Anybody juicing?



  • I just watched the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead". The long term juicing success was inspiring so I got out my Champion Juicer (yes I have a Champion juicer and I wasn't using it!) and have begun to juice and eat more raw fruits and vegetables. Finally, some weight is coming off! I look forward to feeling better, having energy and slimming down. Anyone have any experiences with juicing to share?
    I have this DVD now, I need to watch it. :) I watched Forks over Knives a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty good.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I just watched the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead". The long term juicing success was inspiring so I got out my Champion Juicer (yes I have a Champion juicer and I wasn't using it!) and have begun to juice and eat more raw fruits and vegetables. Finally, some weight is coming off! I look forward to feeling better, having energy and slimming down. Anyone have any experiences with juicing to share?
    I have this DVD now, I need to watch it. :) I watched Forks over Knives a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty good.
    It's free on Hulu.

    But juicing fasts are still incredibly unnecessary.
  • I thought this thread was about steroids

    Me too. No bike rides here.
  • larlab
    larlab Posts: 22 Member
    What profoundly rude people we have here...

    To OP, yes, I'm juicing!!!!!! I'm currently on Day 2 of my 5/5/5 reboot, round 2. I did this last month- juicing 2x a day and eating a lean protein dinner. This time, I'm doing the 2 meals a day w/ lean dinner for 5 days, all juice for 5 days, and then a repeat of dinner w/ 2 juices.

    I started juicing for health (to support & build up immune system) a by-product was weight loss. And it worked- It has made a profound difference in my life- in a way that eating organic, whole foods, making all the 'right' choices has not. I feel so undeniably fantastic when I'm juicing & eating raw- in a way that I thought I'd never feel. I don't consider myself a fantastic 'before because I'm not plagued w/ physical ailments of 50lbs overweight, but to me it proves the point even moreso- even 'healthy' people can benefit from juicing. Truthfully, I don't understand why or how, but its as if I'm a different person when juicing- all of those nutrients make me feel so strong, nourished & body-aware. :) Right away, I lost inches off of my waist w/ my 8lb weight loss- which really surprised me too... that's not where I usually lose first, KWIM?

    I came off the juicing 3 weeks ago and started adding back more meat, dairy, wheat & finally processed food (like granola, ww pretzels, ww bread) and within 1 week of the wheat & processed foods I started feeling terrible- terrible being what my 'old/before juicing' norm honestly, it doesn't take nearly the motivation juicng this time around because I know what I can feel like vs what I will feel like if I don't juice. I realize juicing will be a permanent part of my life- and its worth it. :) I feel great- and love 'running on juice' (literally- I'm a runner)

    I'm not a fad/hype person, but tried it because it simply made sense to me. Its not even a low-calorie approach- I'm amazed at how quickly 3 juices a day (plus raw snacks) add ups calorie wise. :) I truthfully don't care what anyone says (particularly the obviously rude, one-way-approach people here on MFP). Juicing has made a huge difference in my life and in the lives of several friends & family members. :)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Agree, people ARE rude!

    Well, I just got a vitamix, so I am doing something similar - blending. The processor liquifies the whole fruit and vegetable so you still get the fibrous parts. It's really exciting because my DH, who hardly ever eats veggies, has been blending raw kale and carrot and other veggies and therefore drinking multiple servings a day! I had a smoothie this am with kale, mango, berries, protein powder and a splash of soymilk. It was filling and invigorating! One day I'm going to have the courage to do a whole day cleanse...
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    My one way approach is to chew food. Works a treat.
  • larlab
    larlab Posts: 22 Member
    Agree, people ARE rude!

    Well, I just got a vitamix, so I am doing something similar - blending. The processor liquifies the whole fruit and vegetable so you still get the fibrous parts. It's really exciting because my DH, who hardly ever eats veggies, has been blending raw kale and carrot and other veggies and therefore drinking multiple servings a day! I had a smoothie this am with kale, mango, berries, protein powder and a splash of soymilk. It was filling and invigorating! One day I'm going to have the courage to do a whole day cleanse...

    Well, I can't take the scary factor out of it- it is intimidating, but having done it I can say its doable. Juices are very filling/satisfying & provide enormous energy- so its nothing like a water fast!!! Plus you drink a lot of water & herbal tea, plus plan on juicing 4x and know you can emergency raw veggies/fruit if needed, you'll be fine.

    We are looking at getting a Ninja (read: poor mans vitamix) so I can try out some smoothies w/ protein powder. :) My sister in law & mother in law both have a vitamix and LOVE them, but I need a new juicer first- LOL. Anyway- my kiddos will drink at least try the juices but I'd love to make smoothies- I have quite a few friends who do this- greek yogurt, frozen berries & spinach. LOVE it!

    My AM juice is always green- 2 cups kale, 2 cups spinach, 2 celery stalks, 1/2 cucumber, 1 kiwi for a hint of sweetness, lemon & ginger for zing. YUM!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Somehow the idea of a liquid diet, even for a few days, is off putting - I'll leave that to my old age when I have no teeth and everything will need to go through the blender first.

    All joking aside juicing leaves out a lot of nutrients that are found in the skin and pulp of the fruit and you miss the sensuous part of eating (eating is, and should be, more than just fueling the body)
  • suzycav77
    suzycav77 Posts: 189 Member
    Loved that show. I am currently not juicing but I do it in the summer and this is the only way I like carrots really oranges and carrots are my favorite. my youngest son even liked the apple juice said it was better then store bought juice.

    this, i can't wait to start juicing again :smile: i think it's a great way to get ure five a day in!!
  • hatchwife
    hatchwife Posts: 13 Member
    I was thinking of not a complete juice fast but maybe just taking one of my meals and replacing it with the juice... need the veg and fruits. What do you think? Will I still get the healthy effects of juicing if only replacing one meal a day?
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    I tried juicing, but the damn thing got all jammed up on a chicken bone.

    You're only supposed to juice boneless meat
    Boneless free-range chickens.
    They're easier to catch, too.

    I think raising chickens without bones is mean

    I am glad I am the only one in my office right now! Laughed so hard when I read the above!!
  • What profoundly rude people we have here...

    OMG! I had no idea that a discussion about juicing would bring out such awful people! You'd think I 'd said hey I'm on this chocolate and diet soda diet...I never expected this forum to have such comments. I thought MFP was for encouraging not making fun of people and tearing them down.
    Larlab - I love how healthy you've become changing your life this way and I thank you so much for sharing!
    And to the rest of you who had helpful things to say, thank you! Yes you can juice just once a day and still get the benefits. I never thought I'd like drinking my food and while I don't drink every meal I am eating more raw fruits and veggies when I do it "real" food. I haven't liked so much the green kale juice so I'm hoping to find a way to get more green juice by disguising it with something else like oranges or tomatoes.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    What profoundly rude people we have here...

    OMG! I had no idea that a discussion about juicing would bring out such awful people! You'd think I 'd said hey I'm on this chocolate and diet soda diet...I never expected this forum to have such comments. I thought MFP was for encouraging not making fun of people and tearing them down.
    Larlab - I love how healthy you've become changing your life this way and I thank you so much for sharing!
    And to the rest of you who had helpful things to say, thank you! Yes you can juice just once a day and still get the benefits. I never thought I'd like drinking my food and while I don't drink every meal I am eating more raw fruits and veggies when I do it "real" food. I haven't liked so much the green kale juice so I'm hoping to find a way to get more green juice by disguising it with something else like oranges or tomatoes.

    I'd be more supportive of a chocolate and diet soda diet, to be completely honest. Juicing is a fad, and it's a diet that you cannot sustain long-term. It's pretty common knowledge and widely accepted around here that unless you have a medical reason that prevents you from eating normally, there is no reason not to eat things you enjoy in moderation, count your calories and get in a reasonable amount of physical activity. Juicing is not required for health, and it's a lot of work for minimal payoff. Being healthy is hard enough without giving yourself all of these impossible rules.
  • Melanie858
    Melanie858 Posts: 19 Member
    I love making fresh juices! I've never done a Juice diet, or a juice detox or anything like that, but I almost always have a juice everyday, usually for breakfast. To me the benefit is you can cram so much veg/fruits into a glass of juice that would take ages to eat raw, and I know I couldn't get as many nutrients though eating as I get in that glass of juice everyday. if you have time to eat lots of raw vegs/fruit that's great, but if not juicing is a great alternative. I do eat lots of fruit and veg too (for fibre), but by juicing I get to have way more which is a bonus as far as I'm concerned! Also if you juice things like Pineapple and Melon you can juice with the skin on & you get way more nutrients than just eating the fruit as you get what is in the skin too - I know I would never eat the melon or pineapple skin anyway!

    My favourites are:

    Spinach, Apples, Lemon, Beetroot and Carrot
    Apple, Spinach & Mint
    Carrot, Apple and Ginger

    Also, one of my favourite smoothies is Spinach, Apples & Lemon juice blended with 1/2 Avocado and Ice - it's so creamy, filling and delicious!!

    Anyone in the UK - Jason Vale (the Juicemaster) has some great recipe juicing books (they might be available outside UK too, I'm not sure).
  • Juicing is hardly a fad and it's not hard to do. Your getting FRUITS AND VEGETABLES in your diet. How could that possibly compare to diet soda. Ok but the point is that if you can't say something nice maybe you should post somewhere else. Obviously if you don't want to juice you don't. And if you've had success, then share. If you've juiced and had a bad experience then you could share that too otherwise...waste time somewhere else. Thanx.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    So then it would follow that we should not speak out about using crystal meth for weight loss, or starvation diets, or bulimia, etc, unless we have tried these things and had a bad experience with them? Otherwise it would be a waste of time?
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    So then it would follow that we should not speak out about using crystal meth for weight loss, or starvation diets, or bulimia, etc, unless we have tried these things and had a bad experience with them? Otherwise it would be a waste of time?

    Yes. Only personal anecdotes are accepted here.

    Just say no to 'science'.
  • OMG! The title is ANYONE JUICING? Is it too much to ask that you're not mean?! What do steroids, skittle, or crystal meth have to do with the topic I wanted to discuss?!?!?! Really?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Not mean; just blunt.

    Juicing is stupid and unnecessary, and potentially harmful (because most people who do it probably will not be drinking enough juice to hit their nutritional requirements... and let's not even go into protein).

    If I were mean I would have just said, "only gullible idiots would consider juicing."

    Big difference.
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    All of the juices flood your body with micronutrientes and perhaps also beneficial bacteria in concentrations you simply wouldn't be able to consume in a normal diet. This can help boost deficiencies and improve the normal flora of the gut. All very healthy.

    Unless you are a nutritionist, which I dont see anything about you stating are one, did you know that a daily vitamin and suppliments does this too?And the body can only absorb so much nutrition at a given time...

    Juicing, Fasting,'s all another means of marketing. Save your money...THERE IS NO MAGIC BULLET TO WEIGHT LOSS. Eat well, in moderation, and move your body. Amazing are the results.
