When is it ok to eat the sweets???



  • kaiser90
    kaiser90 Posts: 29
    after a workout
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    That cat is one of my favourites - isn't he awesome.
    Glad you all had a giggle
  • danascot
    danascot Posts: 100 Member
    Please, if you have time watch "Forks over knives".. an incredible documentary/short film two doctors made that links the consumption of animal meats, mostly red meat with diseases/cancers. They focus on eating colorful, alive, natural, whole foods, and how miscommunicated mostly Americans are. We eat double to tripple the amount of protein we need, which activates pre-existing cancer cells etc, which is the reason our nation is the most obese, unhealthy, sick, etc. We are literally killing ourselves with the foods we are eating. If it had a mother, father etc do not eat it!! Also check out on you tube, foods that can kill you. They focus on heart disease etc and how people literally are turning their blood fatty!!!!!!


    ....ok just read the posts with the cat pictures - HILARIOUS!!! That cat and I are on the same wave length I guess!
    I don't get what this has to do with the original question about whether or not its ok to eat sweets?
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    I keep coming back just to look at the cat pic :-D buahahahahahaha!!!!
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Please, if you have time watch "Forks over knives".. an incredible documentary/short film two doctors made that links the consumption of animal meats, mostly red meat with diseases/cancers. They focus on eating colorful, alive, natural, whole foods, and how miscommunicated mostly Americans are. We eat double to tripple the amount of protein we need, which activates pre-existing cancer cells etc, which is the reason our nation is the most obese, unhealthy, sick, etc. We are literally killing ourselves with the foods we are eating. If it had a mother, father etc do not eat it!! Also check out on you tube, foods that can kill you. They focus on heart disease etc and how people literally are turning their blood fatty!!!!!!


  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    Well I'm glad you started this post. Now that I've finished my weight lose I'm having trouble eating more calories, so with my 300+ calories I was thinking of eating 1/2 cup of ice cream and hot chocolate, so thanks!!!
  • I eat what I want if I'm positive I won't keep eating more of it and let things get out of control. Everyone is different. I usually eat something like a smoothie, nuts, fruit, etc. for a snack after dinner if I have leftover calories. One thing I'd like to work on is eating a more balanced diet. So if I have leftover calories and didn't eat enough veggies one day, maybe I should eat them instead of a snack?
    The only way I could eat one cookie though is if that is all I had in the house to begin with. One cookie, not a whole package. Or one piece of pie, not a whole pie. Do I do that? Yes, on occasion I do and I enjoy every single bite. lol
    Do what works for you but I'd say eat what you want if you can stay under your calories and not binge.
    Dr featured Back to Nature cookies one day sooo I thought Ok I will try them and quite sure I will not like them LOL
    Let me just say the chocolate chunk is YUMMY and two cookies are 120 calories. I have a major sweet tooth myself and these keep me happy. AND of course my Skinny Cow Truffle Bar Ice Cream at 100 calories.
  • bjwbmw
    bjwbmw Posts: 55
    anytime - just count the calories and fat and keep it reasonable. i allow myself 5 hershey kisses every day. after about a month I started to forget about them as my palate changed to healthier eating. But I know they are still available and no deprivation. I also keep Edys slow churned single serve ice cream in th freezer. if i feel i really want it - it is available in an appropriate serving size. i find that knowing it's there and having the fortitude not to eat it every day - i feel in control.