do u NEED to work out??



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    . I'm also afraid of gaining the 4 pounds I lost last week back in muscle weight

    Unless you been reading dat dere juicing thread, I think you'll be right with that one. :wink:

    Also, thanks Nugget :) Good attitude!
  • Sierra_419
    Sierra_419 Posts: 201 Member
    i had a friend who restriicted calories ... & ran on the treadmill .. & had reallyyyy flabby extra skin.. i think the gym would make your body look the best. dont think about the negatives.. think about all the positives.
    u dont need to work out to lose weight but u need to gain muscles & such in order for your body to burn more calories in rest mode.
    just all around... u should go to the gym... & u pay for it... itd be stupid to waste money because u dont feel like going.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I have been anti-exercise until very recently. Over the years I have lost and maintained successfully 3 times (3 kids). My last weight loss journey had me losing 60lbs and I kept it off for 3 years. I went to the gym for a few months once a week out of guilt (friend got a free pass if she went with me and I get free gym priveledges) but I was very half-hearted about it and truthfully it didn't do me much good. What DID help was simply getting a pedometer. Suddenly I wanted to beat those numbers. I walked a few laps during recess, parked further way, took stairs, walked the halls for about 20 minutes before school started and so forth. These were maintainable strategies for me. I also joined a friend while walking their dog just to get my gossip time in.

    What changed for me? Several things. I am currently with my husband at an overseas location. I am not currently teaching. The first month I stopped teaching, I instantly gained 12lbs just from decreased movement. Believe it or not, I'm still quite active in the community here and my schedule is busy yet when I strapped on that pedometer, I was getting 1/4 of the steps I got before. Another reason is because a dear friend of mine finally bit the bullet after years of trying to get her to take charge like she wanted and several other friends are doing the same. Some of my friends have far more to lose, have knee problems and back problems and whatever else and still they steadfastly do things I never thought I would imagine myself doing. If they can do it, so can I. I realized most of it IS my attitude. I also started looking at threads and seeing that strength training does make that much of a physical difference.

    Truthfully, teaching young kids IS a demanding job. A year ago, I was a kindergarten teacher. My recommendation is to focus on the dieting portion, add a pedometer and then think about adding some strength training. I'm very much a believer in changing one or a few things at a time to give ourselves time to get adjusted.

    Another idea is to find something you are interested in. I don't like machines and gym stuff bores me. Sign me up for a dance class and I'm more motivated. Go on an all day walking tour of a city. Just journal what you do, be creative and you will find ways to increase movement. There is nothing wrong, however, with taking it one step at a time and increasing your skills along the way.

    I do want to challenge you to really consider though how much of this is anti-exercise attitude. I have had teacher friends who tried to get me to take a yoga class or go to the gym with them, etc. It can be done. I am the first person to tell you that if you aren't ready, you aren't ready. All of us trying to push you won't help. Just keep it in mind. In the meantime, tackle what you are ready for and enjoy your success.

    Adding exercise has more to do with overall health benefits, shaping your body so what you have looks better, and helping your body burn more efficiently. You can, however, lose weight without it. Again, tackle what you are ready for. All of us are at different places in our journey. I think it has taken me several times to really appreciate how much of a lifelong journey this is. I add new layers each and every time and I'm still not perfect at it. It's okay. Love your body and do what you can. Take it one step at a time and aim for progress.
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    You might be interested in the primal blueprint fitness suggestions ( ).

    It's not all that extensive...walk a few times a week (move frequently at a slow pace, 2-5 hours total), lift weights a couple times a week ("lift heavy things", 1-3 times, 7-30 minutes) and sprint once in a while (<10 minutes every 7-10 days).

    If you sign up on , you'll get a few ebooks (an introductory book, a fitness book and two cookbooks).
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Honestly, I HATE working out.. I pay $25 a month for a gym membership that I don't even use.. ive lost weight by just eating better before, and I plan to get back to the gym eventually, but I feel like tackling two things at once will cause undue stress and set me up for failure. Is it OK to wait a bit before getting into an exercise routine and to get used to rating better first? Please don't be mean

    the first 3 months I dieted...I did NOT workout!! I personally needed to get my head (and stomach) wrapped around the better eating before I could even think about tackeling exercise!!! I did lose a decent amount of weight, but after 3 months I decided it was time to slowly start adding in exercise (3 days of 30min/day). the closer I got to my goal, the more I needed and wanted to add!!! I now workout everyday...but not because I need to...I just want too!!!

    couple will be healthier if you workout and eat well. you will have more energy if your exercise. you will get better results (lbs and inches) with exercise. BUT start it when you are ready...otherwise you will just probably fail at both! and there is NO NEED for a gym membership...I have done this whole journey without!!
  • healthyliving_girl
    healthyliving_girl Posts: 290 Member
    Start off slow. I didn't want to at first, either. order for me to not feel like i was starving I needed the "extra" calories to eat, so I exercised for 15 minutes.

    And I'm sad when I can only get 30 minutes in, preferring to work out for 45-60 minutes. Weird, right?

    I never thought I'd get there...

    but it's all about baby steps. Try just walking 15 minutes, then add more time and harder activity....
  • Finally22
    Finally22 Posts: 305 Member
    I just get so tired at the gym.. I have no energy after work (cant go before) and I never know what to even do once I'm there.. I don't know how to.properly work out

    Why don't you ask for help at the gym? You can also take a class if they offer it.
  • michael300891
    I just get so tired at the gym.. I have no energy after work (cant go before) and I never know what to even do once I'm there.. I don't know how to.properly work out

    Heres your problem, you lack motivation because you dont know what to actually do in the gym. Could consider some classes, some personal training or perhaps just having a search for a routine online. If you could get yourself into a routine you would probably find you had more energy during the rest of the day as you become fitter. Technically tho, you dont need to exercise to lose weight, you just need a daily calorie defecit. But the vast majority of people who lose weight through diet alone will regain it in 5 years. Your far more likely to sustain weight loss if you can build an exercise routine into your life. =)
  • TiredOfBeingFAT130
    I suggest you find something fun that doesn't feel like exercise to you. I started losing weight in December. I started Zumba classes close to a year ago. I was doing them before I even had diet/exercise on the brain. I was doing them because I am in love with Zumba, I am passionate about it and it's a break for me. I am a stay at home Mom and I also babysit, so like you, I am busy and on my feet all day. I look forward to going to Zumba once the kids leave and my husband is home to watch our daughter. Yes, I am exhausted, but it is MY time!! And I love it!! Some people go out on the weekends to clubs and dance and drink. I go to my Zumba class throughout the week with drink water and dance. Honestly, to me, it feels like a big dance party. Anyway, I could suggest Zumba and tell you the positives, but to answer your question...
    My first month, I lost 10.8lbs. I did not exercise that month (Not even Zumba because my husband was working out of town for the month and we have no family/friends within 8 hours of us to watch our daughter). When I lost those 10.8lbs, I was excited about the scale. However--My clothes didn't feel any different. And I am sure it is because some of that 10.8 was muscle. I do NOT want to lose muscle!! I think some people would rather weigh 120 and be flabby than 140 and have muscle just because we are so concentrated on the scale.
    If you are losing weight to see a loss on the scale, working out isn't necessary. You can lose weight without working out.
    If you are losing weight for health and to have a fit appearance, working out is necessary. My opinion.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I would kill for an olympic bar and 20 mins a session 3 times a week for Stronglifts.....
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 367 Member
    My attitude towards working out and building muscle made the biggest change when I heard this statement (from a certified PT who is a customer of mine, doesn't work at my gym) : " Guess what?! I am literally burning fat just standing here talking to you! Seriously, I am. When you build muscle, you are training your engine to be ready to work at all times. So it is like my engine is on and I am ready to drive 24 hours a day. Because of that I am burning calories and fat constantly. And the extra special bonus is I can eat that piece of cheese cake at my friends party and not feel guilty or worry that I will gain weight from it"

    I have researched it, and its true. A person will burn upwards of 50 cals and hour doing NOTHING if they have built and maintained adequate muscle. . . . i am burning calories typing this as we speak. . . its so easy. . . and it feels so good. . . :p
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I need to work out, because I'm not happy consuming few enough calories to lose without it. But as a general rule, one does not have to exercise to lose weight.