Dressing your age- 30ish and up



  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    Wear whatcha wanna wear. I don't think age should factor in what you decide to wear. Hell i'm 35 and spend most of my time in ringer tees and chucks..I have burgundy/pink/black hair..and piercings..and i tend to look kinda out of place sometimes while at girl scout meetings, and group playdates..most of the moms are dressed in typical soccer mom attire.. Cookie cutter has never really been my style.
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    I'm a mom and I turned 30 last year and I honestly worried if i was going to have to start dressing differently at some point soon. I wear lots of dresses & skirts (almost every day), tights, cardigans, vintage things, etc. When it comes down to it, i just wear what i like and what i feel comfortable and like myself in, and i don't really pay any attention to rules. And hey, I'm a graphic designer so people just expect me to dress weird. :smile:

    The only thing I just can't get away with is knee socks. I've tried them a million different ways and no matter what, they still make me feel like a stripper. I don't get it, they look so cute on everyone else! ;)
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,292 Member
    I'm 57 years old and I wear whatever I please. For work its business suits, dress pants and knee length skirts, but when I'm off work, I dress for me. I wore a pair of leather pants and a sleeveless silk top to a party recently and had more than a few indecent proposals, mostly from men younger than me (my hubby was home sick, poor thing). I wear skinny jeans and boots. I wear hoodies. I wear short skirts (although not the 'wide belt' type minis). And I look good wearing them.

    Wear what your body allows you to wear and what you are comfortable with. Anyone else's opinion is just that - an opinion.
  • netztoy
    netztoy Posts: 83 Member
    I think it's individualized...whatever you feel good in. I've never seen an age limit/maximum on clothes labels. I'm 47 years young and I feel pretty darn good!!! I'm not gonna dress like an old woman to make other people feel comfortable!!! I'm not disrespectful by no means, but, I like my body. Whatever looks good on it, will be on it:smile:
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    I dress in what looks good on me. I really do not care what it is as long as I do not look trashy.

    I am the homeroom mom for my daughter's 6th grade class. Several of the girls tell my daughter after I leave the class they love what I was wearing.
  • CandiceCandyCane81
    CandiceCandyCane81 Posts: 71 Member
    Hell no.

    I'm 32. I'm "supposed" to stop wearing short skirts at 35. That only gives me 3 more years.

    If you look at my pictures, that's all I wear! :laugh: As long as I feel good about myself I will not be following any "rules".

    Plus, rules are meant to be broken. Rebel!
    I feel the same way:)
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I think there's a way to stay current without looking foolish. Last night I was in a drugstore, waiting in line behind a woman who was at least my age (I'm 48). From behind, she had all of the signs of being a much younger woman -- very long hair, a coat someone 20 would wear and a purse that was trendy, not high fashion. But from the front it was obvious she was a lot older. She did look like she was trying too hard.

    So the question is, how do you look up to date without looking like you're copying 20 somethings (or younger)?

    For me, I want to dress in better clothes than I wear now, but I would never wear anything my 14 year old is interested in. Just doesn't look right, now matter how thin or good for your age, you look.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I'm 35. My husband and I went to Downtown Disney a couple of weeks ago and I wore my leopard print, black feathered, white silk rose on one ear Mickey Ears. (For reference, just about everyone and their grandmother wears Mickey ears at DD.) I didn't think anything of it at first. I noticed people were kinda looking at me odd. Then I realized I had paired them with a sparkly cookie monster shirt my daughter got me for Christmas that has cookies all over it and says "Love at First Bite." I have a feeling between the shirt and the ears most of the people who walked by me probably thought I was a bit touched in the head. lol My kids really enjoy buying me cartoon character clothing as gifts for the holidays, and I love wearing the stuff they buy me. :heart:

    Having said that, though, I really love colorful dresses, sundresses, etc. It seems like area one lives in really affects what is kosher for older women to wear. I have been on message boards discussing this before and we posted different things and asked if women over a certain age would wear them. Some of the women saw the dresses I liked and thought they were much too young for a grown woman-others, from more urban areas, thought they were great and would totally wear them. In some parts of the country it seems like after you hit a certain age you are supposed to dress pretty calmly, I guess? I'm in Southern California and you see women all the time dressed really young, with fake blonde hair-they look like Barbie from the back, and then when they turn around you can tell they are older. one lady at Disney looked older than me and she had pigtails and was dressed like Cyndi Lauper from the 80's lol. I guess it's just kind of "normal" around here for women not to change their style of dress as they get older.
  • katemiddletonisawesome
    Everything I own is based off of something I've seen Kate Middleton wear. I love her style and as she and I are the same age (30), I find everything I wear extremely classic and appropriate for almost all occasions.
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    I am gonna wear what makes me happy. If I somehow offend someone because I am 34 and like skinny jeans and motorcycle boots, too bad.

    Quit hating and be happy with YOU!
  • tilliesmom9
    I will never give up the miniskirt! :-)
  • blondejillie
    blondejillie Posts: 305 Member
    Yes, I'm old enough to know better, but still love wearing black leather and studs. Somebody stop me....? NOT!
  • mfisher16508
    mfisher16508 Posts: 269 Member
    I dont know about all of you, but I have boobs and clothes are not made for boobs, even real ones, which i find funny seeing as how boob jobs are pretty common....

    My style changes, with my weight lol...when I am thinner I hope to be able to wear cute sundresses, lowrise jeans, but I have always worn low rise jeans even b4 they came out I would buy mens jeans cause I couldnt stand that feeling of anything over my BB.. soooo dont be judgin the low jeans on a 36 year old, lol....

    Right now I cant find cute shirts, and I like cute shirts, when I lose this weight the mall better watch out cause I love to look nice, right now I live in my work sweatshirt and jeans, and my dansko shoes, again work shoes, but they are comfy and cute.

    I wont wear skinny jeans never have had the calves for them and never will, I was always muscular which I guess is why I took karate as opposed to being a balerina, although I wanted to.

    I cant wear uggs for the same reason, but then again, I am not too fond of them anyways, ooooo who am I kidding I would love to pull a pair off.

    What I really want is my crossbody bag from coach and a pair of coach shoes, love coach....and cute tops with my low jeans, and or jean sshorts. Life is good.
  • tilliesmom9
    Almost 41 and if I was in the right place for it, I would still rock a mini skirt. I will wear short shorts (nothing hanging out) and tank tops all summer long. I don't shop with my age in mind, I focus on colors or patterns that I like and then see how it fits on me.

  • BandedTriaRN
    I'm still very obese, I'm going to be 52 in April. I dress nicely. I don't want to look like I am some old lady having an identity crisis and trying to be 16. I don't want to dress like an "old lady" either. I have a very cute bob. I still wear jeans and sometimes skirts above my knees but not minis. I don't dress trashy but my 39 year old husband thinks I am very sexy even when I feel blah. I like to dress the way I like to dress. Sometimes, I will wear a "Hello Kitty" shirt myself (We are huge cat lovers and still have 4 remaining cats... we have lost some over the years from old age). I think that you can look nice at whatever age you are. I don't agree with everything they say on "What not to wear" tho they do have a lot of things that are good ideas. Just don't tell me that I can't wear a tunic and some skinny jeans ever because I am fat! Everyone thinks I have great legs... even the younger ones and nobody thinks I am my age (including the teens next door). I don't know, if you feel like dressing nutty, then you should go with it but don't let that interfere with getting a job or use that to scare ppl away! That being said, looking for a "Star Trek" uniform so I can wear it to Comicon:) LLAP:)
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    What age is a muumuu acceptable?
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I am 44, and I look damn good in my skinny jeans.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I am in my 30s. And my body shape has never mixed well with juniors clothes. My style is somewhere between preppy and california casual. So basically at work I aim for the 50s look, and on the weekend I usually wear a flirty dress/cardigan or jeans/trendy top and maybe a t-shirt with a cardigan. Style icons for me: Michelle Obama, Kate Middleton, Jessica Biel, Angelina Jolie, Katie Holmes, Anne Hathaway, Reese Witherspoon and Zoe Saldana.

    I will try pretty much anything (if it fits in my general style) even if people think they aren't appropriate for someone above size X. Body shape is way more important than clothing size when picking things out.

    What I do wear:
    * Skinny jeans (yup, I wear them at a size 18. Totally fine if you get a pair that fits, and choose tops wisely. I skip any pair that gives me muffin top, and pair with a longer shirt or cardigan)
    * Leggings (see notes from above)
    * Pencil skirts (good for any age)
    * On trend tops
    * Girly or Prim Dresses (usually something to flatter my waist, all styles are open)
    * Cardigans
    * knee length skirts/dresses, I am OK with up to around 2-3 inches above the knee

    Where I shop:
    Macy's INC, MK by Michael Kors,Kenneth Cole
    Torrid for jeans (most of their clothes are low quality so I don't get them)
    Nordstrom (lingerie, MK by Michael Kors, Kenneth Cole, Halogen or whatever they changed the name too)
    Old Navy
    Banana Republic
    Dorothy Perkins
    Ann Taylor/Loft

    What I don't wear:
    * Uggs
    * Mini-skirts (worried about flashing people, anything that is mini in the front barely covers my butt. And I don't have that much junk in the trunk. I don't know how other people do it)
    * stuff from the juniors department (juniors clothes are made for people who have smaller hips, thighs, and breasts than I do. With less of a difference in waist and hips, so it just doesn't work on my body)
    * Hoodies outside of the gym (I already look young, putting on the hoodie makes people think I am in high school)
    * Super low cut tops. (I am a G-H cup, I know conventional wisdom says, show it off...but I just feel like people stare too much if there is too much cleavage. I keep it modest, and let my sister get all the cleavage attention. :D )

    As for fit: I get things tailored. I need to get pants taken in at the waist. I have so many problems with pants length. I have long legs for my height, so if I want to wear heels, I need to find a 33 or 34 inch inseam. I have such a problem getting blazers. The ones for 16+ are usually completely shapeless, so I just get them taken in at the waist. I usually pick shorter ones since I have a high waist and short torso.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    What age is a muumuu acceptable?

    Maybe when you are sleeping? Otherwise I'd say never!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    So the question is, how do you look up to date without looking like you're copying 20 somethings (or younger)?

    I used to go by the guideline, "If you wore the trend the first time around, you shouldn't wear it when it's retro," but styles keep coming back again and again and again. Stove-pipe, bells, bootcut, tapers, wide leg, straight leg, flares, skinny... over and over again!

    Now, I still go for the trends, but I aim to have one trendy piece with basics, instead of an outfit of all trends that tends to look costumish.