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Anyone else upset with the people they live with due to lack



  • Miss♥Ivi
    Miss♥Ivi Posts: 461
    I actually got my SO to eat right last night and I'm proud of it! We went out to grab dinner at Chili's and I got the combo dinner; chicken breast, grilled shrimp and a side of broccoli. He ended up having the same thing but no broccoli. He opted for mash! I understand a mound of broccoli isn't for him but he did amazing compared to what he normally eats; a full rack of ribs, cole slaw, corn, big mouth bites, potato skins, and a mound of french fries :noway: He was shocked it was so good. He was able to sleep at night without feeling overly stuffed, didn't get heart burn and actually felt like he could walk to the car and NOT unbutton his pants!

    He wasn't on board in the beginning and he'd try to seduce me with his junk food but he came around when he figured out I wasn't budging and going grocery shopping with me was like going grocery shopping with Joe Decker.

    Give it some time and just stick to your plan! If they come around, good for them! If they don't, they just aren't ready yet. Good luck!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think you need the serenity prayer.

    Whether you believe in God or don't, it's something EVERYONE should recite. Because it gives a lovely dose of reality.

    Worry about you. You cannot change other people.
  • lightstruck1
    lightstruck1 Posts: 52 Member
    The only reason why I don't want to move back home. I'm vegan, they aren't.
  • shine_
    shine_ Posts: 150 Member
    I don't live with my family, so it's probably way different but the fact that I have a flatmate that is overweight and eats really crappy food all the time helps motivate me. I look at him eat pizza and I don't want it because the way he eats it, the way it drips down his fingers and arms and the way he slurps his way through the cheese and grease makes me never want to eat pizza ever!!

    Going to think about this on the treadmill to motivate me!!

    Hahaha I'm glad! It is a tragically accurate picture of him and pepperoni pizza I have painted there, I promise! I have him at the opposite side of the kitchen table for most of my dinners every week - it is really easy to enjoy healthy food when having that to compare it to! ;)
  • bobie1978
    bobie1978 Posts: 204 Member
    First day of my diet my bf pulls into a Tim Hortins for Breakfast.. I did good and ordered an oatmeal.. I just thought it was unthoughtful A week later he went to docs and had high blood pressure.. and doctor told him not to add salt to his food. so for dinner that night out of spite I made sure he see me add salt to whatever it was I was eating.. (with an evil laugh lol) . Paybacks are a b*$%.. yup :)
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    I have one of those hubby's who can eat just about anything and not gain any weight,so he'll sit in front of my and eat a bag of chips or cookies and not think twice until I have to ask him to not eat those in front of me,but I did notice that lately I've been buying healthier foods and he's actually eating them,yogurt,having salad's so hey if he's gonna eat it I have no problem at all buying more of it.
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    My husband is like that, and offten brings foods he knows I love and cant eat into the house or stop and McDonalds when Im in the car. Its irratating at first but now it doesnt really bother me. This is my choice and something I am doing, just because Im at the point in my life that I want to change my health doesnt mean he is at the same point right now. But I cook dinner so he is at least getting one meal a day of healthy choices!

    Dont be mad you are strong and can do this even if the peopel around you are not
  • Melysa1988
    Melysa1988 Posts: 81 Member
    If you guys have a movie night you should all watch food inc or forks over knifes. There are a lot of documentary on nutrition on netflixs. Maybe once they watch this it will help them better understand .
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    I look at him eat pizza and I don't want it because the way he eats it, the way it drips down his fingers and arms and the way he slurps his way through the cheese and grease makes me never want to eat pizza ever!!

    they way you described that is soo nasty and now i do not want pizza and I LOOOOOOVE pizza not so much now. ICK
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    There's actually a plus side to this: You're learning to eat right while those around you aren't. I lost 83 lbs. 8 years ago, and since I wasn't in a relationship I could fix dinner for my 3 busy teenagers and then retreat to my own space to get away from it. As soon as I got into a relationship with someone who wasn't watching his diet the weight all came back on. I hadn't learned to eat properly outside of the vacuum that the single life afforded me. This time I am newly married, and my husband isn't watching his weight. I'm learning to continue to cook the things he likes while altering my own eating and exercise habits so this can be long term. He's supportive of my efforts, but isn't ready to have my diet forced on him. Fair enough, as far as I"m concerned. I either eat smaller portions or I eat something different altogether.
  • xxxtwix
    xxxtwix Posts: 4
    I'm married to the sugar plum fairy. He eats and drinks his weight in sugar everyday.of.the.week. If he lost any more weight he'd blow away in the wind never to be found again. And he's lived this way his whole life. When he goes to the corner store for a candy bar he comes back with a dozen. On the other hand I have gotten him to eat salad and a few other occasional vegetables. Scary..

    I have 5 teenage kids. Essentially I cook for me, him, and them. I used to be upset, but then I figured that was a waste of precious energy. :wink:
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I believe in to each their own. My house is loaded with junk. I make the choice not to eat it. And yes easier said than done. I've had many moments struggling not to eat the Doritoes on the counter or whatever else is there. And I've lost some of those struggles. But just because I want to be healthy and be slender doesn't mean I have the right to nag my mom into eating the way I do. I don't tolerate people giving me grief over how I eat, I won't do the same to others.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    What I've noticed is that people who don't like to eat healthy--usually guys-- are extremely proud of it. You'll be sitting there eating your salmon and vegetables and they'll look you in the eye and say "Mmmm!" over and over while scarfing down plate after plate of bacon, biscuits, doughnuts, Oreos, buttered rolls or potato chips.

    Then they wash down their 80 medications with coffee, and go on their merry way.
    Are you married to my husband????? I ate Stuffed Chicken Breasts last night and he had a large lasagna with meat sauce. He smokes like a chimney and takes his cholesterol medicine and acid reflux medicine regularly. I refuse to cook two separate meals though. He doesn't like what I'm cooking, he can make himself a sandwich. I bought the lasagna, but refused to open the package and put it in the oven for him.

    No more. I'm getting healthy if it kills him!!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    People do things in their own time. I have lost weight and been doing this for 14 months now. My husband only just decided to start eating healthier 2 weeks ago, so for 14 months I've been doing it while he brings home fruit juice and eats chocolate and cheese and biscuits every evening. Interestingly I seem to have set an example for everyone else I know, though. 2 of my 3 sisters have started running (though they were already very thin to start with), my best friend joined here about 6 months ago and has lost the same amount of weight as me, and now hopefully my husband is joining in too.
  • Totally understand! I have felt the same frustrations.

    It would be much easier to diet and exercise if my husband was 100% on board. Once you get married, it's hard not to be influenced by the habits of your spouse. But hopefully that goes both ways and we can start to be a positive influences on them while not taking on too much of the bad influence they give back? I give in now and then to the bad influence, but everyone deserves a break now and then anyway.

    But I have seen a few rays of hope over the last few months that perhaps my hubby is getting more interested in his health - he signed up for a health program at work all by himself!!! He is doing better with eating more healthy or at least better portions without my prompting. It's hard to keep my mouth shut, but I'm doing it. Nagging only brings out the stubborn in him.

    The one thing that gets me the most is he doesn't exercise at all. He makes up LOTS of excuses why not . . . I know it's not always fun or perfectly comfortable, but isn't that part of being an adult? And I know some people hate treadmills/ellipticals, but that's what we have available for free in our home and how hard would it really be to just watch TV or listen to music and walk (slowly even) for 10 min on the treadmill?

    I am biting my lip though . . . I'm not going to nag, I'm not going to nag . . . (chant this to myself a lot lately)

    It's his deal and hopefully he will make the decision on his own someday when he is ready.

    Keeping my mouth shut and letting it go! But glad I'm not the only one who feels the frustration sometimes!
  • yoashisme
    yoashisme Posts: 48 Member
    I feel where your coming from. My whole family is big and my brother and mother are huge. I don't live with them but see them at least once a week and all they want to do is eat bad. My husband is underweight and it's crazy the amount o food he eats. He works it all off during work tho. He fixes peoples homes so he is always on the move. We have a whole self for his snack food. I put all his stuff on the bottom self so I dont see it unless I drop something. I have only been doing this for a little while but I am doing way better then I thought I would. I see that I do have more self control then I thought I did. My husband is sweet and wants me to be happy but in all honesty he rather I gain weight cuz he likes big women. I sometimes hate to know that. It's like always in the back of my mind. During workout I sometimes think well everyone else does care why should I finnsh but then I remember the scale. I have never been over two hundred pounds but it freaks me out to think I was one pound away from it. I always heard it was hard to get under two hundred so I never let my self get there. Although I have never been this close I have always fears it. Keep doing what your doing. It helps to have people on here cheering for you. I know when I think I want something to eat but I am not hungry I think of my Mfp friends and what they would say. They keep me in line and I love it.
  • smsinger75
    smsinger75 Posts: 251 Member
    I am lucky that my hubby is 100% supportive. And he recently decided to start losing weight and getting back in shape. So now we are working out together in the evenings before dinner. But he still has to have his Mtn Dew and occasional junk food. Which I have finally learned to ignore when he eats them in front of me. I am hoping in the near future he will further wean himself off the soda and choose to snack healthier. But I know it takes time and a preson has to make the committment on their own.

    Hang in there!
  • IndyInk
    IndyInk Posts: 212
    I'm not aggravated when people decide not to eat healthy things or adopt my diet (except Dad, who refuses to drink water and winds up in the hospital dehydrated).

    What's aggravating is (1) parading junk food in front of you when they know you're dying to have it and can't, and (2) the immediate dismissal of anything remotely healthy-sounding because it's assumed the food tastes terrible.

    Example: I rent a mother-in-law suite in a house. A 4-member family lives in the other part of the house. We share the kitchen. When I moved in, the family was horrified that all my groceries said "Organic." They said, "Organic milk? Organic coffee? Organic spices? Do you just hate everything that tastes good?"
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    What I've noticed is that people who don't like to eat healthy--usually guys-- are extremely proud of it. You'll be sitting there eating your salmon and vegetables and they'll look you in the eye and say "Mmmm!" over and over while scarfing down plate after plate of bacon, biscuits, doughnuts, Oreos, buttered rolls or potato chips.

    Then they wash down their 80 medications with coffee, and go on their merry way.
    Are you married to my husband????? I ate Stuffed Chicken Breasts last night and he had a large lasagna with meat sauce. He smokes like a chimney and takes his cholesterol medicine and acid reflux medicine regularly. I refuse to cook two separate meals though. He doesn't like what I'm cooking, he can make himself a sandwich. I bought the lasagna, but refused to open the package and put it in the oven for him.

    No more. I'm getting healthy if it kills him!!!

    I was just thinking that, I absolutely refuse to be a short order cook and cook different things for everyone. If someone else wants to take the initiative and cook then they can cook what they want, until then you'll get what I am making! :tongue: Within' reason! I don't make anything out of the ordinary, but use whole wheat, don't add sauces, extra salt, etc..
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    YES...college roommates :(