Treadmills - can't stay on them!



  • I Actually find it very hard to stay on a treadmill not because i physically cant but because i get so bored Of looking at the same thing thats right infront of me It keeps me thinking about the fact that im running Try running outside or using music I even sometime set up the lap top so that i can watch a show while im on there but mine is at home
  • I just started an interval running program, although I am making it up myself.

    I read in my PE Theory class that interval training raises metabolism hugely. So if someone has a program where it gradually gets you running longer and longer, I saw try it!

    I can only do 1 min at a time at 6mph, then I do 2 min breaks at 3mph. I do this for 30 min twice a week, with regular and incline walks on the other days. For me, it gets me into my target heart rate zone.

    See what gets you in the right burn zone that you can handle.

    Good luck!
  • chrissismone
    chrissismone Posts: 116 Member
    Your going way too fast if your just starting out slow you will be able to endure alot longer. I was wondering why I couldnt keep past 30sec running and I was doing like 7.0..5.5 or maybe 5.7 is a good pace for me esp since I'm holding more than folks here..the c25k if it's like the c5k is done 3 times a week and your suppose to increase weekly..ignore the douche bags here and keep pushing..and welcome I see you joined like within this month..
  • I found the treadmill a little tedious and boring when I first got it, not to mention getting tired too soon. Besides watching something on television while I'm on it, I made it into a mini-challenge game: ie, 5 mins at one pace, 5 mins at another pace, 5 mins at yet another, etc. I knew I could do any pace for 5 minutes. Now I can do a 5 min warm-up walk and then run for at least a 1/2 hour, even more at a higher pace. I just had to get used to how different running on the treadmill is than running outside. It took about two weeks to get over the feeling that I just wanted to get off. Now if I happen to get it, I either slow down and walk for a while or speed up and challenge myself. It seems to help.
  • Wow, thanks so much for the feedback everyone. I'm really surprised to see how motivating and supportive everyone is.

    I really like the suggestion of the c25k program, it seems like it'll help me endure over time which is much better than burning out in a couple of minutes. I'm actually going to start now, so wish me luck :)

    Once again, thanks! Good luck to everyone with their personal goals as well.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I put on a Jane Austen movie and (mostly) walk for 2 hrs at 3-3.5 5 or 6 days a week. The treadmill bores the heck out of me, but the tv distracts me enough to make it bearable till I get lost in it.

    This is me! I can't do it w/o watching something, music doesn't cut it. So I catch up on my favorite shows online from my laptop. Running annoys me, so I do walking intervals with various inclines.
  • HoneyRiot
    HoneyRiot Posts: 27 Member
    I can't stand treadmill either. But I love walking. I find walking outdoors so much better than the treadmill and I find it more challenging. First, you're distracted by everything constantly changing around you, the moving outdoor air is better, and the ground has natural inclines and declines. And you get some sun (wear sunscreen though! ) :)

    And I walk outside when it's cold (not too cold though), if you dress warmly, you can get 20 minutes in easily. Sometimes it's nice in the winter because everything seems especially quiet and peaceful.
  • gillian92
    gillian92 Posts: 3 Member
    I do 30 minutes on the treadmill as part of my cardio but I could never actually run on it for more than a few minutes like you.
    I highest setting I go on is 7 - a very brisk walk but nearly a jog (I don't know if the settings are the same, the treadmill name is technogym) But I also have it on intervals from 5.5 - 7 with incline on intervals as well.

    I don't know if your goal is to run on the treadmill or generally just work up a sweat on it but my 30 minutes definitely works up a sweat for me and I'm never feeling like I'm going too slow. I'm sure if you did this and built it up gradually, over time you could find running easier :)