Walking Dead



  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    My favourite character in the Walking dead is me...


    Actually my favorite character is Michonne



    I don't know if she is in the TV show yet.
    Super excited for her appearance!! I heard talks I was gonna be Tara from True Blood.
  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member
    Ive never watched the walking dead, but i did watch a youtube vid called "hannah," it was supposedly to be from the very 1st episode...OMG it scared me..the makeup was freakin awesome!!
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member

    But I am definitely on Team Rick, not Team Shane.

    same here
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member

    Did anyone else notice Shane remarking about how the two cop zombies didn't have bite marks before he and Rick decided together that there 'must be scratches' and that's how the cops got infected? Then on the school bus, Shane cut his hand open with the same knife he used to stab the other zombie in the head. Anyone else thinking that Shane might leave the series a zombie? I also think when he threw the wrench at Rick and broke the window, he saw his own bloody, battered self looking almost zombie-like. Foreshadowing!?

    Here's my prediction: Shane gets infected, and Carl shoots him! (Remember Carl saying he would have shot Sophia if he had to?)

    Favorite characters - Glen and Maggie! Daryl is pretty cool, too.

    In the comic, Carl shoots Shane while Shane is teaching him how to shoot. It wouldn't surprise me if your prediction comes true.

    Haha you beat me to the spoiler .....

    Love the show.. not as much as the graphic novel but it is on my list of favs...

    Exactly what I think! Rick will finally have enough of Shane's ****, kill him and come back as Zombie Shane! Than Carl will kill him like the Comic book. To bring it full circle.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I haven't seen the show BUT I want to give a shout out to the Asian guy!.. We grew up together and he seriously is one of the nicest people I know! We keep in touch still and I honestly can't believe he is an actor lol.. I hope others like him too! I think he might be Glen on the show!?
  • ajswriter
    ajswriter Posts: 117 Member
    Glenn is my favorite character--can't wait to watch him develop even more confidence & strength as a leader. HATE Lori. lol That whining b**** makes all women look bad! That means the actress is doing a good job though!
  • Raivynsblood
    Raivynsblood Posts: 68 Member
    My favorite character is damn...cannot remember his name, the brother of the guy that was left on top of the building in the first season. Daryl? I love the actor, and I love the character.

    I cannot STAND Rick's wife. I want to punch her.

    I like Shane :) Lots of people don't, but I do like him in a weird, twisted way.

    haha! me too!! thought i was he only one!
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    Daryl & Glenn all the way. Just started DVR'ing the Talking Dead as well.
  • CBranson0503
    my favorite character is Daryl. He seems to be the only one with his head on straight. I won't make any guesses as to what is going to happen, as I read the comic book series. Although, the show has differed greatly from the book quite a bit, I don't want to spoil things for people.
  • Nymeria42
    Nymeria42 Posts: 21
    Daryl is definitely my favorite. I love how he is so resourceful. Also loved how he pointed out how broken the group was.
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Rick grimes is the man.. I was kinda worried he'd start acting like Shane after what went down at the bar, but I'm glad he still has some bit of humanity to hold onto.

    I definitely hope Michonne shows up though! We need more badass characters after this season ends
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 366 Member
    Love, love, love this show! Daryl is my favorite...such a bad *kitten*! Carl needs his little butt whooped...
  • Seirura
    Seirura Posts: 12
    Daryl and Shane, but if Daryl gets killed I'm done watching.
  • annabetht
    annabetht Posts: 5 Member
    Daryl...and T-Dog. He's the undiscovered hero! I think Shane's time is drawing near. He is definately a survivor in the zombie apocalypse but his actions may get him killed by a human.
  • Poetic_
    Poetic_ Posts: 269 Member
    Shane's my favorite character. I do fear he won't be around much longer.

    Who the hell is T-Dog?!
  • creative1981
    creative1981 Posts: 182 Member
    LOVE Walking Dead! When's it back on?
  • dlw13
    dlw13 Posts: 119 Member
    Wow, all the hate for Lori, and I thought it was just me. :) I don't have a true favorite, but I like Glenn & Daryl. Great show.
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    Love this show. I'm definitely on team Rick. My favorite character was actually Dale :( But I really like Glenn a lot as well. Carol is nothing but a load at this point, other than doing laundry she really doesn't contribute much to the group. Not a big fan of Andrea or Lori and after this last episode, Carl is getting on my last nerve. I think that about sums it up. :drinker:
  • ccbing
    ccbing Posts: 162 Member
    Daryl, Glenn and Rick...in that order ;)
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I haven't seen the last episode, doesn't air here until Friday, but I know what happens, so spoilers are fine :]
    My favourite character, well from my ticker, you can see who ;] :love:
    I also love Shane but think he'll be the next to die :cry: