Any normal people here lol?

I'm seeing a lot of "friends"are going low calorie to where it's
Completely unsustainable! Im talking 1000 and less! I find that ridiculous to stick to.
Anyway, I'm looking for normal healthy citizens that would be interested
In exchanging motivation.(: I need some friends that know what they're doing!
Not a bunch of people who expect to be healthy living off of 300-1000cals a day!
Not trying to offend anyone I just think the low cal epidemic is setting up people to fail


  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    Hi! I am pretty normal. Feel free to add me. I eat about 1700 calories a day. depending on how much I workout.
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I'm seeing a lot of "friends"are going low calorie to where it's
    Completely unsustainable! Im talking 1000 and less! I find that ridiculous to stick to.
    Anyway, I'm looking for normal healthy citizens that would be interested
    In exchanging motivation.(: I need some friends that know what they're doing!
    Not a bunch of people who expect to be healthy living off of 300-1000cals a day!
    Not trying to offend anyone I just think the low cal epidemic is setting up people to fail
    I agree with you. That kind of calorie deficit is a little bit too far on the extreme end.
  • hassan26
    hassan26 Posts: 37
    I got 1800 per day. But can get more if i Workout! Cheer to da.:drinker:
  • jamja72
    jamja72 Posts: 192
    Agree!! Supporter here
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
  • student94
    student94 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm 5' 2", net around 1500, and I eat my exercise calories. I'm happily losing my last ten pounds slowly. I never go hungry, I never feel deprived, and I know I'll actually be able to transition into maintenance without gaining back all I lost and more.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm seeing a lot of "friends"are going low calorie to where it's
    Completely unsustainable! Im talking 1000 and less! I find that ridiculous to stick to.
    Anyway, I'm looking for normal healthy citizens that would be interested
    In exchanging motivation.(: I need some friends that know what they're doing!
    Not a bunch of people who expect to be healthy living off of 300-1000cals a day!
    Not trying to offend anyone I just think the low cal epidemic is setting up people to fail
    You can add me! I don't follow the broscience.

    I eat carbs.
    I eat after 6pm.
    I don't do cardio everyday.
  • RileeMarie
    RileeMarie Posts: 113
    i would consider myself normal: 2000 a day.....but I am struggling to meet that goal. not that i am not eating but finding it hard to get to that count.
  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    Feel free to add me - I am in this for the rest of my life and am not into torturing myself to drop a bunch of water weight and muscle - MFP has me at about 1500 calories, but I often go a little over. I listen to my body and to what it needs. And I make good choices and work out whenever I can.
  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    So glad to see that there are actually people on here that care about their health!
    I'm also eating 1600 cals ! I couldn't imagine eating anything lower than 1300 lol
    Makes me feel like crap.
  • Fozzyspotts
    Fozzyspotts Posts: 50 Member
    OK, I need to update my pic, but I eat somewhere between 1800 and 2200 a day. Without exercise, and I have lost 16.6 lbs! I am losing between .5 and 1 lb a week. I am happy with that. It took me a little more than 48 years to get lie this, i figure it will be a while before I get down to my goal.

    Please feel free to add me too! i think I am normal, ( in relation to weight loss, maybe not other topics. LOL)
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I'm normal. At least when it comes to calories intake. I eat between 1700 and 1800 calories a day, and I eat most of my exercise calories. I love working out way too much to starve myself. Feel free to add me.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm not exactly "normal" (I can be a bit crazy and kooky) but I do love to eat, and never met a calorie I didn't like or want to consume !!

    I don't support the whole I ate 900 calories every day this week and burned 2000 cal each day and lost nothing WHY?? folks!!
    I think it's stupid and unhealthy for sure.
  • gleechick609
    I eat carbs. I eat from the time I wake up until the time I go to sleep. I eat between 1500-2000 calories or more.

    Read my profile. Send me a request if interested.
  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm not exactly "normal" (I can be a bit crazy and kooky) but I do love to eat, and never met a calorie I didn't like or want to consume !!

    I don't support the whole I ate 900 calories every day this week and burned 2000 cal each day and lost nothing WHY?? folks!!
    I think it's stupid and unhealthy for sure.

    I see questions like this all the time. It's one thing to ask what your doing wrong if your eating enough an exercising
    But it's just ridiculous to eat such a low amount and then wonder why they feel like crap and aren't losing.
    Personally I think it's common sense. Shock like that is not good for the body nor healthy.
  • Trophyyf
    Trophyyf Posts: 218 Member
    I'm super normal then because I'm at 1700 plus cals a day. Who eats 300 cals a day? yikes!! I would be in the newspaper front page Lady Loses Her Mind!!! Add me if ya like :happy:
  • echandle12
    feel free to add me, I eat my exercise calories, I like food and like to eat.
  • CinJay
    CinJay Posts: 157 Member
    Yep, pretty much what everyone's said on here... I'm "normal" enough (hehe), feel free to add me!
  • whitneyas
    whitneyas Posts: 95 Member
    I agree! People go a little crazy with the whole "I only ate 800 calories today, I am so awesome." My "target" given to me to attain my goals was 1527... I think I am averaging about 1700... people go to extremes :)
  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    I will have the occassional day where I have under 1200 but very rarely. I like food. I like to eat. And I don't like the way I feel when I don't get enough calories.