My DELEATED post from yesterday just because I thanked a cer



  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    I'm not sure what this post is about, but I sure do wish I knew.
    He posted thanking the almighty's son (no not santa) for his weight loss, and because religion is frowned upon in public forums, his topic was deleted. I still thought the 40lbs was encouraging enough and even sent a buddy (hay sous) for support
  • Posting that you aren't going to post anymore. :drinker:

    P.S. Guidelines? Home page of the forums.

    Boy, you just seem to be spreading your cheer everywhere.. Are you the mfp bully?

    You seem to be following me around. Are you the mfp stalker?

    I cant help it. You just seem to be everywhere being rude.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    Wait, on a serious note, OPs post got deleted bc he thanked Jesus Christ for helping him in his weight loss? Am I understanding that correctly?

    That is RIDICULOUS. You should be able to talk about Jesus all you want, man.

    I mean, I talk about unicorns and pine cone bird feeders all the time, Jesus should be an acceptable topic as well.
  • I saw your post, people say thank God all of the time or thank you Jesus, it's too bad people can swear on here and talk about sex all day long, post nasty pics but you can't say thank you Jesus for allowing me to lose weight. I am sorry it was deleted. It's not like you went on about religion etc which is against the guidelines, you however just gave thanks and that was it. I guess they saw something offensive about it. Hang in there and you stay positive and you don't give up. good luck with your goals
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    I saw all that happen and thought it was a bunch of crap, as well! Shocking, really! It's a shame how so much "trash" is acceptable yet you can't mention Jesus Christ? I read these boards daily and the amount of rudeness...perversion...degrading remarks people make to others is ridiculous...but, apparently somehow acceptable!

  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    I am not sure what post got deleted, but i am sensing that the OP thanked Jesus Christ and that got his post deleted? SAD!!!!

    @OP, don't let that discourage you. There are alot of Christians on MFP and Jesus does not need the acknowledgement of an MFP forum to accept the thanks and praise you give to his name.

    Keep the flame burning, we will do the same right along with you. :flowerforyou:

    Great job on your loss. And yes we give God praise :smile:
  • Dimplybutt
    Dimplybutt Posts: 123 Member
    Posting that you aren't going to post anymore. :drinker:

    P.S. Guidelines? Home page of the forums.

    Boy, you just seem to be spreading your cheer everywhere.. Are you the mfp bully?

  • sdpursley
    sdpursley Posts: 63
    Josh, I really enjoyed your post and reading of your faith. I, too, am not ashamed for my beliefs and for who I credit for my strength and motivation.

    Unfortunately, the world we live in today demands 100% acceptance and tolerance of all beliefs and lifestyles. However, that world also refuses to accept and tolerate those who do not think as openly as them. The internet is the absolute worst proof of that, because people can easily hide behind a keyboard and a screenname.

    It's like someone told me when I was in college and struggling with a philosophy professor. You just take it like you're eating a watermelon. Eat the good stuff, and just spit away the seeds. Keep your head up and keep working hard. In the end, it's your own personal faith and commitment is all that matters. But don't ever think that there aren't others who feel the way you do!
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 306 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss it really is a great thing. And the forum rules...well join the cool kids we break them and get our hands slapped and then come back for more. Do not take it to heart..... Keep on working out and losing weight!! Have a great day.
  • PRAISE JESUSCHRIST ! Same yesterday, today and always !

    AMEN! Before they close/delete this one too :)

    Sorry about whatever happened. I agree with you that I have seen some pretty lewd, rude and offensive stuff on here also. I ignore it like you do. It's sad however when you can't even say you are a Christian without the post getting locked or deleted.

    Thank you Jesus for a new day and I am so happy that I have a chance to walk in the beautiful weather since it's supposed to be winter here but it's like 60 degrees! thank God for a nice day to get fresh air!!!
  • benodie
    benodie Posts: 231 Member
    It's a shame how so much "trash" is acceptable yet you can't mention Jesus Christ? I read these boards daily and the amount of rudeness...perversion...degrading remarks people make to others is ridiculous...but, apparently somehow acceptable!

  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    MFP mods are jerks. I'm no Jesus freak but if they deleted your post for that, then I think you can rightfully be pissed.
  • Dimplybutt
    Dimplybutt Posts: 123 Member
    I saw your post, people say thank God all of the time or thank you Jesus, it's too bad people can swear on here and talk about sex all day long, post nasty pics but you can't say thank you Jesus for allowing me to lose weight. I am sorry it was deleted. It's not like you went on about relition etc which is against the guidelines, you however just gave thanks and that was it. I guess they saw something offensive about it. Hang in there and you stay positive and you don't give up. good luck with your goals

    ^ ^ This ^
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Wait, on a serious note, OPs post got deleted bc he thanked Jesus Christ for helping him in his weight loss? Am I understanding that correctly?

    That is RIDICULOUS. You should be able to talk about Jesus all you want, man.

    I mean, I talk about unicorns and pine cone bird feeders all the time, Jesus should be an acceptable topic as well.

    Totally agree.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 567 Member
    Just thought that I would share with the MFP community and staff, since I know that they are reading this along with every other post that is on here, you won't have to worry about me EVER posting on here again. I was unaware of the guidelines when I posted yesterday that I thanked a certain someone and I won't mention it because I will just get deleated again. I have seen things on here that are way more disgusting, offensive, and rude and I don't like it, but I ignore it. So thanks MFP for deleating a post that talked about how great I felt after losing 15 lbs. in 5 weeks, I did feel great but not now. Oh and by the way, I had no idea there were guidelines and if I would have known, I would have read them, but I thank one person and I get deleated but yet people post RUDE jokes and talk about their sexualility openly and other things but yet that's okay. I will just find another way to share with others about my success.

    I am so sorry this happened. I can understand why you would want to discontinue your participation on here. But...if ya change your mind..feel free to add me :)
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Just thought that I would share with the MFP community and staff, since I know that they are reading this along with every other post that is on here, you won't have to worry about me EVER posting on here again. I was unaware of the guidelines when I posted yesterday that I thanked a certain someone and I won't mention it because I will just get deleated again. I have seen things on here that are way more disgusting, offensive, and rude and I don't like it, but I ignore it. So thanks MFP for deleating a post that talked about how great I felt after losing 15 lbs. in 5 weeks, I did feel great but not now. Oh and by the way, I had no idea there were guidelines and if I would have known, I would have read them, but I thank one person and I get deleated but yet people post RUDE jokes and talk about their sexualility openly and other things but yet that's okay. I will just find another way to share with others about my success.

    Please don't get upset and turn away from MFP. Because of previous antics between religious and non religious folks MFP decided that nothing regarding it would be posted. Christianity isn't the only religion in the world and there are those that don't don't believe in any form of religion at all. So to keep down the arguments it was just squashed all together.

    So just keep it about weight loss.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Don't let someone deleting a post by applying forum rules stop you feeling good about your success. That should have nothing to do with you being proud of your achievements.
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    Dear Jesus~

    thank you for always being there and helping me get thru the good and bad and its because of you adn all your glory that i can endure this journey. Praise you and praise you for all the people that lives you affect. You are the one and only and i am glad to call you my father. Love you

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm an atheist and I think MFP deleting a thread because you thanked your own personal source of inspiration is really dumb.
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