stop drinking 8 cups of water (because it's "good"), and get



  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    As my dad says, "Opinions are like a**holes; everybody's got one."

    There are medical professionals on both sides of this (and every other nutritional) argument. I personally have been a big water drinker since childhood. This has proven to be a blessing, because I have had some medical issues of my own, as well as a family history of multiple kidney diseases that require an increased water intake. Add to that the fact that I live in the high desert where it is ridiculously dry all year round, and you can understand why my water intake is generally much higher than the 8 glasses per day recommendation. I still often wake up in the morning with my tongue as dry as a parrot's (if you've ever been french-kissed by a parrot, you know what I mean), and cracked lips from the overnight dehydration. Granted, mouth-breathing from sinus issues contributes to that, but it's primarily the dry climate.

    My urologist told me to shoot for 100 ounces per day. I don't often make it, but my water intake is still pretty darned high. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Water is delicious to me!
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I lean toward the OP's side (who stipulated, by the way, that this was not an attack on you hyper water-guzzlers). I hardly ever drink water. I drink water during and after workouts-- almost exclusively. It gives me heartburn quicker-- and worse-- than pizza. I drink a lot of coffee and tea, and a few Diet Cokes a week. I am never dehydrated (yes, my pee is always a very light yellow).

    Water is just another thing some people cling to as their weight loss miracle. There's nothing wrong with that. When it comes to weight loss and being healthy, at the end of the day what's right is what works for you. Let's all just chill out, maybe?

    I agree and water also gives me heart burn. And coffee must count or my hubby would be dead...he drinks more than a dozen large coffees a day, tops that up with the odd soda before bed. Other than a few beer on the weekend, that's all he drinks and he's not dehydrated! The only time he drinks water is as a hangover preventative before bed if he's had a few too many beer (chugs a large glass and swears it works).

    I'm a sipper...always have a drink of something on the go. Usually flavored water, coffee or the occassional bottle of G2. I don't keep track of my water intake, just the calories in whatever i'm drinking.
  • rebelontherun
    rebelontherun Posts: 192 Member
    No one will ever get me to believe that drinking plenty of plain water is not good for you. And in order to drink too much, you have to drink a LOT or drink quite a bit in a short amount of time.

    If we drank more than the kidneys can handle over a day's time then we wouldn't eat. There is nothing wrong with drinking 10 or 12 cups of water.

    I disagree with coffee, tea, soda, etc being counted as water also as it is not plain water.

    Most people that increase their water intake find they have more energy, better moods, clearer skin and better digestion and elimination.

    Water is important to the human body.

    I completely agree with this
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Before I made myself drink at least 8 cups water, I was horrible dehadrated, My brain felt swallon, my elbos and nuckles were chapped and all my skin was dry, my hair was brittle, and my organs felt sore and hurt when I woke up in the morning,

    ONCE I started drinking enough water all that went away, I fell GREAT!

    and the defference between drinking wate and soda or juice is that water is pure and your organs don't have to do as much to filter the crap
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I don't drink much liquid period. I try really, really hard but for me hydrating is the last thing I think of. This is why I kill any plants living in my house.

    For me the biggest weight loss challenge I have to tackle IS getting hydrated because I greatly suspect my poor body is all dried out inside and out. ): Poo.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    whatever would we do without one of these posts every week.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    whatever would we do without one of these posts every week.

    Drink too much water and die of drowning.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    If your urine is light yellow, you're doing a good job being hydrated.

    it is as simple as this...You don't need to force yourself to drink 8 cups a water a day as long as your urine is a light yellow. If you like to drink more nothing wrong with that either.

    Er... I barely drink ANYTHING, water or otherwise and my urine is always light yellow or white. So if this is true then I don't require liquids. ;)
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Wow.....I must be going to several quacks for Doctors as they all have said they would like my water intake to around 120 oz a day.
    Since doing so I don't seem to have as dry skin. Elimination is much easier.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    I think drinking water is good, but what bugs me about the 8 cup edict is that it does not account for body mass at all. My husband is roughly twice my size, and I can't believe that the same amount of water is right for both of us. We aren't dished out the same calorie expectations, but somehow 8 cups is right for both of us. I try to stick to water, besides coffee in the morning and skim milk for my calcium and some protein. If I'm running to the bathroom too much, I figure I'm over hydrated and I slow down.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Medium-to-dark yellow urine is a very obvious sign of being underhydrated
    My pee is red, so I'm good, right?
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I strictly drink water. Occasionally I will have a soda and occasionally I will have some alcohol. But primarily I just drink water. I drink about 12 cups a day.

    Not only does it keep you feeling full especially when trying to lose weight, it also makes your skin look beautiful. So I do it for my overall health.

  • crystalyncosta
    definitely, I drink alot of water-like almost a gallon every day and it helps me feel great!
  • Gemnildy
    Gemnildy Posts: 124 Member
    Well, I have heard both sides of this statement but frankly, I cannot get myself to drink that much PLAIN water! I do not drink sodas and limit my coffee intake but there are PLENTY of other things to drink which DO count towards my fluid intake and I can enjoy much more than plain tap water and cost much less that tons of bottled water per week.
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    I will say that many times when I felt hungry and it really wasn't time to eat, didn't have the calories left, I found that if I drank a glass of water, the feeling went completely away and if it DIDN'T, THEN I ate something......sometimes we really are thirsty and we've lost the ability to recognize it and start eating instead......I drink about 8 glasses of liquid whether I am eating healthy or not....I'm just thirsty

    I do the same thing,if I start feeling hungry and don't want to snack I will drink some water and it fills me up pretty quick and I have been doing pretty good with losing the weight in the last week,and I'm going from drinking Iced Tea and soda to nothing but milk and water and have no complaints at all,if nothing it's made my complexion better and I have loads more energy.
  • Krisgren
    Krisgren Posts: 95
    I drink over a gallon a day and LOVE water. Honestly, I can't get enough of the stuff :) I grew up on it (instead of soda, juice, etc.) and I absolutely love the stuff. Never had a problem. And I know that not everyone is the same, but I find it hard to believe 8 cups of water a day could hurt someone. Oh well ;)

    Me too, I was brought up on it and drink well over the 8 glasses a day for sure. I feel good for it, there are waaaaaaaay worse liquids we could be putting into our bodies
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    I know it has been beaten down so many times but I can't help but get in on the "too much water" posts - they're awesome!

    As so many people have stated, you may not NEED 8 cups a day but drinking 8 cups (or much more) is certainly not going to hurt. It makes me giggle how people turn health into a religion and following the gospel of what this scientist says or what that doctor claims instead of just making smart, common sense decisions for themselves.

    When it comes to getting healthy I've found there are very few rules:

    1 - Replace junk (processed) food with real food.
    2 - Move more than you did last week.
    3 - Be happy with yourself because no one else is going to.
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    Please don't flame me - I'm trying to learn... but is it true that drinking plenty of water makes sure the internal organs are properly hydrated so they can function at optimal levels, which in turn increases the body's metabolism? I read that the other day and it sounded plausible, so I'm just asking.

    Personally, I have never ever drank enough water, nor has my Hubs. I am setting a new lifestyle, so part of that effort includes increasing my water intake to improve my health and fitness. I don't hate it, I've just never been good at remembering to drink it. It's time for me to set good patterns for the rest of my life.

    Half your lbs in oz seems an easy way to remember how much to drink. 122 oz. is just under a gallon of water - which sounds like a lot. But using my 22 oz tumblers, that's only 6 and a half tumblers a day. Easily do-able, and not enough to make me hate drinking water.
  • Gemnildy
    Gemnildy Posts: 124 Member
    Medium-to-dark yellow urine is a very obvious sign of being underhydrated
    My pee is red, so I'm good, right?

    LMAO!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I use dehydrated water. This way I don't risk being too hydrated, and it keeps the thirst at bay since it's water.