How do you feel about cheat days/meals?



  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I eat whatever I want aslong as it's within my calories every saturday, unless I'm having a spike day, then I'll go about 600 calories over, I only have two spike days a month.
  • blueham5
    blueham5 Posts: 67 Member
    I like the idea of cheat days but I don't do them because I'd rather see my goal weight sooner. I figure that when I get to maintenance, I'll be able to go over on some days without worrying about how it'll affect my progress. Win win.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    i do a cheat meal occasionally, but i log it and budget for it, so i guess it's not technically a cheat meal.

    I was reading through this thread and wondering how to say exactly this.
    Succinct and just what I was going to say.
    Only thing is, I don't think "cheat"- I think "treat". And I sure need some of those. And before anyone jumps on the food as a reward line, I have different kinds of treats. A long bath, a half hour with a book, a whole evening in front of the tv.... A treat is my way of staying sane. A cookie or a piece of cake is just a special thing to look forward to, and enjoy.
  • suzol
    suzol Posts: 2 Member
    You'll find that opinions about this are like *kitten*...everyone has one and none are the same.

    To each their own. It works for some and not for others.

    I do not deprive myself of anything but always stay under or right at my calorie goal for the day. If I want a candy bar or a glass of wine, I don't reserve it for a certain day, I have it on the days I have the calories for it. If I have a bottle of wine, but am at my limit for the day, the wine waits. Days like today where I've had three full meals and snacks, but had a gym net is under 700 after all of this. Tonight, I drink wine and still finish the night with a huge deficit.

    By not depriving myself of anything, I find i have great self control when I do want something. I don't call it cheating. I call it a sustainable living plan. I also don't call what I am doing a diet, but a lifestyle change.

    My diary is public if you want to peak at what I've eaten today.
    Good luck with whatever YOU choose.

    I totally agree with this, and couldn't have put it any better.
  • betaleonis
    betaleonis Posts: 178
    Depends. Some people view a cheat day as an excuse to go full out and eat everything in sight. Thia does not work.

    Having a small indulgence that you normally would not have is more manageable.

  • Molly_Louise
    I have a cheat day every now and then, sometimes it does my weight loss wonders and sometimes it doesn't. I usually have one when I have something big planned (usually with my friends), and I won't be able to log, so I put weight loss at the back of my mind and just have fun.
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    I'm not on a "diet" so "cheating" on it is impossible.
  • carolinenorthrup
    carolinenorthrup Posts: 34 Member
    I don't consider it "cheating." I want to be healthy, but my mental health is more important. If working out and making good food choices makes me happy, then I'm on the right track. But if I run into a moment where indulging will really make me happy, then I'll indulge. If I'm not happy, then what's the point?
  • purplelilac123
    purplelilac123 Posts: 37 Member
    I personally prefer to record any indulgences that I have had. If I go over my daily calories then I exercise more or eat a little less the next day. I can really fit any food into the plan. I do know some people who have lost weight with cheat days.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 405 Member
    I don't deprive myself so I don't "cheat" and there is too much rationalization that goes on that causes us to regain, etc. On weekends or special days that I might want to go out to eat or eat something special, birthday, holidays, etc. I start those out with a nice long run which not only gives me some extra calories but also grounds me in my commitment to myself. I don't ever want to cheat myself again. That's why I got fat.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 405 Member
    I'm not on a "diet" so "cheating" on it is impossible.

    Amen. It is a lifestyle commitment to making healthy choices to be fit and healthy.
  • Cheryl943
    Cheryl943 Posts: 83
    I am just beginning this lifestyle change of healthy living. I don't cheat at anything else in my life, so why would I cheat when it comes to food. If I am having a day where I want fried chicken for lunch, I log it before I eat it, so I can make a conscious choice to eat it or not. I look at the nutritional values as a whole and not just the calories. If I still want to eat it, then I make sure to do the required amount of exercise to keep me within my daily goal. Cuban Sandwich = 90 minute workout. Some days it's worth it some days it's not. I think flexibility is the key. We have to be able to adapt to any situation or we won't be able to maintain the lifestyle. I think it is all about "health" not diet so look at the entire picture and make it look right for you. Try to choose the healthy options as much as you can and when you chose to eat that doughnut plan/think about what it will take to work it off the same day. Good luck.
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    At first I thought they were a good idea, until I tried it out. Last sunday my husband and the kids and I all went out for a fun day in the city. We ate at a mongolian BBQ...which wasn't bad besides the sodium, but then afterwards we ate at Arbys. Not only did I feel like total crap, I gained weight.
    No thanks.

    Now I just consider my "cheats" to be when I go over a little on sodium or carbs or something. But never a huge amount. It's just not worth it.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I have a "cheat meal" maybe once a week or once every two weeks but its nothing over the top. Plus i make up for it by working extra hard at the gym etc and still log everything I ate so that I can see it
  • xTenaciousJx
    You'll find that opinions about this are like *kitten*...everyone has one and none are the same.

    To each their own. It works for some and not for others.

    I do not deprive myself of anything but always stay under or right at my calorie goal for the day. If I want a candy bar or a glass of wine, I don't reserve it for a certain day, I have it on the days I have the calories for it. If I have a bottle of wine, but am at my limit for the day, the wine waits. Days like today where I've had three full meals and snacks, but had a gym net is under 700 after all of this. Tonight, I drink wine and still finish the night with a huge deficit.

    By not depriving myself of anything, I find i have great self control when I do want something. I don't call it cheating. I call it a sustainable living plan. I also don't call what I am doing a diet, but a lifestyle change.

    My diary is public if you want to peak at what I've eaten today.
    Good luck with whatever YOU choose.

    this! (i don't drink alcohol though) but if its in my calorie goal and i feel i want something - yesterday we had pizza that i've wanted for 4 days. i was still way under my calorie goal. and i work out everyday.
  • jsnearly
    jsnearly Posts: 61
    Had my cheat meal last night. It was great! Even got 2 beer glasses because it was pint night. Back on the wagon today.
  • mehirst
    mehirst Posts: 2 Member
    Even contestants on The Biggest Loser are given cheat days. I am conservative with mine: On the first Sunday of every month, I eat whatever I want without recording calories. For the rest of the month, I count calories and make the healthiest food choices possible. I have lost about 56 pounds (now 142, down from 198), and I am just striving to maintain my current weight. When you consider how mine are structured, they only occur 12 times during the year, and they have substantively no affect on my weight. They are, however, a nice reward for all the sacrifices I make during the rest of the month.
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    Im gonna enjoy pizza today and who knows maybe a turkey wrap. If its in the calorie budget, go for it!
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    The way I look at them is that it's part of life. Like last night-I had a couple of chocolatini's with a 68 calorie overage for the day-I'm going to the gym today. I'm good with it and for crying out loud-it's the weekend!! lol I'm better than I used to be-that's all I can hope for.
  • Darla1960
    Darla1960 Posts: 6 Member
    I allow myself to have a "cheat meal" once a week. I only do one meal at a time and it may be breakfast, lunch, or dinner but never a whole day. When I have my "cheat meal" for the rest of the day I make sure to eat what I am allowed. This keeps me on track and I don't feel deprived, so I stay on track better. Also allowing this "cheat meal" helped me to change my way of eating and now I very seldom want a "cheat meal".