Lose 5 Pounds A Month March 2012 Challenge



  • healthbunny
    My update :)

    CW 135.8
    GW: 130.8
    3/1 135.8
    3/8 135
  • getthere120
    so, I'm starting a little late. whoops! I really would love to lose 5 lbs/month until the start of June. I feel like that is really reasonable.

    luckily, my weigh in days happen to be wednesdays soo

    I am 5'5'' with an incredibly muscular build. Its driving me nuts. Gotta get slimmer, ya'll

    CW: 143.5
    GW: 137 by end of March, 132 by end of April, 127 by end of may, 125 by 4th of JULYYYY!

    3/7 - 143.5 lbs
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Belle, how did do on the 8 week program?

    .. only reading back over posts now so only just saw your question galoha! I lost 21lbs during the 8 week program. Delighted with the loss but have seriously lost my motivation this week so not too hopeful for weigh-in on Thurs. I had such big losses during the 8 weeks though (6lbs, 2lbs, 3lbs, 2lbs, 2lbs, 2lbs,2lbs,2lbs) so I was expecting to hit a ''low" this week. There is still 2 days to weigh in so there is still hope :-D

    Well done to everyone who has weighed in already ....

    Usbornegal my NSV this week is that someone has finally noticed (well commented on the fact) that I had lost weight. I know it shouldn't matter as I am doing this for myself but it felt good!

    Wow, Belle, that is amazing! It's taken me 3 years to lose 22 pounds. Obviously I have been very inconsistent during that time!! What was the 8-week plan like? Did you follow a special meal plan? Do a certain amount of exercise? We're here to support you on your continued journey. Keep up the great work, and good luck on your weigh-in!

    Been slipping off the wagon over the last few days, not completely falling off, but in danger of doing so... I was so exhausted yesterday that I went to bed super early. Being tired is definitely a bad trigger for me. I tend to snack to stay awake, and of course I want comfort/junk foods, as I'm too lazy to make anything healthy. And then the sugar/carbs just make me more tired and then I want more food - bad cycle! Yesterday, after making bad choices for supper (a muffin and a slice of pizza), I went upstairs to avoid reaching for more food, and after getting the girls in the bath and to bed, I went to bed. I figured that's one way to fight my overeating. Go to sleep. The problem is, I'm still tired today... :yawn:

    Hmmm... my NSV?... I started a new job last week, so I'm picking through my wardrobe more than usual, and realizing that some of my old pants now are too big, and some of my used to be too-small pants are starting to fit... :smile:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I think I have finally gotten my exercise second wind! yesterday and today have felt soo good so im planning on walking or elliptical every day(4 days a week) on my days off! I have new insperation and A brand new reason to get this weigh off! I have 40 pounds to lose and by heck im gonna try my best to have them gone by November!

    55, so what is this brand new reason / inspiration for losing weight?!! Do tell... Great job with the exercise! Exercise is next on my list... I made a 'date' with a friend to meet her at the gym tomorrow. I thought that might kick me into gear.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    March 1st: 206.3
    March 6th: 208.8
    March 13th:
    March 20th:
    March 27:
    March 31st:

    Much bigger gain than I wanted. I've been exercising like crazy, so I guess it's tme to pull back a little on my exercise and let my muscles take a day or so to calm down.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Finally registered for my McK 5k March 24th. Then I'm doing at least one more May 12th with kintegra (Kelly) and I can't wait to finally meet her in person!

    I'm doing a 90mile walk/jog/run challenge all month. I've complete a little over 10 since the first so I'm doing good. Trying hard to keep active as much as I can this trimester. :)

    Bru, honey, you're making me look bad. :laugh: Just teasing! Really, I'm super impressed that you are staying so active during your pregnancy; it really is the best thing for you and for the baby! I know you are looking forward to being a mom, and I know you'll be a great one! I do recommend to all soon-to-be-moms to take a few moments here and there to appreciate life as you know it now, as it will all change soon. And no, I'm not saying that's a bad thing; it's just different, and some things you don't maybe appreciate until after a baby arrives. Some of my personal favorites: eat a meal while it's warm, without being interrupted... take a long hot bath, without being interrupted... sleep or nap whenever you want! :tongue:
  • babytis
    babytis Posts: 326 Member
    CW~ 190
    GW~ 185

    March weigh-ins

    3/5 186.4 3.8 loss so far :)
  • prose58
    prose58 Posts: 52
    I'm in!

    CW - 234
    GW - 140

  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    Being tired is definitely a bad trigger for me. I tend to snack to stay awake, and of course I want comfort/junk foods, as I'm too lazy to make anything healthy. And then the sugar/carbs just make me more tired and then I want more food - bad cycle!

    Wow - that sounds like how my Insulin Resistance makes my body respond!! Have you ever been tested? It takes a fasting glucose tolerance test. I am now on metformin to regulate my blood sugars and can really tell when I need it as I start to fall asleep sitting up, crave carbs, etc. Once I take the metformin I wake up, am alert, and feel like doing something active other than eat.

    Insulin Resistance is where your body does not recognize that there is enough insulin in your body to deal with the carbs/sugars and starts to dump insulin in so you get a flood of it. If this goes on long enough it can lead to total insulin cessation which is diabetes.
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 937 Member
    Belle, how did do on the 8 week program?
    .. only reading back over posts now so only just saw your question galoha! I lost 21lbs during the 8 week program. Delighted with the loss but have seriously lost my motivation this week so not too hopeful for weigh-in on Thurs. I had such big losses during the 8 weeks though (6lbs, 2lbs, 3lbs, 2lbs, 2lbs, 2lbs,2lbs,2lbs) so I was expecting to hit a ''low" this week. There is still 2 days to weigh in so there is still hope :-D
    Wow, Belle, that is amazing! It's taken me 3 years to lose 22 pounds. Obviously I have been very inconsistent during that time!! What was the 8-week plan like? Did you follow a special meal plan? Do a certain amount of exercise? We're here to support you on your continued journey. Keep up the great work, and good luck on your weigh-in!

    Thanks. The plan was pretty standard. 1200 calories per day and they did give us some suggested meal plans, but I didn't really follow them. The meals were a little to adventurous ( really fussy eater), plus everything even the sauces were made from scratch, which I simply did not have time to do most of the time so I improvised! I did stick to 1200 calories a day and I never ate back the calories I burned during exercise (no one ever said anything about doing this during programme - first I heard of doing this was when I saw it on the boards about two weeks ago). We had a 6 day week exercise plan, 3 cardio, 3 strength. The cardio was basically the c25k plan and the strength was lots of lunges, arm curls, sit ups etc. I really did not like the strength part so skipped most of it (didn't see much loss inch wise as a result of this - most people that did it recorded 8 - 10 inch losses, I only recorded 5!). I replaced at least 1 of the strength sessions each week with cardio just to ease the guilt :-)

    I did my weigh-in today (used always weigh on a Wednesday during the programme so couldn't wait any longer) and I am down a 1lb which I am happy about as I slacked alot this week! Going to be super good next week and may even talk to someone in the gym about starting a weight training programme (maybe).

    It is great to have such wonderful support while making this change in lifestyle. I'm sure if I hadn't found the community pages I would have completely (as opposed to half) lost my motivation at the end of the programme.
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 937 Member
    My update after week 1 on March 2012 Challenge:

    Weight at start of challenge: 166
    CW: 165
    GW: 161

    3/1: 166
    3/7: 165 (-1)

    1 down, 4 to go :wink:
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 937 Member
    CW~ 190
    GW~ 185

    March weigh-ins

    3/5 1 a186.4 3.8 loss so far :)

    Well done babytis!!! 3.8 in one week .... you are going to blow your target! :happy:
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 937 Member
    wooo hooo first weigh in went amazing!

    CW 154
    GW 149

    3/1 : 154
    3/5 : 151 (-3)

    ... well done too amanday88, 3lbs down in week 1 is great going!
  • Ptyson4
    Ptyson4 Posts: 57 Member
    Way to set the bar! Nice job, keep going!
  • Lessjoyce11
    Lessjoyce11 Posts: 2 Member
    sound fun!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Ptyson4
    Ptyson4 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm so encouraged by everyone's perseverance!
  • Ptyson4
    Ptyson4 Posts: 57 Member
    wooo hooo first weigh in went amazing!

    CW 154
    GW 149

    3/1 : 154
    3/5 : 151 (-3)
    Way to go!!!
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 937 Member
    March 1st: 206.3
    March 6th: 208.8
    March 13th:
    March 20th:
    March 27:
    March 31st:

    Much bigger gain than I wanted. I've been exercising like crazy, so I guess it's tme to pull back a little on my exercise and let my muscles take a day or so to calm down.

    You maybe gaining weight now (which is expected) but I bet you will notice the difference once your little one arrives!!! I was actually lighter after having my daughter than I was before I got pregnant as I did alot of swimming during the pregnancy so I lost 'weight off myself' (as my mom used to say). People commented throughout the pregnancy that I lost weight but of course all I could see was the growing bump and the scales rising!All the weight I put on was literally baby weight and once the baby was delivered and all the fluid etc. was gone I could see what others could see ... I so enjoy looking at the pictures of me and the baby in the first few weeks as I looked great .... if only I managed to keep it that way :smile:

    You are doing great ....and definitely an inspiration.
  • nillapup
    nillapup Posts: 204 Member
    I could use more motivation I am in too..

    CW: 153.4
    GW: 135

    3/5 153.4
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Oops. Didn't realise there was a part 2 that was closed...