Increased you calories? Tell me about it here....!

Hey all,

For the last goodness knows how many months I put myself on an extremely low calorie intake of 800 a day. I was exerising approximately 600 of that off a day. Yes I lost weight, a good amount too, but I now realise it wasnt healthy or benifitial for my body. For months I was struggling to eat above 900 calories but have now bitten the bullet and am currently trying to get as close to 1200 cals a day as I can.

So basically, what im asking is whether anyone else has been in this situation and what was your outcome? How easy or hard did you find increasing your calories. How did you do it? How did you feel about it? Did you gain weight when increasing cals or did you lose? Let me know!

Cheers all x


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    It's good to hear you recognize low calories isn't a good way to lose weight. I haven't had the issue personally but have been working with people to break this habit and it's not easy. Once you realize that food is fuel and it's ok to spluge and eat more calories and still lose weight it might help. But what I can do is provide you links to what can happen when you eat a lot of calories.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Most 6 year old girls eat 1800+ calories so this is idiocy!

    Send me a PM with:

    Body Fat%
    Waist measurement
    How often you workout

    You have a long way to go since you have probably lost most of your lean mass for your age.
    But...we can get you back on track!

    Yes you will gain some water weight but that goes away after about 3 days.
    Then youll have energy to workout and live a productive life.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Heya PSU!
  • Tattoos_and_Tea
    Tattoos_and_Tea Posts: 529 Member
    Great links, thank you. Will have a read!

    Age - 28
    Height - 5'5"
    Body Fat% - Dont know
    Weight - 117.8lb
    Waist measurement - 26.5 inches
    How often you workout - 4 to 5 times a week
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Get ready to go to the grocery store because you my dear are "Underweight"!

    BMR 1287 Eating below this will lose you lean mass because you are eating below what your VITAL ORGANS need to have proper nutrients. Doing this for a long time will slow metabolism down. Continuing to eat like this creates hormonal deficiencies including Ghrlein issues, where you just dont get hungry. This also effects the Thyroid and you could find yourself taking hormone replacement therapy when you get older.

    TDEE 1994 This is your maintenance. If you ate at 2000 calories daily you would gain nothing. If you ate above 2000 calories you would gain weight. IE: If you ate at 2200 daily you would gain 10lbs in 24weeks. Crazy I know!

    Lean mass is appx 93lbs. A woman of your height should be at about 105-112lbs.
    You need to gain weight.
    Body Fat 23lbs and is in the low but healthy range.
    So stop worrying about the fat.
    If you lifted weights using an easy Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength program and ate 2200 calories daily, you would gain only muscle or lean mass.

    Perfect weight 132lbs again you are underweight.

    For 6 weeks you must eat more food!
    IMO you should set MFP to 2200 calories daily.
    Set Protein and Fat to 30% each.

    Eat several times a day or if you are interested since you have to willpower you should look into Intermittent Fasting.
    With an IF diet you fast for 16hours then eat all out for 8 hours daily.
    I stop eating at 10pm then sleep for 8 hours.
    Then I resume eating at 2pm.

    Read up on it at

    If you are serious and I hope you are, id set up MFP now and go buy food because you have a long road ahead of you.

    In the next 6 weeks you will gain about 3lbs and depending on if you work out will depend on where those nutrients go.
    Work out 3-5 times a week and youll pass by flying colors.
    And even if you dont you still need to put on weight so youll be healthier!

    Nobody wants to look like this chick!


    You could look like this though....

    Or this...

  • Tattoos_and_Tea
    Tattoos_and_Tea Posts: 529 Member
    Hey, thank you for that. Its really interesting. I dont feel/look underweight though and I certianly dont want to gain weight! I want to eat more and not gain weight, if anything I want to lose a little more, but i 100% want to tone up for my hioliday in 15 weeks time.

    Edit - I also cant see the pics at the moment as i am at work!
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    Where do you get that she is underweight?
    According to BMI, she is in the normal weight range..
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    BMI is obsolete!

    You have Mike, 26 years old 5'11" 208lbs with a body fat of 40%
    you have Dave, 26 years old 5'11" 208lbs with a body fat of 8%

    Both have a 40 on the BMI scale and are seen as Obese III.

    Do you think Dave is Obese?
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    I wouldn't call you underweight either, when I was your age, many moons ago, I weighed 110 and am 5"6". I have discovered the eat more to lose and have found that it really works. I didn't believe it would at first, but it does.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Hey, thank you for that. Its really interesting. I dont feel/look underweight though and I certianly dont want to gain weight! I want to eat more and not gain weight, if anything I want to lose a little more, but i 100% want to tone up for my hioliday in 15 weeks time.

    Edit - I also cant see the pics at the moment as i am at work!

    You are 15lbs underweight...give or take and its mostly in lean mass. You fill out your form with some muscle and youll look and feel 100% better.
    Do you have a photo we can see?
    Maybe let the forum chime in a little?

    Whe you think you dont need to gain weight its because your body doesnt fit your fat so you have whats commonly known as a Skinny-Fat look.
    This can be fixed by gaining weight but making sure its lean mass.
    you do this by lifting weights like in a heavy lifting program.
    Stronglifts 5x5 and Starting Strength are 2 very easy programs to get involved in and only take 3 days a week for maybe 40mins a session.
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    BMI is obsolete!

    You have Mike, 26 years old 5'11" 208lbs with a body fat of 40%
    you have Dave, 26 years old 5'11" 208lbs with a body fat of 8%

    Both have a 40 on the BMI scale and are seen as Obese III.

    Do you think Dave is Obese?

    Well, she doesn't look underweight to me, she looks "normal".

    When I increased my calorie intake I also had an easier time losing the weight.
    When I first started out losing weight I was like you and eating not enough calories, eventually it took a toll on me though. If you want to be happy and feel healthy and look healthy, you gotta increase your calorie intake. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet. :)
  • Tattoos_and_Tea
    Tattoos_and_Tea Posts: 529 Member
    Lots of pics here:

    I honestly dont want to gain weight. Ive been on the boarderline of having an ED and the thought of gaining weight after losing four stone horrifies me! I dont need to gain weight, I need to lose it and tone up :)

    I just want to know how increasing your cals can do this and if anyone had experianced the same situation as me as i'm really interesred in their stories :)
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    I entered your weight and height on the BMI on this website, and you are not underweight; you fall right in line, but on the lower end, which in my thinking is good! I couldn't enlarge your pictures, but from I can tell, you look normal!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    BMI is obsolete!

    You have Mike, 26 years old 5'11" 208lbs with a body fat of 40%
    you have Dave, 26 years old 5'11" 208lbs with a body fat of 8%

    Both have a 40 on the BMI scale and are seen as Obese III.

    Do you think Dave is Obese?

    Well, she doesn't look underweight to me, she looks "normal".

    Okay Nina!
    We will let her decide on her current route.
    I wouldnt define her eating habits as normal...

    She is going from eating 800 cals a day, utter stupidity and could be lethal in the long run, to eating healthy and possibly gaining a whopping 3lbs in 6 weeks.

    But what do I know?
    I've only helped 132 people with their diets and have had an 95% success rate.

    I'm going up to lift weights for 45mins, then eat 2500 cals today and lose some fat.

    PM me if any of you have any questions.
  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    For a few months about two years ago, I was eating about 800 calories a day. I didn't know any better and thought this was the best way to lose weight. I did lose weight, but I felt like crap all the time, was constantly sleepy, always hungry, and after losing 20 lbs, didn't look much better because my body fat was probably about the same.
    I'm 5'2" - 5'3", and while eating 800/day I went from 145 - 125 and only dropped one jeans size (went from about an 8 to a 6). I started eating at least 1200 and now I'm up to 1300; I currently weigh about 117 (thought I rarely have access to a scale so I'm not 100% sure about that number) and wear a size 2-4 in jeans and dress size 2, S, or XS. Lifting weights (I don't really "lift heavy" but I try to increase my weight), eating back all or some of my calories burned through running, and being honest about logging what I eat have all helped me get a better body.

    There is no need to eat that little with your current weight and goals, so why would you want to? Eating is awesome! So eat a bit more, do some strength training, and you will likely see the results you want.
  • MattBoySlim
    MattBoySlim Posts: 62 Member
    This is roughly the path I have taken (calories eaten), I started excersing the same time as I decreased calories, I am seeing better losses now I have upped calories and I hope this continues.

    Week 1 - 3lb loss 2000+ Cals
    Week 2 - 5lb loss 2000+ Cals
    Week 3 - 3lb loss 2000+ Cals
    Week 4 - 1lb loss 1600ish Cals
    Week 5 - 2lb loss 1600ish Cals
    Week 6 - 1lb loss 1600ish Cals
    Week 7 - 1lb loss 1600ish Cals
    Week 8 - 2lb loss 2000+ Cals
    Week 9 - 3lb loss 2000+ Cals
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    I always find this topic amazing, so I guess that's why I keep looking at what people are saying! My experience. I have always kind of struggled with weight, but at your age when I was dieting I stuck to 1500 calories a day, and exercised and lost weight. As I have gotten older that didn't really seem to work. I am now 53. I still exercise a lot, but wasn't losing weight with the calories I was consuming, so when I started eating more, the first week I lost 2 pounds. I continued on that way and lost 17 pounds. I have a goal in mind, and need to lose a little bit more. I would not be considered fat by anyone, right now I weigh 134 and I am 5'6". I would like to lose about 5 more pounds. I don't think 800 calories is enough, I have always heard you should never go below1400, but things change. It;s all up to you in the long run, and you know your body the best!
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    For a few months about two years ago, I was eating about 800 calories a day. I didn't know any better and thought this was the best way to lose weight. I did lose weight, but I felt like crap all the time, was constantly sleepy, always hungry, and after losing 20 lbs, didn't look much better because my body fat was probably about the same.
    I'm 5'2" - 5'3", and while eating 800/day I went from 145 - 125 and only dropped one jeans size (went from about an 8 to a 6). I started eating at least 1200 and now I'm up to 1300; I currently weigh about 117 (thought I rarely have access to a scale so I'm not 100% sure about that number) and wear a size 2-4 in jeans and dress size 2, S, or XS. Lifting weights (I don't really "lift heavy" but I try to increase my weight), eating back all or some of my calories burned through running, and being honest about logging what I eat have all helped me get a better body.

    There is no need to eat that little with your current weight and goals, so why would you want to? Eating is awesome! So eat a bit more, do some strength training, and you will likely see the results you want.

    great post
  • chelsealjames
    chelsealjames Posts: 92 Member
    Bump! I'm thinking about increasing my calories as well, from 1240 to maybe 1400 or so. I'm 5'3, weigh 124, and would like to get back down to 114 where I was two years ago. The scale has not dropped in a while. So I'm anxious to hear what others say! :)
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    I was at the 1200 calories my trainer recommended and I was always hungry and very tired and lethargic. I increased my intake to 1750 and have been lifting weights to add muscle and I have never felt better. Not sure on weight loss or gain as that is not my complete goal. i want to be toned and trim, no more jiggles. You body needs a minimum of 1200 calories a day just to sustain itself. 800 is very dangerous for a long period of time. I would suggest you try adding at least 400 and see how that goes. I would also try lifting weight. Check out the new rules of lifting for women its a really great book. Weights will help build lean muscle you certainly dont want to be 'skinny fat'