Greem Team Week 9



  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    ok so i did another set of squats last night after dinner, so legs were not happy so of course I ate no more after that. Went and swim to cool off, not to physical but it still moving baby ahahaha:laugh:
    No that couch to 5K sounds good to me so remind when its time to start and I'll do it.
    Well today is gonna be a beatiful day-Hot of course but that all there is in texas in July.
    Ok so is everybody ready for Harry Potter!!! I know I am :glasses: gonna take my son on Friday for his birthday and see it at IMAX so super excited
    Well keep on moving on Greenies
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    hello green team!!!!

    So I am sorry I did not get on here and do much yesterday....I glanced at everyones postings but I was SOOO busy at work yesterday. New mgrs started yesterday and I am a trainer for new employees and had to train a new teller. That was very time consuming...I went home and was so tired I nearly started to cry. My feet killed me b/c i wore heels and stood on them ALL day! :sad:
    But all better today.....I am at the same weight. No loss; no gain. Thats got to be okay....but would love to see a pound or two come off. :grumble:

    Kelly....thanks for inquiring about my weekend....I HAD THE MOST FUN! Husband and I really enjoyed it....had no one around we "bonded" alot....:bigsmile: :blushing:
    He also taught me golf....we practiced hitting and I did surprising well....and hes a landscaper and knows almost too much about plant life....trees and all and b/c I inquired about distinguising different trees and plants he had lots of fun teaching me and it really made his day that i took such a big interest in something he loves. :bigsmile: :love: We cannot wait to do it all again!

    Purrr.....glad to see you are down some more...keep up the great work. How are you and Levent?
    Didnt see anymore on you two.....:wink:

    Sassie.....dont fret on the 6'll get in routine and get off the weight. Cant believe how close you are to the big day....excited much?? lol :happy:

    Jacque.....great it....just need to find a way to get away from my teller window and do my squats....I think my customers and other employees would find it odd to see me doing them.
    Oh well...I will be doing them. Thanks!!!

    To everyone else...Hope you all are having a great week so far. Lets keep the motivation up!! Missed you guys yesterday......ttyl!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok did 3 sets of squats so far brk, snack , lunch so willtry to slow sown before legs start hurting hahahaha
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey team!

    well, i did 3 sets of 15 each for Jacque's squat challenge, last nite. wow, i had not done them for a while. i didnt do the situp or crunches, but grabbed a couple 10lb dumbells, and while i watched tv w/dh, lifted them for some toning on the forarms, bi & triceps....felt the burn baby!! think i might just keep them in the living room, in 'sight' to help with motivation and hey, nothing like gettin fit while watchin the tube!

    kitn, sounds like a fab time w/dh! :heart: ask him for a foot massage....heels are H-LL all day long girly! i pry would have been crawlin around the house when i got home! :bigsmile: hope the days ahead get easier and not as stressful! hang in there with the friendly scale....just knowing you are aware of your 'healthy lifestyle change' is positive! don't give up!

    jacque ~ i am very bad at getting out to see movies. the closest theatre to us is about 25 miles away. we own a lot of dvd's...and i have not seen one HP movie! :embarassed: my oldest son has read all the books. IMAX will be awesome.....good place to cool off too! have fun and relax! i will start the Couch to 5K Monday August 3rd, bout 20 days from now!! will keep you posted! anyone else up to joggin 3 miles at challenge end? i know we can do it GREEN TEAM!!

    well, gonna get cleaned up and go for my DOT physical....have a good one gang....hope to hear from y'all soon! :happy:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey kel,
    How does the couch to k work?
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi jacque ~ i think it is a 6 wk is geared to get you from walking to jogging. 3 days a week ( preferably MWF or TTHS, so long as you have a day off in between workouts ) you do interval walking and jogging....kinda like 'woggin'....a term that has been used on MFP. you gradually increase jogging periods and do less walking and by the end of 6 weeks, you are joggin 3 MILES!! what do you think? i have been wanting to do this since about April....and thinkin it will help me jump start my next 20 lb goal. anyone is welcome to join....the more support we can get, the better!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Kel-I think that sound great, I defintly want to do, so do u have a schedule to follow or a web site to get this?

    Miss Vita-Welcome back-miss ya:bigsmile:
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Hi All,

    I had to find you guys for this week. So, you check in on Fridays. OK. My check in for today is down 1 lb since last week. So, I will weigh in on Fridays and look for the next green team week 10.

    thanks for the support everyone. I saw your pictures, Kelly. Very nice. Good to hear you had a good weekend. And Jacque too, you crack me up. 3 musketeers the next day.

    I will update you on my hypnotherapy. I feel better about myself. so, that is good. Seems like I need some more work though. She had this whole 10 week weight loss program available--started with your relationship to food and progressed through quite a few things; but I didn't choose to do that. I need more help with how much I don't like myself. She did some guided imagery. I'm seeing her once a week for a while. Since I'm a pound down since last week, it may be good. 10 weeks will tell I think.

    Jacque said something about menopause--is that early Jacque? I'm only 2 years behind you in age and I'm wondering if maybe that's what's making me so cranky lately. I don't have any flashes though.

    Purr, I like your name, Petja.

    I'll be back soon,
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Ok so I am super excited to see the the green team is still here and o many people are still sticking with this new lifestyle. Since I was laid off 3 weeks ago it has really been a rolarcoaster for me. I have been going to the gyn for a great workout 4-5 days a week and am noticing some new muscles that I never had before. I definately have the workout part down. I know though that not checking in with you ladies I have been way over my calories alot of days and am kinda at a standstill. Confession time I did great all day and just ate 440 calories worth of reese's peanut butter cups. well tomorrow I will start logging my food again and checking in with the team as time permits. Things are pretty crazy right now. I am enrolling in school after graduating high school in 2002. Super busy with all the deadlines of getting everything set. It feels great to be back in touch with you all. and see the great progress you have all made. well big enterance exam tomorrow so I better get to bed. Talk you you tomorrow.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    missV ~ welcome back!! glad to have you here and sounds like you are ready to go!! how was the vaca? any pics?

    sally ~ congrats on the wt loss! i am happy for you that hypnotherapy is working. so many things, well most everything really, in life evolve from our minds...and it can be a struggle to control. i saw a psychotherapist off and on for about 3 yrs...she really helped me, A LOT! i will keep you in my prayers and be thinking of you....hang in there and don't give up! if you have any ques, you can message me. i am 43...and swear i have been perimenopause for almost 10 years! i have done a little research and have many of the symptoms, but still have monthly cycles ( horrible ones ), but no hot flashes. my cardiologist has me on baby aspirin and that does not help the issue either. am home bound for at least 2 days. i am gonna ask my gyn about hormone levels at next appt.

    aml ~ HI!! didn't know about your job situation. sorry about that. i am sure it has been a little frustrating at times. that is so, so great that you are getting regular exercise tho. that has benefited stress levels for you! you sound up beat and hopeful! i am happy for ya! good luck on your new adventure heading back to school!!

    jacque ~ yes, there is a website at cool running couch to 5K. i will ge the link for you.

    well, hope everyone is doing good. am a bit concerned about purrr. hope she reports soon. how bout the rest of the greenies?? might need to recruit sometime in the future. have a great day gang!

    oh, forgot to say that i was down 25 lbs from 2 yrs ago at my physical yesterday!! :bigsmile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    HERE'S the Couch to 5K site JACQUE
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    huh, report what? i've reported my weight... what else? :smile: i'm actually pretty down and not too communicative atm but hope things work out for the better soon :ohwell:

    oops, i've missed the squats... wow, that's a lot squats i didn't do today then, i've eaten 6 times so far... and going to eat once again soon ... uhh... i'll do a few sets before bed, i promise...
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    HAHAHA I love this team:laugh: :love:
    Purr-I think she means on the love life and such:wink:
    Kel- Way to go:drinker: That awsome!! I am so jealous:devil: I am gonna check out that site, I got to do something, losing my will to fight.
    Aml- so cool about school, which i could motivate myself to get back in school~:glasses:
    Sally-I know its wierd, it started with missing every other month and now I can't even remember the last one. But the hot flashes:explode: I live with a fan in the bedroom permitily on
    Anyway people hope all is well and I will check in with u later. Also someone wants to come up with a challenge for next week?
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    So today went better than yesterday....and wayyy better than monday. lol
    I had decided yesterday that i "thought" I wanted to try the south beach. I have had lots of family and friends do it and it went over real well and its not a horrible diet. At first you have to change alot about your eating buts it only to prepare your body for proper eating. I get to reintroduce your carbs and fruits but just the good kind. (all whole wheat no white; etc...)
    well I couldnt do it. Too hard but b/c I had that mind set I am doing something very similar. Watching what I eat, making sure its very few carbs, very little sugar, etc....and I feel good today! :drinker:
    I had a small bowl of cereal this morning, 2 pieces of turkey bacon and a small glass of skim milk. For lunch I had a small fruit cup and then a pouch of lite tuna with very little lite mayo. yummmm...and a few pretzels. So far, so good. Lets hope that if not this friday; next friday I see some progress....but TOM is expected this week sometime :sad: :mad: who knows.
    Hope you all are having a great day. I have gotten horrible about not doing my challenges....I need to go them so when I get home I am doubling up and getting in them all for today....including ones from earlier today I forgot to do. Ouch!!!!:grumble: Well i will get back with everyone tomorrow.....computers are not cooporating and so struggling to do so much of my work!
    lots of love to you all!!!
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    I am interested in doing the couch to 5k. I am going out of town to work again next week for 4 weeks. I will try to check in while I am gone. This time I should do better because I will have access to the internet. I really don't want to go but I need the money. The only good thing about not being home is I don't snack like I do when I am home. On the down side I don't get the exercise in that I would if I were at home and I eat out a lot. At least I won't spend as much time at my mom's house where I have no self control over my mom's excellent cooking. I totally forgot about doing squats for Monday and Tuesday, but I did 4 sets of 20 today so far. I recently got Wii fit. I plan to take it with me when I am out of town so hopefully I will get some exercise in. I am sure my friends will enjoy using it also. I hope everyone is having a great day! :smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    mornin GT!

    well, today i will be busy doing house chores, mowing, laundry, cleaning, and of course cookin. i didn't have a good day eating wise yesterday...folks invited me and my boys out to lunch...PIZZA RANCH :sad: the kitchen is filled with fruits and veggies, so no excuses there.....leavin for Vegas in 11 days. does anyone know if 'day trips' there are worth the time/expense? my mom is aunt and sis does not want to. i could go either way, but my mom is at an age and well, state of health as well, where this could be 'last chance'...i hate to turn her wishes down....

    amm~ i think we will be starting the couch/5k Monday Aug 3rd. jacque is planning on doing it, and others are welcomed too! the more the merrier....and support! we will all be experiencing the same challenge! the Wii is a great workout! lots of fun too!

    weigh in is TOMORROW!! good luck everyone, have a great Thursday!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all,
    Ok I totally blew it yesterday!! To be honest for the last couple of weeks! I have slowly started gaining weight back. I have givin up, I am tired, I hurt and at the brink of not caring anymore. But I am soo frustrated, I don't know how to get motivated. Well so today I am gonna try, baby steps anyway. So here to a new day of trying. I am gonna chang my stats back and maybe I can stop fooling myself. Anyway so heres to a new day
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hi everyone, it's nice to see a few old teammates on here - always happens when I'm off for a couple of days.

    I haven't been on since Sunday, been a bit in the weeds with work and dumps but I appreciate your shout out Jacque. Also, things had gotten stagnant (no offense to those still posting) so I felt like I should just pull back instead of getting frustrated.

    Had a bad foodie day yesterday, it just happenend to be payday (Wednesday wtf?:noway: ) so we went to our faav Mexican place, well chips, beers and 1/2 of my entree but it sure did taste good. I'm gonna not freak out tomorrow if I can help it.

    purrr - why are you not communicative? did I miss something? how are things going in the love market? ok I hope....:wink:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi all
    I know that I said i was back a few days ago and then didn't say anything else, just trying to get back into the groove of things, and my house was dusty and messy, not to mention thge LAAUNDRY!!!!!:grumble: oh well.
    Well my scale says that I gained while I was gone, but I think it LIES!!:bigsmile: oh well i went and saw the inlaw, a bunch of famliy and a few friends! I got 22 inches chopped off my hair wich is GREAT!:bigsmile: I love short hair!:love:
    Got a lot of breast pain going on, so trying to figure out what is going on with me (This is so nothing NEW):huh: But my doctor is not helping right now.....
    Still not smoking, although my husband has once again joined the dark side:mad: :grumble: what a butt!
    Gotta get back ingto eating right and going to the gym and all that jazz!
    I am glad to hear that everyone is still here and DOING WELL:bigsmile: I missed you guys the most!
    i ll check back in tomarrow