
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    Meh, don't really care about the's the reply's on the posts. If they're funny, have sound advice...then that will peak my interest into looking at their profile for more info (same interests, etc). Or, I'll just chance it and send a friend request if their profile is private. I have a great group of friends so far! Luv 'em!!
  • Nope....... Don't have many friends on here anyway ;-((

    I must smell ? Lol I joke !!
  • kraz4fun
    kraz4fun Posts: 31 Member
    I look at pictures just because I like pictures but it doesn't play a role in my friend request. I usually add people who have similar weight goals or family & work life that I have from their posts on the message boards.
  • Wow that was my first forum post! Guess you could say I'm a lurker, soak up all the info !,
  • sharibob3
    sharibob3 Posts: 180
    Sure the heck do... I have a criteria for those who want to be my friend.... :laugh:
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    I don't. I figure if someone sent me an invite, then they are wanting more friends for support. That is one of the great things about this site.
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    I do, mostly to see if they ride too! Seems we mostly all have pics of our bikes posted. :bigsmile:
  • SaketoKim
    SaketoKim Posts: 254 Member
    I don't do that. I leaving the judging to GOD. JK i do
  • LoriBarefoot
    LoriBarefoot Posts: 218 Member
    Pics aren't absolutley neccessary, but it's nice to put a face to who you're corresponding with. PLUS, the lean, toned pics are great for my motivation!
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    I read the profile and look at the pics. If our interests are similar, and their sense of humor & personality is like mine, i will FR them. I'm not a collector; it takes me a while to FR someone. And if all of your pics are avatars or swimsuit models, you're not for me. I like to know real people.
  • I tend not to, but sometimes I do... for whatever reason :P
  • pearsy67
    pearsy67 Posts: 104 Member
    I just read their profile so see if they have a great personality :-) Apparently I have high standards as I don't have many friends. Either that or I really shouldn't be allowed out.

    Seriously I find it hard to find friends on here as most of the people are female and it just seems creepy for some fat old guy to be sending friend requests to random strangers. It is hard to win over the ladies with my roguish Aussie accent in a forum post :tongue:
    So unless you ride I guess I am outa luck.
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,064 Member
    going to try my luck her looking for love, no luck at EHARMONY or cougartown or singlemomsneedlove
  • pearsy67
    pearsy67 Posts: 104 Member
    going to try my luck her looking for love, no luck at EHARMONY or cougartown or singlemomsneedlove

    My wife says I am allowed to look for love elsewhere, but I deserve anyone who would have me. Scares me enough to stay the course ROFL.:sad:
  • carolanne84
    carolanne84 Posts: 53 Member
    guilty... :D
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I never even read someone's profile before accepting a FR. If they end up not being a good fit, I drop them, otherwise, I accept and they stay on my FL. I don't have a ton of friends, though. I've never even thought to look through their pictures. I have been friended by several who have seen my pictures. All dogs, none of me. LOL. I don't photograph well and don't have any recent pictures of myself.
  • eprissel
    eprissel Posts: 92 Member
    I more scope out their friends list. If they're only friends with girls who show skin, no-go for the perv.

    I notice a lot of that on here...
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,064 Member
    wait, theres pics on here? *raises eyebrows*
  • BritFitB
    BritFitB Posts: 106 Member
    All the time! If I don't like the way they "display" themselves, I don't want to accept.
  • ednabnana
    ednabnana Posts: 304
    Not me. I need motivation. The more friends burning calories on my newsfeed, the better. It's all about the ENERGY. Shape or face does not matter. (I can always delete the undesirables).