What was the longest it took you to get pregnant?



  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    Don't lose hope, stress could definitely be part of it. Took me 8yrs for the first, 4 yrs for the second, 2 yers for the third and surprise #4, 3 yrs later. Got it started & couldn't get it turned off.lol
  • Jamie_82
    Jamie_82 Posts: 33
    It will be 3 years this spring that we've been trying with no success. I did get a positive result on a PCO test, so I'm sure that is at least part of the problem. I just recently got health insurance again, so I will start the process of seeing what simple (inexpensive) things we can do to become fertile. I'm hoping getting healthy will help also.

    It is encouraging to hear of others' success after trying for several years, it helps to know there are others in the same boat when it seems like every week on FB another friend announces pregnancy.

    When we got married my husband and I decided that if it ever came down to it, we would rather spend the money on adoption rather than IVF. There are so many children who need good homes and I honestly believe that I would have the same love whether my children were biological or not. (Please note: this is a personal choice and I have no problem with anyone that does IVF or other treatments)
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 399 Member
    My first 3 I got pregnant just by looking at me, then when we decided to try for our last it took us 1.5 years and 1 miscarriage! (i've had 2) I'm sorry I can only imagine how hard it must be 1.5 yr seemed so hard and I already had 3!

    Praying that you will get results soon!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    "What was the longest it took you to get pregnant?" .......Lets see, it took me two minutes.

    haha, just kidding. I don't have kids.

    Sorry I don't have any advice. I just wanted to reply with the "two minute" answer. :-P
    First off, I just want to say that you are awesome and have given my my laugh for the WEEK - thanks!!

    It actually took me five years to get pregnant with my first child. I was married for seven years before getting pregnant, used birth control the first 2 years and none the next five. I came to realize that when I stopped TRYING to get pregnant - it happened, and five years later I ended up preggo again...two years later....again.....and the cycle DOES NOT continue - got scared, lol! I'm 41 years old now and I feel that this pattern needs to break so hubby has to move back into the 'condominium'.........:huh:
  • KariePerez
    KariePerez Posts: 172
    When I conceived my oldest I too was on Birth Control Pills. My daughter was about 3yrs. old when I conceived my second but we were only intimate 1 time with my second child. My 2nd. was only a few months old when I became pregnant with my 3rd. that went to heaven at 27days old and between 3-6 months after that tragedy we conceived my 4th. and last without even trying :......( I remarried when my 4th. child was about 3yrs. old and would so love to have a baby with my husband, but because of medical problems I was forced to have my tubes tied thinking It would kill me if i had anymore kids. I cried until they put me under, come to find out it was all a lie I could have still had more baby's and I have regretted listening to my doctor everyday since then. The clip on my right Fallopian tube came off recently on its own and for the first time in 8yrs. I have hope just don't give up never give up. I thought I would post this message in addition to my other message and break it down for you.
  • Virginia90
    Virginia90 Posts: 317 Member
    I second the suggestion to start tracking your basal body temp. Also track your other fertility signs like cervical mucus, cervical position, use OPKs, etc. Especially if you are irregular, unless you are going at it every day, you could very well be missing your fertility window each cycle. It took us 8 months to get pregnant the first time, then we miscarried, and it took another 8 months to get pregnant with my daughter. That second 8 months I tracked everything and became very aware of my body. It turns out my luteal phase is on the short side, so I needed to take some B vitamin supplements in order to help lengthen it so my body could sustain a pregnancy. Even if you are irregular and can't predict when you'll ovulate, it's good to know if you're even ovulating and how long your luteal phase is once you ovulate. I know quite a bit about tracking this sort of stuff (like downright obsessive lol) so if you want to PM me with any questions, feel free! I'd love to help!
  • beccalittle
    I did have a friend who had difficulty getting pregnant until she lost 50 lbs.

    It took us 10 years! I had severe endometriosis. Although we never did fertility treatments, I did treat the endometriosis with laproscopic surgery and Lupron. My physician told me he'd never seen anyone with endometriosis as severe as mine get pregnant... basically, that I needed to move on and get on with my life, which I did. As much I wanted a child, I decided I could be happy if I never had any. So I enrolled in graduate school, LOL ~ that's when I got pregnant!

    Now, in hind sight, I realize I could have enjoyed my life either way ~ with or without children. Having children is not always as idyllic as it seems when you desperately want a child. It certainly has its wondrous, tender moments, but there's also exhaustion, expense, anxiety, grief, mess, and putting someone's needs who will not appreciate your efforts ahead of your own. I think some people want children because they want the profound love that a young child has for a parent, but they don't stay young children long ~ they turn into teenagers! Being a parent comes down to being able to love them more than they'll be able to love back.

    The rest of the story that I think helped me conceive: I came off night shift. I was more rested. I was less anxious because I was no longer focused on what was wrong, but what was right with my life. It's better for your husband to wear boxers as opposed to briefs. I also recommend making love in the morning to conceive. Not only did I get pregnant, but I got pregnant a second time! We have a daughter 20 and a son 18 now. I'm thankful for the years we didn't have children too though. It gave us time to mature, to get past it being about us, to truly develop as a couple. I'm sure we were better prepared as parents because we had more time to figure out what is truly important before we had kids. We've been married 31 years, now and our relationship is better that it's ever been. I'm not sure I would have believed that possible in my 20's. Good luck. Auf Wiedersehen!
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    Took about a year!!
  • NessasMommy081311
    NessasMommy081311 Posts: 122 Member
    It took 2 1/2 years for me.