Sarcastic, middle aged and a grammar grouch.



  • lgibbons9990
    My grammer is grouchy...not my best feature, but if you are middle aged at 38 that I am older than old...but I read all the way through your post and found it quite refreshing, so friend me if you like...if not, your loss.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    That title describes me.
  • JustKat2020
    JustKat2020 Posts: 6 Member
    Before we can move forward I would need to know just how you feel about the Oxford comma. If you are completely opposed to the use of it we could have an issue before we even have our first (imaginary) interaction. I simply couldn't be (imaginary) friends with someone who harbored such hatred over a poor innocent comma. Now if, in general, you feel a sense of ambiguity towards the use of said comma than we can proceed.
  • sharcando
    Enjoyed your post! I'm also a grammar freak ~ perhaps not so much out here on the internet ~ as so many people seem to let it ride. Found your post refreshing and I too possess a half-empty, rather than half-full kind of attitude :} I'm a bit older (and more jaded for sure), but think we might find some interesting support out here! I just came on here about a week ago as well, and hope to post at least a more regular food diary out here next week . . . documentation, documentation, documentation ~ can't say it doesn't smack you in the face when you see it in writing, you know?
    Hope to see you out here again.
  • LemonSnap
    LemonSnap Posts: 186 Member
    Someone posts something and then a load of other people chime in with a "Great job".

    Was placing punctuation outside the quotation marks also deliberate? Subtle.
  • PALady4JC
    PALady4JC Posts: 99 Member
    Very refreshing! I'm glad to "meet" a new imaginary friend who doesn't want to always be nicey-nice in cyberspace. I'm not grouchy; I tend to relish sarcasm (giving and receiving); and, oh, don't get me started about grammar, punctuation and spelling! :explode:
    As for being your friend, I don't care all that much about you really, so if you choose not to "friend" me (when did friend become a verb?!), I'll not shed any tears.
  • PALady4JC
    PALady4JC Posts: 99 Member
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Thanks for all the replies, especially if you made me laugh.

    First I must come clean and admit I'm a horrible speller. I cheat all the time and google words. When I forget and misspell them I try to blame it on autocorrect (apparently autocorrect isn't actually a word). That or I blame being Australian. "No, seriously, that's how we spell it in Australia."

    I should have known I'd be setting myself up for failure by implying I'm some kind of spelling/grammar queen. But that's ok, I can take the knocks. Due to my inferior education I didn't realise there was a rule about where the punctuation goes in quotation marks (don't blame me, I teach maths - and yes, that 's' belongs there) but thanks to wikipedia I find that there is a difference between the British/American style so I'm going to claim to be using which ever style it is that does it the way I did it. Thus, I'm right. I'd be more specific but the article mainly just confused me.

    Thanks for all the friend requests. I look forward to being abused (in cyberspace, lets keep this clean people) by many of you.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Thank you. I'd pretend to feel sad about yesterdays diary but I can't even begin to tell you how good that guacamole was.

    I'm also secretly hoping that the number I logged was an American portion and that the Japanese chain serves smaller sizes.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Oops. I thought I could reply to individual comments but it just put my reply at the end and now I look like a crazy person talking to herself.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Someone who doesn't feel the need to vomit rainbows all over my successes and failures? It's a miracle!

    I shall endeavour to work the phrase "vomit rainbows" into at least one conversation per day for the foreseeable future.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    This is the best thread ever.

    If you ate the guacamole standing up, it has far less calories. You'll learn this and many more useless and untrue things from people here.

  • SteaknChez
    SteaknChez Posts: 7 Member
    "Grammar is the difference between knowing your *kitten* and knowing you're *kitten*."

    just thought I'd throw this in for good measure.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 849 Member
    :laugh: This post was entertaining enough that I made my hubby sit through me reading it aloud... along with some of the replies.... great stuff. (Or at least I thought so.)

    You're more than welcome to add me if you'd like, but in the interest of full disclosure you should know that I soon delete people who (a) starve themselves, (b) put annoyingly blatant cleavage shots on their profile picture, and/or (c) cuss a lot on their posts (which I know is weird given that I'm a military spouse, you'd think I'd be desensitized by now, but I'm not).
  • CharityEaton
    "Grammar is the difference between knowing your *kitten* and knowing you're *kitten*."

    just thought I'd throw this in for good measure.

    Sooo true!
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 707 Member
    You seem like a cool person and can add me BUT (and yes i used caps because well i can) I'm not the best speller and well my grammar isn't the greatest. I think MFP is taking pity on me as I see spell check popping up and correcting me.

    You don't have to be up beat and crapping rainbows to be my friend as long as your honest.
  • JCGilbert
    JCGilbert Posts: 33
    My daughter's favorite saying is, "I'm not too good at giving advice, but may I offer you a sarcastic comment?" And she is only 15 years old. I raised her well.
    Loved your post. A breath of fresh air in this forum of rainbow puke and crap. Particularly loved the reply telling you that your food diary sucked. That was genius. Add me. I will be happy to snark the day away with you. If I have to see one more comment to someone giving a virtual "high five" for not eating every Oreo or M & M ever manufactured, my eyes may roll right outta my friggen' skull.
    I try my best with grammar, but I occasionally use invented spelling, such as: cuz or gonna. This is in part laziness but more that I type words the way I say them so my real (imaginary!!??) voice can be heard.
    Rock on!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Hmmm. I'll pass, but good luck. Grammar grouches don't do it for me. I have enough grouches in my life. Looking for some cheerleaders. Had a very critical parent; married to a master of sarcasm, (yet he is a very good person). Looking for more positive people, as life is so short.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Added you.
    But I have one question:

    When did 38 become "middle aged" ???? You've got 10 years for that claim, IMO.
    Still, we can be friends. We've too much in common not to be. Only I don't get to travel like that :sad:

    (And, yes, the question mark goes outside of the quotes. I'm not quoting a question, I'm questioning a quote. :laugh: :wink: )
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Aym awl four pawsitive reinforcement sew eye gess ewe can leeve me out. A lawt of peeple git nun at home sew thay git mowtivashun on hear. Gud luck two ewe.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Huked on fonix werked for yu!