I just feel so discouraged

I'm trying to lose about 150 lbs. I finally got the guts to weigh myself today, and I've lost about 25 lbs since mid-January. I know I should be so happy, because I've worked like hell for those, but I still feel so SO far from my goal. I feel good, I guess I look better, but I was really hoping it was more and I'm having such a hard time getting over that.

I don't even know what I'm "asking" here, but I'd love to hear if anyone else is/has experienced the same thing.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Set smaller goals. Give yourself non-food rewards when you reach one. That 25 pounds is HUGE!! That's like 17% of the weight you need to lose! In about six weeks. Great job.

    It took you a long time to get to be 150 pounds over weight. Be kind to yourself and take it off in a healthy, sustainable way. If you are trying to starve it off, you will doom yourself.

    You are doing great! Just take it one day at a time, that's all any of us can do. Don't look back, only forward.
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    25lbs in six weeks? That is amazing! I can only imagine the work you put in for that! Dont give up! I started jan 9th. Only 16lbs lost so far and not much of a difference appearance wise but im not going to give up this time. You just gotta keep going. Dont let your negative thoughts bring you down. Just think, youre already 25lbs closer to your goal!!
  • flowrinmyhair
    This reminds me of my love hate relationship with the violin. Learning to play is a huge goal of mine, and of course it is a laborious task that will require thousands of hours of practice. I don't want to do all that. I want to just be awesome. I want to be street musician awesome. But I won't be in 6 weeks or a year. It takes a long time and dedication. But if I would have started the process in highschool I would be pretty darn good by now. Anything rewarding takes time and dedication.
    So, I hope that makes sense. You are starting the process this year, and it sucks, and you put so much into it, and the results at this pointmay feel dishartening. But imagine when you look back at it all this time next year, or in a year in a half. You will have made so much progress at such a pace!!! And it will have been SO worth it! Keep it up!! 25 pounds is amazing
  • lschuttem
    lschuttem Posts: 82 Member
    25lbs in 1.5 months? that is AMAZING!!!! I don't think its possible to do any better than that!!!! ohmygoodness I wish I could lose that fast right about now!!!!
  • elizabeth51608
    elizabeth51608 Posts: 31 Member
    I know what you mean. I have lost a lot too...started out with 110 pounds to lose, and now I "just" have 75 to go. But there are days when I feel discouraged because "look at what I've lost, and I'm STILL SO BIG." Don't give up!!! And be kind to yourself--set reasonable goals and stick to it. In October 2011 I promised myself I'd lose 50 pounds in 12 months, and I have lost 20 in 4 months (right on track!)

    Just set attainable goals, and try to live for the body you want, not the body you HAVE. :) That little saying helps me a lot!

    Also my hubby and I are planning a trip to Italy in May 2013 and my goal is to be fit enough to ENJOY everything about it, from the walking to the beaches! :) That's my "long term goal." Set one. Maybe it will help you!
  • OhioMade
    OhioMade Posts: 48 Member
    Don't be discouraged! The beginning of the journey is always the hardest. Try to live in the moment. 25 lbs. is fantastic. Keep going!:smile:
  • NewTeena
    NewTeena Posts: 154 Member
    Don't only use the scale as a way to measure your success. Take pictures, take measurements, and take notes of things that get easier, take notes of positive comments other people make. I've lost 14 lbs in the past 6 weeks. I was pretty proud of that, but, I also installed a mirror at the end of my hallway and every time I go down the hall I HAVE to look at myself. Guess what I noticed the other day, I'm getting my waistline back!!! If you look at my profile pictures you'll see in the first pic my sides are pretty parallell, but in the 2nd there's some definition. I'm still super obese, but for the first time in who knows how long, I don't hate that fact anymore because I see changes.

    Don't be so hard on yourself, you've accomplished a great deal and have so much to be proud of. If you're looking for friends feel free to add me. :)
  • kleighsamboer
    I SO know how you feel! I have a long way to go as well. The small victories are great but sometimes you just wish it was more because it feels like you have such a long way to go! I just always have to put things in to perspective and remember that I am losing, not gaining and that is great!
    You are doing so well so please don't give up and don't get too discouraged! you can always add me and we can encourage each other :)
  • Danpellizzari
    Set smaller goals. Give yourself non-food rewards when you reach one. That 25 pounds is HUGE!! That's like 17% of the weight you need to lose! In about six weeks. Great job.

    It took you a long time to get to be 150 pounds over weight. Be kind to yourself and take it off in a healthy, sustainable way. If you are trying to starve it off, you will doom yourself.

    You are doing great! Just take it one day at a time, that's all any of us can do. Don't look back, only forward.

    What you've accomplished so far is amazing. Keep up the good work! I wish I could figure out how to post a picture on here from my iPad. There is a picture about patience and achieving your goals that is perfect for this Remember most people work for a pound or two a week! You've doubled that. Great job.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Wow, 25 lbs is great. Enjoy all of your success. I wonder if keeping a journal would help...you know write down your thoughts, your goals, your dreams...how you feel as you lose the weight. Then in a few months, you can look back and see how far you've come. And, when you get discouraged, you can look back to see how you overcame it.

    25 lbs of fat is about the same volume as 5 loaves of bread (so I've been told). That's a lot of weight you're no longer carrying around. Pick up something that weighs 25 lbs and carry it around for an hour or two. (Okay 5 minutes).

    You'll be relieved when you can put it down. But think of it, you were carrying that 25 lbs 24/7 until recently.

    I've taken longer than you...I've lost 33 lbs over the past couple of years. I have about 95 to go (my goal is 135). I sometimes feel like quitting, but honestly, I feel better with this weight OFF. Sometimes I wonder how I used to feel. I know my whole body was uncomfortable, in nearly every situation. It wasn't me. It's still not me, I feel I have to peel off the layers, but I'm getting there.

    You will get there. You'll lap some people, others will do it faster. Doesn't matter. This is YOUR journey. Do it so that it works for you.

    And, congratulations, 25 lbs is quite an accomplishment!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,047 Member
    Let's do the math. In six weeks you have lost 25 pounds, right? You want to lose 150 pounds, right? So, since January you have lost one sixth of the weight you want to lose.:bigsmile: THAT IS FREAKING AMAZING!!!! :smokin: Tell those voices in your head to shut up.:noway:
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Great job! Just make small goals - including one's that aren't scale based. My weigh loss is slooooowwww. I have about 115 pounds to lose. As much as I would love to be able to snap my fingers and have it gone, I am enjoying the process - you know - feeling like I'm working for it, increased endurance and strength, better lab results, etc. Enjoy as much of it as you can and don't be so focused on the final numbers that you miss all of the milestones along the way. You'll get there. KEEP UP THE FANTASTIC WORK!!!!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Duplicate post...deleted.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    You are killing it! We all have problems with the pace sometimes. We see ads for fad diets. We watch the biggest loser. etc. etc. It takes time and you are making progress.

    Focus more on the process than the results. This is a lifestyle change. The goal is to be more fit and lighter and STILL be exercising and eating right. Once you believe it will happen, and I mean truly believe it, then the pace isn't as big a deal.

    I had a crap week this week. I will probably gain 2-3 for the second week in a row. That sucks. But I know I will get it back. It doesn't change what I do next week any more than an 8 pound loss would change what I do.

    This is my lifestyle now. The weight is just a number, and it will fall in line.
  • mindfulone
    mindfulone Posts: 57 Member
    You did a great job you worked your buns off to make that happen dont be so hard on yourself tht is a major accomplishment!!!!! You have done well one day at a time pound by pound... I knw sometimes I look in the milrror and see the same old me but I knw different and I keep reminding myself of that, your not the same old you you are changing day by day embrace that!!!!
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    Also, if you want a visual to motivate you. Go get five 5 lb bags of flour and stack them up.

    After only 6 weeks that is what you don't have to lift out of bed every morning!!
  • brenda_8900
    brenda_8900 Posts: 8 Member
    Just think how long it took to put those pounds on, they aren't going to come off over night. It takes time but its worth it.
  • nel0311
    nel0311 Posts: 248
    I think that what is hard for people to understand is these things take time. I know for a fact that was and still is one of the hardest things for me to accept. I think that If i worked out hard for a week I should be dropping weight like it was hot! but in fact it is a very slow process that gets very frustrating. Just be glad that you are 25 down and not still where you were when you started. Give it more time and soon enough you will feel better. I now just really enjoy working out and feeling healthy the weight loss or inches gone is just a bonus! Good luck!
  • NewTeena
    NewTeena Posts: 154 Member
    Also, if you want a visual to motivate you. Go get five 5 lb bags of flour and stack them up.

    After only 6 weeks that is what you don't have to lift out of bed every morning!!
    I really like the visual that gave me. Thanks!
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    Hey, you've done a great job. Keep it up. I'm only 150cm/5" tall/short, so far I've lost 3lbs since I started 11wks ago.