100+ Pounds to lose Labor Day Challenge beg 7/6



  • cdwinters
    cdwinters Posts: 48 Member
    Checking in today...last week was 280...this week is 277.6:) I guess all of the hard work is finally starting to pay off:) I am proud of myself that even when the scale was not budging...I kept eating right and going to the gym. Yesterday was may "day off" from the gym and it was tough but I know my body needs a day of rest. Excited to get back in there today:)
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    great job cdwinters!! Hard work does pay off eventually!!:flowerforyou:
  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member
    That is great to hear cdwinters. Glad you are seeing results.
  • cdwinters
    cdwinters Posts: 48 Member
    Ok, so I know this is going to sound silly but I am very proud of myself after my workout yesterday. When I first started working out a month ago, my trainer put me on the elliptical and it killed me when she made me do 2 mins on it. Yesterday, I did 10 mins on it. I also jogged for 1 min...I haven't jogged in who knows how many years. I did a total of 61 mins of cardio yesterday:) I have an appointment with the trainer today so we will see what she has to say.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    :smile: Congrats cdwinters! I know exactly what you mean ... I'm so happy with how much easier working out has been for me lately. For the last few years I was working out hard religiously for 90-120 minutes on Saturdays ... but only Saturdays and I thought that was enough. Since March I've been adding in additional workouts and minutes of activity each week - so now my goal is 360 minutes a week and I can really tell the difference! Last weekend my husband and I carried a desk upstairs and he was huffing and puffing and I wasn't even breathing heavy - he claimed that he was carrying the heavy side, but even still - I am very happy with how much more in shape I am than before ... and it's only going to get better the more I work at this!
    Hurray to us! :drinker:
  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member
    Harry Potter inspired me.

    Took the kids for a walk to the theatre last night (about a mile) to get our tickets.
    Walked to the theatre today to see the movie. Planned for popcorn, candy AND PIZZA. I managed to do what I wanted and stay in my calorie range. Went over my fat by about 24g...but I am at peace with that.

    This is a very big deal to me...I can have what I want. I just need to plan.:wink:
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    Great job!! You don't have to give up you're life to lose weight!!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Hi there, checking in. Rough day at work with a couple of long calls, so we splurged and got pizza. I had 3 pieces and our intern brought in Peanut M&M's as well. I counted out 15 of those. Went home and had two rum and Diet Coke's .... still under calories so all is good. That's the downfall of this job.....you never know when you'll get to eat or how long you'll have to wait. Sometimes it's easier to grab fast food:(

    Btw, does everyone know to adjust your goals periodically as you lose? I just adjusted mine and of course my calorie goal changed another ten calories less from last week. Just thought everyone should know it doesn't automatically update.

    Keep up the good work everyone!

  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member
    Aerdrea....isnt that a relief.
    I want to be at a healthy weight and I would like to learn how to incorporate an occasional splurge. I proved to myself this can be done. :wink:

    I think this was a good lesson early in my journey
  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member

    I just adjusted my weightloss goal to what I "really" want to weigh. My calories went down by about 400 calories.

    Do I need to adjust again?
  • Queenie000
    Queenie000 Posts: 113 Member
    Okay, first week on mfp and my first week of my new healthy lifestyle... I started at 275 on 7/9/09, was 270 this am! I know in the beginning you lose a little more due to water weight or what not, so i am trying to mentally prepare for the 1-2 lb a week loss! I am eating all my calories and have gone over on some days by a couple hundred calories. I am also nursing a little one, so am not super concerned about going over my calories by a little bit. I do eat a vegetarian diet and am enjoying eating more fruits and veggies. A lot of people assume if you are vegetarian you eat a healthy diet, but i am definitely proof that that isn't always the case!

    I have walked every day, and this morning even went for a bike ride!
    I am excited to be 5 pounds closer to my goal of 175 and will be curious to see what the weeks ahead hold. I am a bit nervous because i have always held onto weight well and in the past have mostly lost weight on starvation type/unhealthy diets. My weight does fluctuate daily by quite a bit, so i am not yet convinced that i actually did lose the weight. We shall see what the next month holds! I did lose 40 lbs on nutrisystem once, and that was the only time i had a healthy weight loss. But, then i got pregnant and gained 90 pounds. Trying to get back on track has not been easy, but i am excited to begin.

    I do love being able to log my foods on mfp, it is way better than trying to write it down in those little books. This i have attempted to do on a regular basis and have never succeeding in keeping up with it.
  • nanatbia
    nanatbia Posts: 2
    Hi! I joined a few days ago and have approximately 120 to lose. I am just beginning to fit into some big jeans but the fact that I can even put them on is an accomplishment. I am interested in this group because we can relate to having large amounts of weight to loose. I am frustrated that I let myself get this fat but it is what it is. My goal is to weigh close to what I did when I graduated from highschool 41 years ago. Is that realistic? nanabia :ohwell:
  • Jamie_W
    Jamie_W Posts: 157 Member
    Better late than never! I'd like to jump in here and become a part of this. I usually weigh in every two weeks but I can do every week I guess.

    Start weight is 268 as of 7/13.
    Goal is 170 by 7/13/2010!!
    Short term goal - 10lb loss by 8/13
    Long / short term goal is 12% of my weight lost in 3 months = 12% down by Oct 13

    I know it will be a challenge but it is doable!!! My Coach keeps telling that!! Thanks Coach!

  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member

    I just adjusted my weightloss goal to what I "really" want to weigh. My calories went down by about 400 calories.

    Do I need to adjust again?

    I actually mean to adjust your current weight as you lose it because the less you weigh, the less calories you are allotted each day. Your goal weight shouldn't change your calories. I just tried changing my goal weight and it didn't change the calories for me. Has it been a while since you adjusted your calorie goal? 400 seems excessive.
  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member

    I just adjusted my weightloss goal to what I "really" want to weigh. My calories went down by about 400 calories.

    Do I need to adjust again?

    I actually mean to adjust your current weight as you lose it because the less you weigh, the less calories you are allotted each day. Your goal weight shouldn't change your calories. I just tried changing my goal weight and it didn't change the calories for me. Has it been a while since you adjusted your calorie goal? 400 seems excessive.
  • Jamie_W
    Jamie_W Posts: 157 Member
    How is everyone today?!!
  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member

    I just adjusted my weightloss goal to what I "really" want to weigh. My calories went down by about 400 calories.

    Do I need to adjust again?

    I actually mean to adjust your current weight as you lose it because the less you weigh, the less calories you are allotted each day. Your goal weight shouldn't change your calories. I just tried changing my goal weight and it didn't change the calories for me. Has it been a while since you adjusted your calorie goal? 400 seems excessive.
    I originally set my goal for me to hit 200 lbs...but I decided I should really go all the way.

    Go big or go home so they say in Football.

    So I adjusted my goal weight to 175. The weight I felt my best at and the system adjusted my calorie intake went from 1950 cal/day to 1550/day. That was okay for me. It is funny about the goal weight. I have read my ideal weigh should be 135-145??? I am 5'9" and at my thinnest, 175, I was pretty thin. But I was not healthy living on Diet Coke, Cigs. Size 9. That is pretty small I think. I dont think I weighed 145 since I was maybe 14??
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member

    I just adjusted my weightloss goal to what I "really" want to weigh. My calories went down by about 400 calories.

    Do I need to adjust again?

    I actually mean to adjust your current weight as you lose it because the less you weigh, the less calories you are allotted each day. Your goal weight shouldn't change your calories. I just tried changing my goal weight and it didn't change the calories for me. Has it been a while since you adjusted your calorie goal? 400 seems excessive.
    I originally set my goal for me to hit 200 lbs...but I decided I should really go all the way.

    Go big or go home so they say in Football.

    So I adjusted my goal weight to 175. The weight I felt my best at and the system adjusted my calorie intake went from 1950 cal/day to 1550/day. That was okay for me. It is funny about the goal weight. I have read my ideal weigh should be 135-145??? I am 5'9" and at my thinnest, 175, I was pretty thin. But I was not healthy living on Diet Coke, Cigs. Size 9. That is pretty small I think. I dont think I weighed 145 since I was maybe 14??

    I don't understand why the calorie amount would change if you change your goal weight. The amount of calories you consume is for your present weight, not your goal weight.
  • cdwinters
    cdwinters Posts: 48 Member
    Hi all...just checking in to say hi:)

    Kamcat...glad you are feeling better and over that bug.

    Hope everybody has had a good week and is ready to do some relaxing this weekend. I am getting nervous as I go back to work in a week and am concerned about my dieting and exercising once I go back. I have been off for the summer as I work for a school and it has been easy to workout and eat right since I have not been on the go non stop all day. Any pointers or suggestions?
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Thanks, cdwinters, feeling much better, and just in time :)

    Ok, it's my friday and I splurged today. Went out to eat to a diner after a long work day with my partner and ordered a turkey club wrap and fries. No idea how to enter that food in to the diary, but I did my best with something that might be similar. I'm probably over on calories, but I have a long weekend ahead with plenty of time to get back on the workout track!

    This has been a bad week for working out. It's been some very long tiring days, so the last thing I've felt like doing was hitting the gym!

    What's everyone have planned for the weekend? Anything exciting?

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