Passing this plateau and reaching my goal.



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I don't think I seen this mentioned. But watch your SALT!!

    I got carried away eating a baked chip for about 6 months for lunch everyday, yes EVERYDAY!!! Not good I know.

    BUT, a couple weeks ago, I said ok this is enough. I haven't dropped a lb since maybe July. Haven't gained, but haven't lost either. So I looked back at my diary to figure out what I've been doing different since then. In the back of my mind I knew it was the chips, but didn't want to give em up, haha. So, what do you know, I went back as far as May, and those chips are there!! If I lost any between May and July,it was like .5 a month, it was sooo slooowww, lol.

    I've been off of them and replaced it with yogurt, this has been the last 3 weeks. First week nothing, Second week a lb. As of today...4 LBS!!! Woo, lol. It was the salt, but eating those everyday made me feel so normal, I just hated to admit they were a problem, lol.

    So my suggestion, is to watch your salt, and drink more water. I tried everything before looking at my diary. Upping calories, lowering. Extra cardio, extra weights. Different forms of exercise. No exercise. Extra cheat days and so on and so on. It was the salt!!
    good luck =) If I can break it, anyone can break it.

    Potassium counters the effects of salt. I generally watch both and just try to get equal amounts because it can be hard to get enough potassium. If I've done really bad (like my sister's wedding this past weekend) I will make myself a homemade tomato soup from reduced-sodium tomato paste. One can of tomato paste has over 1000 mg of potassium. It helps to flush water weight out.
  • ayummymommy01
    ayummymommy01 Posts: 135 Member
    I am at a similar place right that last 14 lb. SO I was working out MORE before and wasn't working so now I will try LESS (meaning less cardio mainly) and see what happens. I am focusing on weights and making sure to eat my calories leaving a 200-250 cal deficit at the end of the day.
    I have just started Jamie Eason's 12 Week Trainer for my workouts...she has a great eating plan with it. I am gonna stick to her recommendations and see where they take me. What I have been doing is not working so why not try something new?...
  • vdaniela3
    vdaniela3 Posts: 22 Member
    Ahh that's nice to know swhitney. I went through changes with that plateau,lol. I definately learned my
    lesson with salt.
  • I am swimming 5 hours a week (1 hour / 5 days). I am at a moderate pace - about 66 lengths in an hour. I am at 1500 calories. Most days I don't eat my exercise calories. I am 5'4" / 204llbs. I was hoping to get under 200 before the end of 2011. I stopped loosing in November '11. It has been 10 weeks since I lost any weight. I have tried cross training. Truthfully, I really just hate the treadmill, etc. i love to swim and feel such joy when I am done. am I doomed to this weight because I won't do more cross training?
  • Dumb question but should I be aiming for my net calories to be at 1200?
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Let's see what you eat. Make your diary public. At least temporary.
  • DorisR184
    DorisR184 Posts: 471 Member
    Bump! :smile:
  • ok its public