My DELEATED post from yesterday just because I thanked a cer



  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    If religion is banned on MFP, then are they going to delete my head cause its covered :P? Jesus never hurt anyone, why can't we talk about him?

    Have you ever heard the saying, "there's two subjects you don't discuss in polite company: politics and religion"? That's basically what this is. Both religion and politics cause controversy because there's such a diversity of beliefs and there are those just willing to bash them all.
  • alucard75
    alucard75 Posts: 207 Member
    Dear Jesus~

    thank you for always being there and helping me get thru the good and bad and its because of you and all your glory that i can endure this journey. Praise you and praise you for all the people that lives you affect. You are the one and only and i am glad to call you my father. Love you


    Amen...Praise the Lord :)
  • skinnyjeansdiva
    The problem is that people can't act like adults and actually encourage one another instead of bringing them down. I guess it helps some people feel better about themeselves to make rude comments and bully someone about something.
    Is that the problem? Or is it that people don't read and follow the guidelines of the site? New people have no idea what this site was like before. There are groups you are join to talk about anything and everything under the sun. Before EVERY topic was banned and always resulted in fighting with people who don't believe and agree. Just follow the rules and we can all have what we want.
    Unless what you want is to do your own thing - then you should probably start your own website.

    there's nothing wrong with following the rules but do you know how many times i have seen
    for heavens sake
    thank God
    Jesus (using in vain) on this site or even scriptures and nothing was done about it yet someone says thank you Jesus for helping me lose weight and it gets deleted.. kind of like.. upsetting
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Well, just like some people don't want to read about sex and cuss words (which also end up getting deleted), I don't want to read about people thanking fictional beings. So either they need to allow it all or remove it all. MFP has decided to remove it can't complain. Why should some things be censored and not others? You can't have your cake and eat it too ya know!

    Actually, just speaking historically, Jesus was a real person. Whether or not he was anything special is up to you to decide. But he was actually a real human being.

    I think we could all do a better job at respecting others' beliefs (you know, unless they worship child rapists or something really messed up like that).
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    From the guidelines:

    19. No Public Protests Of Moderator Actions Or Decisions
    We at MyFitnessPal are people too, and all of our forum moderators are unpaid volunteers. We all work hard to improve the site and ensure MyFitnessPal remains a positive and friendly place for everyone. When problems arise, we do our best to be fair and nice people. We require that community members interact with us in a respectful manner, and while we understand that people get upset, we will not take abuse and we reserve the right to deny you access to the site at any time.

    If you have an issue with a moderator decision or action, you may send a private message to a moderator or to Steven from the MFP Staff. But please do not post such disputes on the forums themselves.
  • behappydance
    I'm with you Josh. PRAISE JESUS. This community is a joke. I found that out the hard way yesterday when random people started attacking me telling me that what I wrote was false, which wasn't the case. I just backed away, it wasn't worth it. Yes, most of the stuff on here is offensive, definitely not something Jesus would want to read/see. I'm going to try to stay away also, I only came to read this because you are on my friends list and I saw you posted it.

    Again, congrats to you for losing 15lbs, yay! That is fantastic! Keep it up and keep praising HIM, because without HIM nothing is possible.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    The problem is that people can't act like adults and actually encourage one another instead of bringing them down. I guess it helps some people feel better about themeselves to make rude comments and bully someone about something.
    Is that the problem? Or is it that people don't read and follow the guidelines of the site? New people have no idea what this site was like before. There are groups you are join to talk about anything and everything under the sun. Before EVERY topic was banned and always resulted in fighting with people who don't believe and agree. Just follow the rules and we can all have what we want.
    Unless what you want is to do your own thing - then you should probably start your own website.

    there's nothing wrong with following the rules but do you know how many times i have seen
    for heavens sake
    thank God
    Jesus (using in vain) on this site or even scriptures and nothing was done about it yet someone says thank you Jesus for helping me lose weight and it gets deleted.. kind of like.. upsetting

    Moderators can't be everywhere at once. Either someone reported it knowing it was against the rules or a mod happened upon it. It's why there's a report system to begin with, to help the mods and admins make sure people are not breaking the rules.
  • skinnyjeansdiva
    Oh and by the way, I had no idea there were guidelines and if I would have known, I would have read them, but I thank one person and I get deleated but yet people post RUDE jokes and talk about their sexualility openly and other things but yet that's okay.

    You imply that it is distasteful for anybody to talk about their sexuality openly.

    if we cant' say thank you Jesus then nothing on this site should be talked about other than weight loss including sexuality, shoe size, the color of the sky, and the taste of wood
  • behappydance
    sneaks in - - - i find that rants generally work better if you don't stress a misspelled word over and over again (deleted) - - - sneaks out

    Really? Who cares? You got the point didn't you?? Such is life of a human..we all make mistakes hun.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Well, just like some people don't want to read about sex and cuss words (which also end up getting deleted), I don't want to read about people thanking fictional beings. So either they need to allow it all or remove it all. MFP has decided to remove it can't complain. Why should some things be censored and not others? You can't have your cake and eat it too ya know!

    Actually, just speaking historically, Jesus was a real person. Whether or not he was anything special is up to you to decide. But he was actually a real human being.

    I think we could all do a better job at respecting others' beliefs (you know, unless they worship child rapists or something really messed up like that).
    Oh that I know...I was referring to gods and such. But the point of my post is you can't complain about something that bothers you but then expect what bothers someone else to be no big deal. OP actually said he didn't want to read about people's sexuality...well, I don't want to then hear him get upset b/c someone doesn't want to hear about his religion. OP is being just as self centered as anyone could does not revolve around him.
  • skinnyjeansdiva
    The problem is that people can't act like adults and actually encourage one another instead of bringing them down. I guess it helps some people feel better about themeselves to make rude comments and bully someone about something.
    Is that the problem? Or is it that people don't read and follow the guidelines of the site? New people have no idea what this site was like before. There are groups you are join to talk about anything and everything under the sun. Before EVERY topic was banned and always resulted in fighting with people who don't believe and agree. Just follow the rules and we can all have what we want.
    Unless what you want is to do your own thing - then you should probably start your own website.

    there's nothing wrong with following the rules but do you know how many times i have seen
    for heavens sake
    thank God
    Jesus (using in vain) on this site or even scriptures and nothing was done about it yet someone says thank you Jesus for helping me lose weight and it gets deleted.. kind of like.. upsetting

    Moderators can't be everywhere at once. Either someone reported it knowing it was against the rules or a mod happened upon it. It's why there's a report system to begin with, to help the mods and admins make sure people are not breaking the rules.

    I understand.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    My apologies, I meant that to be more equal-opportunity offensive. Yahweh's a pansy and Buddha buggered boys much like every Pope save for JP2. Better?
    Oh, yeah. Much better. Great apology. What a stand up, classy guy you are.
  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    sneaks in - - - i find that rants generally work better if you don't stress a misspelled word over and over again (deleted) - - - sneaks out
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    Well, now that I understand the context, Meredith: I nominate MFP!

    Way to go, MFP.
  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member


    aww...thats cute
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    This thread is a really great example of exactly why they have this rule in the first place.

  • bio_fit
    bio_fit Posts: 307 Member
    You just take it like you're eating a watermelon. Eat the good stuff, and just spit away the seeds

    I eat the seeds... they're my favourite bit :embarassed:
  • suzzee2000
    suzzee2000 Posts: 85 Member
    For those of you who understand
    He told us...
    We are in this world not of this world
    He told us.....
    He was hated before we were hated
    He told us
    to count it all for joy to suffer for His name sake

    His name is Jesus that's why it's offensive!

    Don't be offended!
    Keep on running your race!
  • katy4399
    katy4399 Posts: 136 Member
    Dear Jesus~

    thank you for always being there and helping me get thru the good and bad and its because of you adn all your glory that i can endure this journey. Praise you and praise you for all the people that lives you affect. You are the one and only and i am glad to call you my father. Love you


  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I've been here a long time-- MFP, that is-- although, at 47, I've been everywhere a long time-- ha.

    I see right in this topic a member with the F word-- the grandpappy of dirty words as their picture-- MFP doesn't have a problem with that? With foul language that I can't use in the forums as somebody's av?

    And yet, someone mentions their religion and someone has a cow. Yo, Mike-- that stinks.

    As for the moderators-- someone here said they're all jerks. Not fair. Not nice. These are good people trying to do a hard job to get everyone to play nice. It shouldn't be so hard, but again, the glory of the Internet, any asshat with a computer can open an account, hide behind a silly name and cause trouble. It is what it is.

    Personally, as a Christian, all glory goes to God for everything-- I have no problem saying it here, there or anywhere. Delete away.
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