Unicorns pee glitter



  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    My chocolate cravings are proportional to the amount of pain that TOM cramps bring and currently expanding at an exponential rate.


    Did you know: Chocolate cravings have nothing to do with PMS itsself? It has to do with your brain thinking of chocolate as comfort food. Something I read today, so it must be true right?

    Sadly, I crave chocolate every day.... that sh!ts good! LOL I just want to eat something.. anything... a sardine sammich would probably even work today! Agghhhhhhh
    I'm with you on the chocolate. LOVE it!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    *hums "i'm just a unicorn... humpin a dolphin, humpin a dolphin"*
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    I am *sniff* so happy to see *sob* all the boobs in this thread.

    That. Is. All.
  • This thread is dumb, unicorns don't live around here. They are from like england or something. I doubt they piss glitter. I bet they just have sparkly stuff in their pee.

    Umm, shows how much you know. They DO pee glitter, and their blood has real life rainbows in it. :grumble: idiot.

    That is just a myth. In real life they do not pee glitter or have rainbows in their blood.


    Thats because I have never been to ENGLAND!

    You win, I just laughed my *kitten* off

    I don't know why. Im not being funny. I do not understand why you are saying things about unicorns that are absolutely not true!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    My chocolate cravings are proportional to the amount of pain that TOM cramps bring and currently expanding at an exponential rate.


    That equation is:

    chocolate = pain squared times pi
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    First of all, I'm relatively certain they pee rainbows.

    Second of all, their blood is silver (hello, have you ever seen Harry Potter???)

    Third of all, I would like to own a pet penguin.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member

    You should really do your research. That isnt possible.

    hmm... blood in stool much?! Are you an expert on unicorn poop too?!
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    If unicorns pee Glitter, what do they poo?

    Concertina wire. And they can put a round up a flea's *kitten* at 300 yards. Now get off their lawn.
  • First of all, I'm relatively certain they pee rainbows.

    Second of all, their blood is silver (hello, have you ever seen Harry Potter???)

    Third of all, I would like to own a pet penguin.

    Harry Potter is fake. You cant use him as an example. I really wish you guys would read up on stuff before posting things that are not true.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    First of all, I'm relatively certain they pee rainbows.

    Second of all, their blood is silver (hello, have you ever seen Harry Potter???)

    Third of all, I would like to own a pet penguin.

    The only reason they bleed silver is because all the colors mixed together... It can't be black because... Um HELLO?! It's a freaking unicorn!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    My chocolate cravings are proportional to the amount of pain that TOM cramps bring and currently expanding at an exponential rate.


    That equation is:

    chocolate = pain squared times pie

    i fixed it for you.
  • CanDurkin
    CanDurkin Posts: 63
    1. A Pegasus is way cooler than a Unicorn so I'm not sure why anyone would bring up Unicorns to begin with.

    2. Dolphins are just gay sharks.

    That is all.
  • First of all, I'm relatively certain they pee rainbows.

    Second of all, their blood is silver (hello, have you ever seen Harry Potter???)

    Third of all, I would like to own a pet penguin.

    The only reason they bleed silver is because all the colors mixed together... It can't be black because... Um HELLO?! It's a freaking unicorn!

    Unicorns have normal pee.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    First of all, I'm relatively certain they pee rainbows.

    Second of all, their blood is silver (hello, have you ever seen Harry Potter???)

    Third of all, I would like to own a pet penguin.

    Harry Potter is fake. You cant use him as an example. I really wish you guys would read up on stuff before posting things that are not true.

    how would you know? you just said you 've never been to England.
  • First, Unicorns are from Scotland, NOT England. Have you ever met a unicorn with an English accent? Second, I agree, their blood is silver. Harry Potter was right on that. 3rd, they pee glitter until they have a urinary tract infection, in which case they pee gold, which leprechauns then steal to put at the end of the rainbow. and 4th, unicorns FART rainbows, they POOP tootsie rolls lol
  • First, Unicorns are from Scotland, NOT England. Have you ever met a unicorn with an English accent? Second, I agree, their blood is silver. Harry Potter was right on that. 3rd, they pee glitter until they have a urinary tract infection, in which case they pee gold, which leprechauns then steal to put at the end of the rainbow. and 4th, unicorns FART rainbows, they POOP tootsie rolls lol

    No, Unicorns live in the Rocky Mountains in England.
  • First, Unicorns are from Scotland, NOT England. Have you ever met a unicorn with an English accent? Second, I agree, their blood is silver. Harry Potter was right on that. 3rd, they pee glitter until they have a urinary tract infection, in which case they pee gold, which leprechauns then steal to put at the end of the rainbow. and 4th, unicorns FART rainbows, they POOP tootsie rolls lol

    Ok lets talk real life, not a bunch of made up nonesense.
  • First, Unicorns are from Scotland, NOT England. Have you ever met a unicorn with an English accent? Second, I agree, their blood is silver. Harry Potter was right on that. 3rd, they pee glitter until they have a urinary tract infection, in which case they pee gold, which leprechauns then steal to put at the end of the rainbow. and 4th, unicorns FART rainbows, they POOP tootsie rolls lol

    No, Unicorns living in the Rocky Mountains in England.
    Maybe there are two types of unicorns-Scottish and English.....hmmm.....
  • First, Unicorns are from Scotland, NOT England. Have you ever met a unicorn with an English accent? Second, I agree, their blood is silver. Harry Potter was right on that. 3rd, they pee glitter until they have a urinary tract infection, in which case they pee gold, which leprechauns then steal to put at the end of the rainbow. and 4th, unicorns FART rainbows, they POOP tootsie rolls lol

    No, Unicorns living in the Rocky Mountains in England.
    Maybe there are two types of unicorns-Scottish and English.....hmmm.....

    Im pretty certain there is only one breed of unicorns. They are from england.
  • First, Unicorns are from Scotland, NOT England. Have you ever met a unicorn with an English accent? Second, I agree, their blood is silver. Harry Potter was right on that. 3rd, they pee glitter until they have a urinary tract infection, in which case they pee gold, which leprechauns then steal to put at the end of the rainbow. and 4th, unicorns FART rainbows, they POOP tootsie rolls lol

    No, Unicorns living in the Rocky Mountains in England.
    Maybe there are two types of unicorns-Scottish and English.....hmmm.....

    Im pretty certain there is only one breed of unicorns. They are from england.

    I don't know about that, have you ever been to Scotland?