Hope to start a Christian thread



  • wimomma
    wimomma Posts: 21 Member
    I just found this "newer" thread and am hoping to jump in. I hope this can be a place of positive encouragement for one another.

    I have been focusing on calories and fitness seriously since the end of Feb 2009 and have lost about 20 pounds. I am looking to lose a total of 50 so I am almost halfway there. Yippee! I have plateaued recently and could use some support/accountability.

    I will seek to encourage all who join me in being a good stewards of these wonderful bodies God has created.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I just found this thread too. I'm in. I'm glad it was started. The devotions are a nice touch. :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member

    My mother seems to be doing so well, she prayed the sinners pray with me, we have gotten to share about Heaven and she is now excited to know she will see her mother and father again.

    Praise the Lord!! :happy: :happy: :happy: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • cheermom11
    cheermom11 Posts: 393 Member
    Romans 12:2 says:
    'Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.'

    I had to transform and renew my mind when it came to my eating habits. He wants me to be healthy and take better care of the body I was given. It really works!
  • I just found this "newer" thread and am hoping to jump in. I hope this can be a place of positive encouragement for one another.

    I have been focusing on calories and fitness seriously since the end of Feb 2009 and have lost about 20 pounds. I am looking to lose a total of 50 so I am almost halfway there. Yippee! I have plateaued recently and could use some support/accountability.

    I will seek to encourage all who join me in being a good stewards of these wonderful bodies God has created.

    Hi Wimomma!

    Sounds like you are doing great! You said you have plateaued recently...I have a number of questions for you. What are you are doing for exercise? how often? do you do the same thing all the time or do you do a variety of exercises? Also, are you eating all of your calories? Are you taking measurements and if so are they changing through the plateau?

    I have great friends who have been so helpful during my wieght loss process? He and his wife are an ocean of knowledge in this area and these are all the things they asked me when I hit a plateau recently. There are a few factors that can create a plateau and they are not always bad but could mean that you need to change things a bit...that's why I asked all the questions.

    When I think of being a good steward immediately what comes to mind is the work and discipline involved. Keep up the good work and don't allow the plateau to discourage you from continuing on!!

    Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    This is something my little sister e-mailed me. I think it's safe to put in on this thread.

    To: YOU
    Date: TODAY
    From: GOD
    Subject: YOURSELF
    Reference: LIFE

    This is God. Today I will be handling All of your problems for you. I do Not need your help. So, have a nice day.
    I love you. And, remember... If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do Not attempt to resolve it yourself! Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. I will get to it in MY TIME. All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now. Should you decide to send this to a friend; Thank you. You may have touched their life in ways you will never know!

    Now, you have a nice day.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Today my morning study was a chapter from Prodigal To Priest by David Chadwell. The title When the **** crows.

    We all will fall. No matter how strong we perceive ourselves to be we can fall. The example used was Peter. He left everything to follow Jesus. It was revealed to Him that Jesus was the Christ (Matt 16:16) at which time God gave him the keys of the kingdom which he used in Acts 2 to open up salvation to all nation. But Peter was a failure also. A big one. He denied the Lord 3 times the third with much cursing. The the **** crowed to punctuate the failure.

    This is an undeniable truth: every Christian who dares to grow and to mature in Christ will inevitably face a moment when the **** crows for him. Satan's most powerful weapon against the spiritually strong is to attack their tendency to put confidence in themselves instead of in their relationship with the Lord. Ironically, the stronger a Christian becomes, the more easily he believes he is taking care of the Lord rather than the Lord is taking care of him.

    The real question is, "What will I do when the **** crows for me?" One can do many things. He can quit; become a permanent critic of the church; become a negative evaluator of all; never serve again; or be hurt, frustrated, and jealous. Or, he can let the Lord put his life back together, learn from the experience, and become a mightier servant.

    When we fall in our diet and exercise, let the Lord put you back together, learn from the experience and become a mightier servant.

  • hellocc
    hellocc Posts: 27 Member
    I just read your email loved it and I plan to look at the site u mentioned.
    it sure is awesome to know so many people are responding to this site. Knowing we are lifted and so many people care in HIs love is wonderful. I noticed that there are over 1,000 people are checking out this site. Lets agree in prayer that those who just "peeked" will be blessed and will come back to join us.
    hope u are doing well
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    I just read your email loved it and I plan to look at the site u mentioned.
    it sure is awesome to know so many people are responding to this site. Knowing we are lifted and so many people care in HIs love is wonderful. I noticed that there are over 1,000 people are checking out this site. Lets agree in prayer that those who just "peeked" will be blessed and will come back to join us.
    hope u are doing well

    Hey everyone!!

    i've been on the site for the last few months and just stumbled upon this thread now........ SO glad!! :happy: i'd like to join in!!! I hope you all are having a blessed time on your diets/lifestyle changes and will continue to encourage each other with uplifting from the Word and keeping each other in prayer! May the Lord keep and guide each of you! Remember, whatever we commit to Him, He will see us through and this is just one more of those things we need to place in His capable and willing hands! I get daily Word emails that i'd love to copy/paste to share with you guys on here as i find them truly connecting with whatever issue i am facing:smile: I send them to friends and family daily and will try to keep up with them on this site too :flowerforyou:

    Thought for today: "Trials teach us what we are; they dig up the soil and let us see what we are made of" .......Accompanying Word for the day: Romans 5:1-5

    Never give up! God has great plans for us all :heart:
  • hellocc
    hellocc Posts: 27 Member
    hi every one,
    I hope your day is going well and that u are being blessed in so many ways. Your sharing on this site is such a blessing to me. I love reading what everyone has to say and share.
    There are days that I get up and need to hear what everyone is saying, thus my day turns out to be so joyful.
    I still struggle with "putting stuff" into my mouth that I "do not" need.
    As i have mentioned, my sister has that terrible disease, Cancer. That unwanted guest.
    I went to visit this past week end and got to share with her how her illness and suffering has blessed so many others. I feel sad that it happened this way but she smiled when I shared how so many have found Jesus because of what she is going thru.
    My mother, who is 91, had said that she did not believe in Heaven. While we were visiting my sister, this was brought up. I shared with Mom and praise God, I got a letter from her a week later telling me that she now does know she will be in Heaven. I also was able to share with her the steps to Salvation. Now all of this may not have happened, my mother is kinda set in her own ways, lol if it were not for my sister and her suffering.
    A neighbor, who likes to know what everyone gets in the mail [ packages], :laugh: was sitting in our community room when a package came for me. The mail man rang my apartment so as I went to get it, she had that "look". Heck, I wanted her to know what I got, lol
    I had ordered a book " Heaven" so I said to her, oh u have to see what I just got. I opened it and showed it to her. She said, " CC, do u really believe in Heaven?"
    I was able to share with her, again if it had not been for my sister's illness, I might not have ordered that book. Again God used her.
    I volunteer at our local hospital , there I have been able to share and again, thru my sister's illness others have felt some peace and felt His blessings. [ I am a hospitality rep, visiting all the patients]
    I was in the elevator at the nursing home that my sister is in and as I was talking to this lady, I found out she was going thru many of the things my sister is going thru. So I invited her to visit with my sister, she was so lifted and encouraged.
    this nursing home has so many Christians working there. One of my prayers for my sister was that He would send people into my sisters life and indeed my prayers have been answered and in more ways than I could imagine. People come in to visit, house keepers, nurses, Dr.'s. Her days are filled with such loving, caring people.
    My pray is that others going thru these same difficult problems, illnesses, will have the same blessings and they too will find the peace and joy that our Savior brings
    i hope your day is special
  • hellocc
    hellocc Posts: 27 Member
    here are important steps to attaining a closer relationship with God, a relationship in which you can simply and easily tap into God’s power to live a hopeful and blessed life.
    Set a goal. Have a clear picture of the blessings you want.
    Tap into your unique God-given gifts.
    Give thanks. Live in a state of gratitude. Always look for the good in life.
    Decide to live in the now. Know that God is now.
    Ask with faith. Know that God will answer your prayers . . . in God’s time.
    Be on the alert. Keep your eyes and ears open. Be receptive and watch for signs of connection, blessing and direction.
    Bless others. Give and you will receive.

    hi everyone
    I just read this and thought u might enjoy it too
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I just noticed it blocked out the words for rooster. I never would have thought it was a bad words. I guess I'm kinda naive:laugh:

    Hellocc, glad you were able to find an encourager for you sister going through the same thing:flowerforyou:
    Today my morning study was a chapter from Prodigal To Priest by David Chadwell. The title When the **** crows.

    We all will fall. No matter how strong we perceive ourselves to be we can fall. The example used was Peter. He left everything to follow Jesus. It was revealed to Him that Jesus was the Christ (Matt 16:16) at which time God gave him the keys of the kingdom which he used in Acts 2 to open up salvation to all nation. But Peter was a failure also. A big one. He denied the Lord 3 times the third with much cursing. The the **** crowed to punctuate the failure.

    This is an undeniable truth: every Christian who dares to grow and to mature in Christ will inevitably face a moment when the **** crows for him. Satan's most powerful weapon against the spiritually strong is to attack their tendency to put confidence in themselves instead of in their relationship with the Lord. Ironically, the stronger a Christian becomes, the more easily he believes he is taking care of the Lord rather than the Lord is taking care of him.

    The real question is, "What will I do when the **** crows for me?" One can do many things. He can quit; become a permanent critic of the church; become a negative evaluator of all; never serve again; or be hurt, frustrated, and jealous. Or, he can let the Lord put his life back together, learn from the experience, and become a mightier servant.

    When we fall in our diet and exercise, let the Lord put you back together, learn from the experience and become a mightier servant.

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Hellocc, thank you for sharing what's going on with your sister and the people who's lives are influenced. Isn't it wonderful to know that God can use a bad situation like your sister's cancer to have such a positive impact on others. Praise the Lord. :flowerforyou:
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    Hi all!! :flowerforyou:

    "You crown the year with Your bounty and goodness…" (Psalm 65:11, AMP)

    Are you seeing the goodness of God overflowing in your life today? If you´ll look with your eyes of faith, you´ll see that He´s already crowned your year with His goodness. In other words, you have been especially chosen; you are marked to receive His goodness. And when God crowns you with His goodness, it doesn´t matter what´s going on around you. It doesn´t matter what´s happening in the economy, in the job market, or the housing market. God´s crown of favor and blessing cannot be moved. You are the head and not the tail; above only and not beneath.
    Are you ready to receive His crown today? Are you ready to walk in the authority you´ve already been given? When you choose to receive and acknowledge His blessings by faith, you open the door for His bounty, His supernatural blessing to overwhelm you in every area of your life!

    Heavenly Father, thank You for choosing me and crowning me with Your favor and blessing. I open my heart in faith to You to receive every spiritual blessing You have for me. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.

    Keep up the good work everyone & remember that no matter what is happening around you or what diet/exercise challenges you are facing, your life is crowned with His goodness and you will succed beyond your wildest expectations!

    Happy Weekend!!
    :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • hellocc
    hellocc Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I would like to ask u to do me a big favor, blessing.
    As I have said, my sister has cancer, which has invaded her body so badly.[ she is only 68 yrs old ]
    I feel blessed that she is a believer and I do believe that He can heal her according to His will for her, it may be on earth on in heaven but where ever it may be, I will be happy that she will be pain free and have a peace within.
    I know she would be blessed knowing someone is praying for her
    this is such a terrible disease, I pray for everyone affected with it and for their loved ones.
    If any of u have a few extra mins and want to bless someone's day, here is my sisters address. I am sure a card would perk her up even if she does not know u. What is that old saying, once we say hi, we have made a friend.
    thank you

    Georgia Bruhmuller
    St Mary's D'Youville Pavilion Campus Av e

    102 Campus Ave room 212
    Lewiston, ME 04240-6075
  • hellocc
    hellocc Posts: 27 Member
    what a blessing it was to read your email
    it is late so I hve to make this short.
    your in my prayers, God Bless
    thank you for sharing and blessing me as well as I know u have others that read our email
  • hellocc
    hellocc Posts: 27 Member
    thank u for the email, and yes, Praise God for all the blessings, and in all ways that He provides such total love in so many special ways.
    I do believe that so many more will continue to be blessed thru my sister. Like i said, i am so happy that my sister knows Jesus as her persoanl savior, someday we wil all be together and wow, can u imgaine how grand that will be. Just think, even we will be meeting you and talking about this great site that connected us thru His love.
    have a great day
  • hellocc
    hellocc Posts: 27 Member
    how awesome, loved reading your email, what a blessing that was.
    I will be so glad when I have more time to add to this as u do. For now, i really am so tired from driving that 21/2 hour trip, coming home, doing my volunteer job and loving my 4 legged son with his walks, his special hug times.
    I really cannot complain, and should not, after all, I have my health and can do it. And i feel blessed that He has provided a car and gas money for me to travel, that He has blessed my life in so many special ways.
    So many others are hurting in so many ways and sadly some do not even have a single person to be there for them. I sometimes think when i hear some people complain, gosh, if only they would reach outside of themselves, call their church to find out who might be alone and lonely and then visit,e ven if it was only for a hour, wow, they would leave with such a new joy in tjheir hearts. hey, lots agree in prayer that people will start doing this, amen.
  • Hemis_mom
    Hemis_mom Posts: 193 Member
    I didn't realize we lived so close to each other--I will send your sister a get well card and tell her I met you on MFP and am praying for her. I also live in Maine.

    To all others,
    Thank you so much for this blessing. Lets keep it up I hate it when threads just die and this is one that should remain alive and well for others to see!!

  • hellocc
    hellocc Posts: 27 Member
    thank u so much for blessing my sister with a friendly hello, I am sure u will make her day. sometimes we just need a special surprise to make our day feel like no other.
    where do u live in Maine?
    I now live in NH but grew up in Lewiston Maine. I left there over 20 years ago. my sister lives in Auburn and my mother in Minot.
    I pray u too will receive a might special happening, for your kind heart
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