    Becky_Boodle Posts: 253 Member
    Don't feel self conscious! We aren't at the gym to stare at others. We are all there for the same reasons--to get fit, be healthy, feel good, etc...You won't regret doing it.

    So true!!!!
    And if they are staring at you...just think to yourself...I'm sexy and they know it!!!
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    I do the AquaZumba and you can wiggle so much more underneath the water. All I can think is " this feels so eeew " with what the fat on my legs is doing but it's under water. Who cares ? I certainly don't since a few months from now there will be so much less to wiggle. Can't wait. I love it
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Hi there,

    I'd say it depends on the gym. Some of them are full of skinny fit folks with fake tan and perfect hair in the latest workout gear (and sometimes makeup), some of them have the weights room dominated by men who look like they've been skinned then dipped in brown oil...some of them are fairly low key with a range of people... they vary.

    I'd say make sure you go and have a good look around (and see if you can have a trial) before you sign up to an expensive contract. And check the contract thoroughly - can you cancel? How much would it cost? Do you get any guidance - a personalised programme? How helpful are the staff? Do you want to do group classes? etc etc. Many, many people join gyms then stop going...

    Personally, if you say you've never done any exercise, I'd start with a 15 min walk most days. Or something like the 'couch to 5K' app if you want to try an intro to running. Or take some classes at a community centre i.e. yoga, dance, whatever you might enjoy. Or an exercise DVD at home...

    But then again, I've tried gyms and they don't do it for me.

    Good luck, whatever you choose to do (and I agree, don't bother feeling self conscious - you're not there for anyone else's benefit!)
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Everyone who joins a gym is at least a little self-conscious. But people go to the gym for themselves, not to judge others. When I first joined I felt like there was a spotlight on me and a big sign over my head that said "HEY EVERYONE GUESS WHAT I NEVER WORK OUT"... Now I could kind of care less, people just do their own thing. You're far more critical of yourself than anyone would ever be of you. We just don't pay attention to other people at the gym.
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    So, if you go to the gym you may encounter some people who are fitter than you, and indeed, some who look in GREAT shape. Don't feel intimidated by this. One of the reasons they look good is BECAUSE they go to the gym. Become one of them and look at those fitter people as a motivating factor for you. It's not easy, it takes commitment, but you can do the same. The longest journey begins with a single step, make it...

    Rgds, David
  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298
    Everyone probably gets a little nervous to go a gym. There are going to be people smaller than you..and there are going to be people bigger than you. But essentially everyone is there for the same reason, to get fit! I used to be a little nervous just because i was out of shape..but i found once i got on the machine & started going i didnt think about it anymore. & sometimes peeking over and seeing the person next to you still truckin along even helps to keep you going when you may want to stop. Gyms are great, i say put the fear aside and go for it! :)
  • For me, the scariest part about going to the gym is the going part. But once youre in there, and youre working out, and especially when youve finished, you will feel an overwhelming sense of achievement (and be awfully sweaty if youve worked out hard enough :P).
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I'm 100 lbs overweight and go to my gym every day. I even do dance cardio and Zumba, run on the treadmill, get my big ol' butt on those tiny seats in spin class and lift weights in the "big-boy room". Don't let your fear stand in the way of your progress. Everyone has to start somewhere and it's always uncomfortable to make changes.
    When I'm there, I don't feel self conscious anymore because I'm beginning to see myself as just another healthy person doing what healthy people do. Occasionally, I'll catch my reflection and see that I don't fit the healthy image yet, but I just say "good for her!" and give that girl in the mirror some privacy. You can do it. It's worth it if you go.