best at home exercise?



  • Ro0kins_Wedding
    Get Wii Fit, if you already have a Wii.
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    A good free one unless you have a one level is stair climbing. I did 63 up/downs on a 15 foot staircase in my home. Took me 30 minutes and 945 stairs but what a cardio workout! Great for your calves too!
  • Adshill
    Adshill Posts: 130 Member
    Bump for ideas :)
  • Glasspack
    Glasspack Posts: 105 Member
    im starting to get pretty bored of my current routine and i cant go to gym has i have 3 young children and OH works 6days a week.

    im currently walking, jogging and using an exercise bike.

    what would you recommend for a good burn that you can do at home?

    Burpee with a push up and a jump at the end.

    Oh how I hate burpees but they are a fantastic total body exercise.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Zumba on the WII. I also hear the Xbox is pretty good too but I haven't tried it yet. Its a lot of fun an a great workout. If you dont have a WII I think you can get the exercises off you tube too.
  • scmcgee
    scmcgee Posts: 165
    Turbo Fire! Chalene is very motivating and she actually has real people who lost weight doing the video with her.
  • SandyChampWins
    SandyChampWins Posts: 133 Member
    I'm learning all the new dances by watching youtube...Zumba, Cupid Shuffle, The Wobble...etc.
  • MndaLynn
    MndaLynn Posts: 26 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, and Ripped in 30. I am a single mom of three kids, going to the gym is next to impossible. Even on days it could happen, my boys don't want to be sitting in a gym daycare while I workout. P90X is a great program...but it is 60 to 90 minutes a day. 30 minutes workouts fit better into my schedule, and I am more likely to do them. I could often talk myself out of 90 minutes of yoga...but if I know I will get a good quick workout in 30 minutes...I'm much more likely to do it. I run three days a week, walk one day, and do Jillian videos two to three days a week. It has been working for me. I'm not getting burnt out...and I am losing weight.

    Good luck to you!!
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    There are a ton of free workouts on youtube besides there is popilates and zwow. You can just type in workouts and it pulls up a ton of workouts :)

    Or,invest in some cheap workout videos from the thrift store or walmart has them cheap. Good luck!
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I just started Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30, and WOW!! That's one serious DVD workout!
  • butterflyliz32
    butterflyliz32 Posts: 124 Member
    im starting to get pretty bored of my current routine and i cant go to gym has i have 3 young children and OH works 6days a week.

    im currently walking, jogging and using an exercise bike.

    what would you recommend for a good burn that you can do at home?


    I personally love the Turbo Jam Cardio Party workouts from Beachbody. At my size, I am burning between 700 - 750 calories in 45 min (according to my HRM). It is hard, fun, and really works up a sweat! Just my two cents. I also have a Wii, and the Just Dance 2 game is totally fun and also lets you work up a sweat! I also have a wide variety of DVDs that I use for workouts:
    - Yoga Booty Ballet (series)
    - Turbo Fire
    - P90 At Home Boot-Camp
    - Older Weight Watchers exercise DVDs
    - Walk Away the Pounds
    - Carmen Electra's Striptease workout (don't laugh... it's a pretty good one!)
  • Mel2626
    Mel2626 Posts: 342 Member
    bump for ideas! :happy:
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Billy Blanks' Tae Bo
  • tntfitmom
    It depends on what level of fitness you are ready for. You said you do some different thing, the bike and so forth. P90X is pretty intense and take and hour or so most day. You need weights or bands. Insanity is all cardio but shorter, it is interval training. It works well, and is like 40 minutes or so, there is Turbo Fire set to cool music with in 1 minute drills mixed in to get your heart rate through the roof. This is my fav. also around 40 minute per day. So look at what you have time for with your kids and situation and what you can put into a workout. If you need any other help I would be glad to help.
  • Todzilla7
    Todzilla7 Posts: 24
    If you have a Wii, then pick up EA Sports Active 2. Great diversity of workouts that you can adjust to your fitness level and goals. Highly recommended.
  • DestinationFitnessChick
    My has some great DVD's (Bob Harper from Biggest Loser) and sometimes they are only $5.00

    Jackie Warner DVD's (Target has these) are great

    The Biggest Loser

    Any 10 minute DVD (the DVD's are sold at Wal-Mart/Target and usually have 5 or 6 10 minute routines)

    Invest in a stability ball, jump rope and hand weights. You can come up with some awesome strength training routines with these!

    Also the site is awesome!
  • miey8201
    miey8201 Posts: 6
    I have been doing taebo for the past 6 weeks and it works great. in just 30 minutes you are pouring with sweat and ur heart rate is going! highly recommend for home!!
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    p90x! im doing it now and i love it. new routine every day

    Yes - p90x (I'm finishing up my 3rd round now).
  • carebears1973
    carebears1973 Posts: 63 Member
    Well done on your weight loss so far :-) I do 'Just dance' on the X Box and wii sports games. It's great coz I exercise with my children and we all love it and have a great time, smiles all round and I loose weight. Can't get better then that.

    I also go swimming with my kids. My daughter is 15 so she is able to look after my 7 year old for five mins here and there so I can swim a few lengths. I like to do resistance exercises in the water to, like kicking a leg in the air slowly, holding it and bringing it down. You can do this with your arms too and lots more. x
  • MummyDB
    MummyDB Posts: 106 Member
    Not anywhere near as intense as p90x or 30ds. But try leslie Sansone. Walk away the pounds. Lots to choose from.