For those that care for breakfast type foods in the morning



  • kbergner61
    I love a fruit smoothie made with lactose free low fat yogurt, frozen fruit such as blueberries, strawberries, mango or peaches. Throw in the little blender and enjoy:love: -very filling. You can always add a crunch with almonds or a low fat granola or cereal. YUM
  • geventing
    geventing Posts: 11
    I have 2 eggs with veggies (about 1 cup maybe?) and then 1 serving of oatmeal. Or I'll swap out the oatmeal for yogurt with some granola and chopped up fruit. :)
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    Make some steel cut oats- very easy to do on the stove top. Eat 1C every day with 1C berries and some cinnamon- it'll last all week in the fridge. Also the non fat chobani yogurt with 1C frozen berries(thaw) and 1/2C fiber one cereal all mixed together.
    I also do: fruit smoothies/egg whites scrambled w/fat free cheddar and veggies/high fiber english muffin w/ almond butter.
    I love breakfast!
  • orange4783
    orange4783 Posts: 8 Member
    Usually 1 scrambled egg that I microwave, 2 corn tortillas, with 2 slices of turkey bacon that i microwave, then put some hot sauce on it. Its a quick easy breakfast I can make on the run.
  • coquette87
    coquette87 Posts: 114
    Some sort of high fibre/high protein cereal (currently using Kashi's Toasted Berry Crisp), and skim milk on most mornings. I love scrambled eggs though and will probably be incorporating them more in the future (I currently share one fridge with two other people, and we all buy our own food, so space is sort of at a premium, and I can't move out (lease) until September, boo!).
  • Brandilynnrose
    I change it up so I don't get bored. I stay under 300 calories for breakfast and my go to meals are one of the following;

    -1.5 cups Cheerios (OMG the banana nut are sooo good) or Special K cereal with a cup of skim and a banana
    -high fiber english muffin with 1/3 cup egg beaters, slice of lean ham or turket sausage patty, and a slice of fat free cheese
    -3/4 cup of egg beater scrambled with veggies sauteed with a teaspoon of oilve oil
    -Low fat/low sugar muffins (generally 2 when I eat these and they have about 140 calories each)
    -2 slices Sara Lee 45 calorie wheat bread sandwiched with an egg, 2 slices of avocado, and fat free cheese
    -2 tablespoons of hummus on a bagel (Fresh and Easy has awsome ones that are whole grain with flax seed and only 120 calories)
    -2 slices of 45 calorie bread, toasted, with 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter
    -2 turkey sausage links, 2 slice wheat toast with a tablespoon of Best Life buttery spread (or a bagel or english muffin), 1/2 cup egg beaters
    -1/2 avocado, egg, slice of toast with a teaspoon of light butter
    -yogurt, 1/4 cup granola, fruit
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    cream of wheat with protein powder, healthy cereal (high protein, high fiber) with almond or coconut milk, fruit with yogurt and protein powder, high fiber high protein pita bread with cream cheese, and always always a coffee!!
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    I would have almond milk if I could find it and it was affordable. None of the major grocery stores in the UK seem to have it, and in the health food stores it is about £4 a litre - so its unsweetened soy for me (which is less than £1 for a litre).
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Oatmeal (with almond milk)
    Scrambled eggs with bacon
    English muffin or toast with peanut butter - this one is pretty high in calories. about 350, plus a piece of fruit.
    Every once in a while if I'm lazy I'll have cereal.

    (I eat an apple pretty much every morning too)
  • kbergner61
    And i almost forgot the most important thing in my smoothies....RAW SPINACH. I put almost 2 cups of raw spinach in my morning smoothies each day. Can't taste the spinach since the fruit is in there.
  • kerryfd
    kerryfd Posts: 5 Member
  • MomDupuis
    MomDupuis Posts: 18 Member
    Kashi - Go Lean, Honey Sunshine and Toasted Cinnamon all good with 1% milk (yes I said 1%). I drink my coffee black and watch fats in other things to allow myself this whole 1% treat :wink:
    When Kashi isn't on the menu ... its eggs, eggs, eggs in all forms but fried
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Oatmeal. With random fixings.

    Or for savory, grits. With random fixing.

    Sometimes fruit is added for a pre-run charge.
  • saltedcaramel86
    saltedcaramel86 Posts: 238 Member
    My favourites/regulars are:
    Porridge (made with two parts milk to one part water)
    Weetabix with chopped banana (strawberries in summer)
    Poached eggs on toast
    Omelette, usually with tomato, mushroom, onion and spinach. Sometimes with veggie sausage.
    Wholewheat toast with peanut butter and banana

    On my naughty days, I love wholewheat toast with nutella. If I'm home on a Sunday morning then I'll usually have a full breakfast (grilled, with poached egg)
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    protein powder/stevia in my coffee.

    and usually a pg&j and a piece of fruit. or greek yogurt and fruit. if I had more time/energy in the morning before i left the house I would make eggs and bacon and have some fruit with that.