6 months later and...nothing. Help!



  • Princessbrene
    Princessbrene Posts: 112 Member
    I'm sorry you feel frustrated. That part I do understand all too well. I wish we could see a pic of you because to be honest, 5'11" and 159 seems to me like you're probably already thin-ish. I'm 5'2" and weight 160. My goal is 130. If you're not losing weight, maybe your body is where it's supposed to be.
  • thechubner
    thechubner Posts: 94 Member
    I would definitely look at my measurements as well. Muscle weighs more than fat and if you've gained any muscle it could mean you're reducing inches faster than you're losing pounds because you're growing leaner and healthier. Also, I'm not sure what you look like, but remember that at 5'11 unless you have an extreamly slender frame / small bone structure you're healthy weight is going to naturally be a little higher than someone who is 5'5 or even 5'8. You could easily weight 10 - 20 lbs more than someone at a shorter height and still have an equal or better BMI. I would definitely check my BMI as well - at a certain point it's not about what the scale says it's about how you look / feel. You're doing great. Try not to get discouraged by the number on the scale. It's good to have a goal weight in mind (and if it's a weight you've been at in your adult life it's most likely acheivable) - but, for me, I try not to set my goal weight so low that I would have to chop off a limb to reach it.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I hope that these topics helps you some...I have just found them myself & some of it is hard to wrap your mind around until you read it all....Especially eating so many more calories to lose more weight but it is working for a lot of people...Good luck!! :)



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  • carolafye
    Six months ago I weighed exactly 2 pounds less than I do now. Six months of working my butt off and two pounds increase to show for it. I need some serious help.

    I started off at a 1100-1200 calorie diet with 300-500 calorie exercise. I gained weight RAPIDLY. About ten pounds worth. Since then, I've gotten some helpful suggestions, and this is what I changed:

    1) I tend to eat a bit more and average 1300-1500 a day and exercise more to about 500-900 a day. I take breaks but don't go over my calories.

    2) I decreased my massive sodium intake and increased water from 1-2 cups a day to 5-6 cups a day (I hate water so I'm still working on this one)

    3) I've moved from doing all my workouts all at once to spreading it throughout the day. Along with this, I try to incorporate cardio, aerobics, and light weight training on various days.

    4) I used to get 2-3 hours of sleep. Before you point fingers, this is natural for me and has been so for about 7 or so years. However, I've taken to trying to sleep at least 4-6 hours to rest my body.

    Now, with that said, I am 26, female, 5'11'' and weigh 159 at the moment. Any suggestions to help me actually get somewhere rather than spending the next six months in weight hell would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you.

    I am 5'11" and with your goal weight, you'll be stick skinny. Believe me. I've been there. My goal is 150 lbs. It's within our "norm" and what I feel comfortable at. Maybe you feel comfortable at 130, but I sure didn't. Your body is only going to allow you to lose so much before it says "Okay. Stop." If you have been checked out by a Doctor, eat well within your range, exercise AND eat back those calories (or at least most of them), then I would chalk it up to you having higher standards for your body are too high and it's trying to tell you that. Work on strength training and I'm sure you'll lose inches if you need to.
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    Ok to clarify. I was asked my height and weigt and stuff. That's in my original post. Yes, my ticker says my goal is 130. It's not really. It's actually 145 but I put it at that to motivate me. I try to not eat too much of this or that., evening out between the food groups. My calories don't come from cake, lol. I mean that my intake is 1300-1500, not my net. No I am not trying to gain weight or muscle. The weights are light for toning purists. I used to weigh 140 before my leg injury and fit in a size 3 (American) and was utterly happy. I can finally fit into "old" 5 because they are strtched. Store ones have to be bigger. I had my thyroid checked and it was off but not enough that it was "a major concern" so insurance won't pay for medicine.
  • thechubner
    thechubner Posts: 94 Member
    Ok, well i'f you've been 140 in your adult life it's definitely reasonable. If your weightloss is going slow - one thing you might check (not to be gross) is your colon. I know someone who couldn't figure out why she wasn't losing weight / feeling bloated all the time - and she went to the dr. and a quick xray / colonoscopy later the dr. confirmed what I already knew she was full of *kitten* - literally. They scheduled her in for a single treatment (I forget the correct term, but I dubbed it the "Sonic enema") she dropped 5 or 6 lbs on the spot from the subsequen bowl movements and then had no trouble dropping an additional 5-10 within the next few months because her "plumbing" was functioning properly. (she wasn't really over weight to begin with but she, like you, was bigger than she had been before) Again not to be gross - but if it's not your thyroid - it could be something like that. This girl had never been one to eat vegetable and 20-something years on a low fiber diet.... anyway just a thought. Good luck!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    You probably look pretty good at your present weight, considering your height. I'm envious of your height. Since you're a mortal human, you still need a minimum amount of sleep, and 4-6 hours is still too low. I know you can get by on that while you're young, but you're not doing your body any favors by being sleep-deprived. It will affect your weight, and, eventually, hasten the appearance of bags under your eyes. Try lifting heavy weights, versus light weights, to increase your metabolism. God bless you!
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    If 1300-1500 calories is the total number of calories you eat and you burn 500-900 a day you're eating far too little. Your calorie intake should be at least 1200 NET (After taking out workout calories). Try upping your calorie intake...from 1700-2100 a day depending on how much you work out that day and see if that helps.
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    I'm trying to sleep more but all my life I've slept very little, very light, and wake up several times a night. I take sleeping pills here and there but I dont want to rely on them. I'm a single mom and still have a mommy tummy as well. Sadly, my stomach is larger than my chest hehe.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    *shrugs* maybe you're running too big of a deficit for someone who's trying to lose those last 15 lbs.

    Even when I put no exercise/sedentary into a calculator, I get over 1800 for your calorie needs. Throwing in your exercise, that's a pretty huge deficit, and even if your calculations are a bit off, you should still be under. You might try running at a bit less of a deficit for a while -- since what you're doing now isn't working, what have you got to lose?
  • flsl
    flsl Posts: 75 Member
    Get Jillian Michaels' book "Master Your Metabolism"... It's full of great info on how your metabolism works (or doesn't) and how food/chemicals affect your endocrine system and weight loss/gain. It's my bible. Good luck to ya!

    Must get this book too:-)

    Metabolism issues can be the missing link for people who are doing everything else right.

    I have a mildly underactive thyroid, and got some advice about metabolism.
    Processed foods can slow down the metabolism. Too little exercise and too much exercise can too. (Body gets tired).
    Cutting bread or wheat based products out has helped too.
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    *shrugs* maybe you're running too big of a deficit for someone who's trying to lose those last 15 lbs.

    Even when I put no exercise/sedentary into a calculator, I get over 1800 for your calorie needs. Throwing in your exercise, that's a pretty huge deficit, and even if your calculations are a bit off, you should still be under. You might try running at a bit less of a deficit for a while -- since what you're doing now isn't working, what have you got to lose?

    Actually, this is part of the problem. When I first increased my food intake, I kept the NET at around 1000 or so. I started gaining weight back. I kept at it a bit but gained about five pounds before I said that's enough. I have found that if my NET is over 600 or so, I gain. If I keep it at around there, I don't lose, but I won't gain anything that I won't re-lose in a few days. I know that makes no sense whatsoever for every book or post or anything else that comes through. Has anybody else found this to be true for them? I know it doesn't sound healthy, and I'm not trying to starve myself. I'm really not; I just want it to work, and I'm scared to eat even MORE and have a HIGHER net when 600 NET (not intake) keeps me level and anything over gains. I obviously haven't gone under that for a net because I know that's just sickly and it's not worth my overall health.
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    Get Jillian Michaels' book "Master Your Metabolism"... It's full of great info on how your metabolism works (or doesn't) and how food/chemicals affect your endocrine system and weight loss/gain. It's my bible. Good luck to ya!

    Must get this book too:-)

    Metabolism issues can be the missing link for people who are doing everything else right.

    I have a mildly underactive thyroid, and got some advice about metabolism.
    Processed foods can slow down the metabolism. Too little exercise and too much exercise can too. (Body gets tired).
    Cutting bread or wheat based products out has helped too.

    I have "clinical hypothyroidism" which apparently is like a mini version of the full blown thing and doesn't medically require pills or something. All I know is that the doctor said I "should" be fine without it, so I'm working with what he said. He's got the medical degree, after all, I suppose. (plus, I frankly just hate pills)
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    It might be worth it to see a nutritionist. Your body is so used to a very low calorie diet that an increase is causing you to gain, but I doubt you'll be able to loose any more on such a low calorie intake.
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    It might be worth it to see a nutritionist. Your body is so used to a very low calorie diet that an increase is causing you to gain, but I doubt you'll be able to loose any more on such a low calorie intake.

    Hmm! Maybe that's it. Is there a place online or a company or something that you may suggest or know of? I'll call my doctor too and see if maybe they are linked to somebody. I don't want to dish out a lot of money to speak to one if I don't have to. :laugh:

    I'll also see about trying to slowly increase my net some. I have no problem eating food. I love food.:love:
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    It might be worth it to see a nutritionist. Your body is so used to a very low calorie diet that an increase is causing you to gain, but I doubt you'll be able to loose any more on such a low calorie intake.

    Hmm! Maybe that's it. Is there a place online or a company or something that you may suggest or know of? I'll call my doctor too and see if maybe they are linked to somebody. I don't want to dish out a lot of money to speak to one if I don't have to. :laugh:

    I'll also see about trying to slowly increase my net some. I have no problem eating food. I love food.:love:

    I'm really not sure about a company, you'd just have to google it or ask your doc for a reference. I understand about not wanting to dish the money out...maybe you can get a bit of advice over the phone before having an actual consultation. Also, like you said, trying to slowly increase your net calories might be a good way to go...just to let your body get used to the increase.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Ok to clarify. I was asked my height and weigt and stuff. That's in my original post. Yes, my ticker says my goal is 130. It's not really. It's actually 145 but I put it at that to motivate me. I try to not eat too much of this or that., evening out between the food groups. My calories don't come from cake, lol. I mean that my intake is 1300-1500, not my net. No I am not trying to gain weight or muscle. The weights are light for toning purists. I used to weigh 140 before my leg injury and fit in a size 3 (American) and was utterly happy. I can finally fit into "old" 5 because they are strtched. Store ones have to be bigger. I had my thyroid checked and it was off but not enough that it was "a major concern" so insurance won't pay for medicine.

    Body Fat % is really what i'm searching for.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Ok to clarify. I was asked my height and weigt and stuff. That's in my original post. Yes, my ticker says my goal is 130. It's not really. It's actually 145 but I put it at that to motivate me. I try to not eat too much of this or that., evening out between the food groups. My calories don't come from cake, lol. I mean that my intake is 1300-1500, not my net. No I am not trying to gain weight or muscle. The weights are light for toning purists. I used to weigh 140 before my leg injury and fit in a size 3 (American) and was utterly happy. I can finally fit into "old" 5 because they are strtched. Store ones have to be bigger. I had my thyroid checked and it was off but not enough that it was "a major concern" so insurance won't pay for medicine.

    Are u sure your goal isn't 130? Doesn't make sense you would put that on your ticker. maybe u don't want to say goal is 130 as people would say that's too low?