How do you feel about cheat days/meals?

Ok, so I have heard a lot of people talking about cheat days or meals and just wondered peoples opinions. My biggest concern for trying them myself would be not having the self control to stop after my meal or day and falling off the wagon.

If you have tried them do they affect your weight loss? How?

If not why?

Thanks in advance!


  • Personally I think cheat days are horrible. It is so much easier to say "I can eat that today and tomorrow I'll be back on the wagon". If you haven't cheated then I suggest not to. Stay strong and stick to your diet because it does make a difference when you eat bad again, even for just one day, it makes a difference! Good luck!
  • zafferFL
    zafferFL Posts: 402
    Depends. Some people view a cheat day as an excuse to go full out and eat everything in sight. Thia does not work.

    Having a small indulgence that you normally would not have is more manageable.
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    I don't think they're a good idea. I feel like they set back progress. However, if you need to cheat to keep yourself sane, then I recommend one cheat meal a week OR incorporating a few "cheat" foods into your diet daily (make sure they still fit into your calorie/macro intake).
  • hassan26
    hassan26 Posts: 37
    Its is better to have a cheat day and not a cheat meal. and you should start them after you have seen some changes.
  • WanderingMe
    WanderingMe Posts: 216 Member
    I have a cheat day every Friday, after my weigh in. I've been steadily losing weight, with no plateaus or anything.

    I am much more inclined to not over indulge when I think to myself "if I still want it, I can have it Friday" That being said, I still eat anything I want, just less of it. However, its comforting to know that if I want TWO pieces of cheesecake on Friday, I can :)
  • anasf139
    anasf139 Posts: 101
    Thanks! I don't really want to take cheat meals or days there's just to much risk of it all going to pot! I'd rather just turn what I'm doing into a habit. If that makes sense. The reason I asked the question was because i read somewhere that they can boost weight loss, and wasnt sure how that would work!
  • I ;have had cheat days, but accidentally, not planned. Ate lots of popcorn, lots. Skipped afternoon snack and evening meal. The next day I drank ALOT of water all throughout the day and did not have my starch allowance nor my fruit. Just veggies, protein, and dairy. After that day my weight went back down to the pre-cheat episode. However, you are so right about the fear of falling off the wagon. One cheat day can lead to another if one is not vigilant and the cheat days begin to come closer and closer together until they are not just a once-a-month, or once-a-week occurrences so it is good to beware if you are a food addict. Certain things just linger in our minds if not our bodies until we "visit" them again. Don't know if this helps or not.
  • If you like chocolate I would allow yourself a piece or two from a chocolate bar a cpl times a week. That way you never want to go crazy and over indulge. It helps me to do it that way.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Ok, so I have heard a lot of people talking about cheat days or meals and just wondered peoples opinions. My biggest concern for trying them myself would be not having the self control to stop after my meal or day and falling off the wagon.

    If you have tried them do they affect your weight loss? How?

    If not why?

    Thanks in advance!
    A sound nutrition plan should include the allowance of all food. "Clean" eating is a load of bs.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Never EVER again!
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    You'll find that opinions about this are like *kitten*...everyone has one and none are the same.

    To each their own. It works for some and not for others.

    I do not deprive myself of anything but always stay under or right at my calorie goal for the day. If I want a candy bar or a glass of wine, I don't reserve it for a certain day, I have it on the days I have the calories for it. If I have a bottle of wine, but am at my limit for the day, the wine waits. Days like today where I've had three full meals and snacks, but had a gym net is under 700 after all of this. Tonight, I drink wine and still finish the night with a huge deficit.

    By not depriving myself of anything, I find i have great self control when I do want something. I don't call it cheating. I call it a sustainable living plan. I also don't call what I am doing a diet, but a lifestyle change.

    My diary is public if you want to peak at what I've eaten today.
    Good luck with whatever YOU choose.
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
    I have a cheat day every Friday, after my weigh in. I've been steadily losing weight, with no plateaus or anything.

    I am much more inclined to not over indulge when I think to myself "if I still want it, I can have it Friday" That being said, I still eat anything I want, just less of it. However, its comforting to know that if I want TWO pieces of cheesecake on Friday, I can :)

    I agree. I allow myself a "cheat meal" once a week of something that maybe would not normally fit into my daily healthy cal range. Thay way I can tell myself if I still want it, I can have it that one time that week. Works for me.
  • I just eat what I want and count it within my calories.
    If I see a food and think it's not worth the calories then I know it's not truely worth it.
    If I had a cheat day I would probably feel guilty and loose motivation.

  • I would say that a cheat day would be alittle over the top. Allowing yourself to have a cheat meal once a week is a good way to keep things rolling along and also helps keep you sane.

    Pick a day of the week and get some friends together and go out and have a nice meal. You dont have to binge just a meal and 1 dessert. Replace your last meal of the day and go with it. As you get leaner you can incorporate more of them into your weekly meals.

  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566 Member
    I saw a thing on tv the other day (today show i think) where they were asking questions and the nutritionist was answering them. One lady asked how she can maintain her weight once she hits it and the nutritionist said that basically she should keep doing what she is doing now by counting calories and exercising about an hour a day and then to add in 2 cheat meals a week. If she finds she gains weight then to only have one cheat meal a week.

    So that is what i am going to try once i hit my goal. That does not mean i don't get to eat what i want occasionally, i just need to add it to my daily calories.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    everyday is a cheat day when you don't feel deprived like this<
    GIRL :)

    you learn to eat what you like in the correct way, and learn to say "no" to things when you have maybe already had your treat that day

    but for one day of eating what you like, in moderation, having a meal that you enjoy, that may be high in calories, go for it.

    the scale may go up, water weight of course, you'll be okay
  • eelane
    eelane Posts: 27 Member
    it easiest if you just don't restrict yourself from having what you want. For example, if you are going to have a doughnut, you may want to choose lower calorie options for lunch or snacks to help even it out. Being deprived will only make you want it more and then you'll go nuts
  • xkdrowex
    xkdrowex Posts: 107 Member
    I cheat every Friday. ... So far, it works fine for me. As long as you MAKE yourself work out and eat right the next day. ... because on Saturdays I would really like to skip all that stuff after a carby, 1800+ cal Friday. ... but I know that if I did I would fall off the wagon!...
  • heidikat72
    heidikat72 Posts: 42 Member
    I keep a cheat meal in there. The trick to making it work is to be disciplined about it - it's once a week and it's planned, not just oh I think I'll cheat now. It allows me to feed a specific craving without going crazy or enjoy a really nice meal out with friends. and then the next day, I'm back to my healthy routine and may even exercise a little more. I find it keeps me from going crazy and completely breaking my new lifestyle because I know that come saturday, I can have something a little indulgent. But you have to figure out what works for you
  • RileeMarie
    RileeMarie Posts: 113
    did last night and felt bad, but worked it off today and with the encouraging words of others i am better. i am committed to not have them very often and dont want to beat myself up if i do. just know what i got to do the next time, just turn walk away or work my *kitten* off in the morning.