Crying in the gym!

The strangest thing happened to me today while I was working out. I have been lifting and working to lift heavier, pushing myself to improve. I get to the end of a set and suddenly burst into tears. I wasn't hurt or in any real pain per se, but there I was crying uncontrollably. Thankfully, there was no one around to witness, but the question of am I losing it, am I being 'girly' or over emotional persisted. I considered posting the question but fear of being thought a wuss persisted, so I did an online search and found this:

So, I feel better knowing that I am at least within the boundaries of normal and thought I would share anyway just in case there is some other crying soul out there.

Push and cry, whatever it takes!


  • There have been times at the end of really intense work outs where I just want to cry (but I am a very easy crier). I think it is in part due to all the hormones you are realsing, not just from the current work out, but also that might be stored in those fat cells your body is using for fuel. I say go on and cry woman! Crying isn't just from sadness, you are feeling joyful from overcoming something that you have set your mind to overcome.
    keep it up and I know you will make it to where you are going :flowerforyou:
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    There have been times where I've felt emotional doing Zumba...never cried, but felt seriously silly! The best reasoning I could come up with is that I was SO happy doing something I loved and that translated into a tangible emotional feeling.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    good for you! for pushing yourself, for the cry & for the post :flowerforyou:
  • Valkyriewoman
    Valkyriewoman Posts: 120 Member
    Only my opinion... I think pushing our bodies with heavy weights causes all sort of chemicals to let loose out of our muscles and race around our bodies. An emotional reaction to all those chemicals probably isn't uncommon. There are days with my trainer I want to cry!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Did you feel better afterwards?
  • revren10
    revren10 Posts: 116
    most likely releasing trapped up emotion, nothing wrong with a good cry though its perfectly healthy. so i say cry away :sad:
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    I often tear up to On Star commericals on the radio (I think this stems from being hit by a car when I was 5, but never being in an actual accident, and the thought of being in an accident scares the hell out of me). That should make you feel even better.

    I'd rather cry from working out!
  • Night before the gym session I was in the Amphitheatre (Roman Remains) in the village where I live kicking about a football for about three-four hours in this small area with couple of my mates.

    Next day in gym im having a good session then Red Dragon announce that their £10000 mystery box has been found in the morning: Located in the amphitheatre in one of the underground tunnels where the ball ALWAYS GOES but didnt this one time... And I was sitting ontop of it for about an hour...

    Walked out of the gym, went to toilet and raged a tear of frustration. My most unmanly moment in my life =D
  • nevancil
    nevancil Posts: 1 Member
    Keep up the hard work and tears are cleansing!
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Ever watched The Biggest Losers. Fat people always cry when they hit that gym. It's just a fact when you push your body beyond it's limits.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I think you may have just felt emotional about what you are doing and I think it was a good thing! :)
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    That happen to me at the start of my weight loss journey. I did 60 minutes of cardio for the 1st time and I cried when I was done because I never thought I could push myself like that.
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    Well done fella, that must be the most "mannish" of questions! No wonder women say we don't understand :(

    I say great job for pushing so hard that your body released pent up emotion & stress :)

  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    Crying is a way that the body releases stress so if you were putting your body thru intense physical stress it can cause you to cry also you might be in the right time of cycle to occasionally conbust with tears...
  • maritenour
    maritenour Posts: 107 Member
    Usually whenever I finish my Shred it with weights DVD with Jillian michaels, I cry a little... Something just kind of takes over my body and It lasts like..*whimper*laugh*yay* and its over hahah.
  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    I cried like a baby the first time I did HIIT on the elleptical. I was dripping sweat, spit was like coming out of my mouth, and I was crying. The guys on the treadmill probably thought I was ****ing insane.
  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    I took a stage movement course for theatre when i was in university. The instructor had us do a really difficult & intense series of movements very slowly for 1 hour straight (it was killer hard). She warned us in advance that often people would cry, sometimes intensely, as the body stores up tension from emotion, etc and this tension gets released through intense physical pain/activity. I personally didn't cry (i yelled a lot in pain), but a lot of folks in the room were bawling. It seemed perfectly natural given what was happening at the time.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    Yeah nothing wrong with it at all, it happens to the best of us, but I'd be more curious as to why you did too....some are for joy, some feeling ashamed that they couldn't do more, etc
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Everybody is a bit different, but I do not think it's highly unusual for people to cry after ANY intense impact to their body. It may be in part your personal reaction to endorphins! I remember when I started doing yoga a lot of people told me they felt very emotional and would cry sometimes after yoga. I just always feel very relaxed and quiet afterwards.

    GOOD FOR YOU… for the workout, for the cry, for posting!!! Keep it up lady!
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    I remember one time I did a really hard work out after I'd been depressed for a while. As I was winding down at the end, I cried a small amount, thankfully nobody could see. But then I walked out to the change rooms to hide before anyone noticed... bumped into my favourite gym instructor, who then asked me what was wrong. Cue the floodgates, for several minutes... I know this had very little to dowith the actual workout, and more to do with pent up emotions. My theory is the exercise had tired me out so much I was unable to keep my defences up any longer. In the long run it was probably a good thing.

    In the same sort of period of my life, I was going to pilates, and at the end we would do a relaxation. I could never relax, and quite often ended up in a bit of a panic attack instead. Talk about mind and body being connected..

    In both of these situations, it wasn't about what I was feeling about the exercise that day, more pent-up emotions that had gone unattended for so long they were leaking out the seams. Still was better to feel them than to keep them locked up!