is weight watchers better



  • Loves2snack
    Loves2snack Posts: 112 Member
    Thats a good question. I was on here for months and never losing weight. I joined WW January 15th at 167 and Im not 157. I cancelled my account to see if i can now lose with MFP again. My account is done on the 15th so we will see.
  • onequirkygirl
    onequirkygirl Posts: 303 Member
    They are essentially the same thing. So in this case, it's not the diet-- it's the person.

    I found the meetings (two years ago, old program) super helpful, but I also gained that weight back....because I didn't fix the true problem.
  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    I found WW to be too much thinking with regards to points. For me, calorie counting is much easier and flexible and MyFitnessPal has an EXCELLENT support system (I found the weight watchers meetings useless). It always comes down to what works best for you and your lifestyle.
  • sparkly96
    sparkly96 Posts: 120
    I've done Weight Watchers in the past and was successful. I ended up putting the weight back on because I didnt always eat the way they taught me how. If you have never gone its great to get all the tips and the meetings were helpful. I now find i have learned all i can and the meetings are a waste of time for me. I just make sure i do what they have taught me and it works. It's not for everyone though and keep in mind everyone loses weight at a different pace. I dont always trust the calorie info i get from MFP and when in doubt i look it up. Weight Watchers also teaches you the right portions to eat as well as balancing everything out. I knw people who have successfully lost weight and never went to weight watchers so it is possible to do it on your own.
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    Weight loss is all about motivation. Weight watchers points method isn't any different from plain old calorie counting, it's just that some find it easier. However, I used their online counter, and I actually find myfitnesspal much easier to use. That could also be because I used myfitnesspal first, so I'm simply more accustomed to it, but anyway... my point is, it's really not about what system you use to lose weight. It's about the motivation to keep at whatever you're doing. Weight watchers has meetings, and it has a different support system. Some find this incredibly helpful, talking to other people, interacting face to face with those who share your plight, and I think above everything else, that's the real reason weight watchers is as successful as it has become. It probably also helps that your mom and sister do it together, because they can push one another. I wasn't crazy about weight watchers to tell you the truth, I tried it out before they had the online system, and just went to meetings and counted points via that annoying little booklet. It just didn't benefit me, and I really didn't like the meetings. That's just me though. I say, give it a try. Why not? You've got nothing to lose. I personally think myfitnesspal is equally beneficial though, and it's free. I know the online community here isn't the same as physical, in-person interaction, but if you utilize it properly, you'll find that people on here can be very supportive, so long as you ignore the naysayers, which luckily are few. Oh, another good thing about mfp; foods aren't worse for you just because they're not endorsed! :P
  • shellynorthway
    shellynorthway Posts: 3 Member
    I am a believer of Weight Watcher's. Helped me lose 54lb's. I had no desire to count calories. I would rather count my points, add up my activity points and feel okay with living my life without feeling deprived. it works but just like every program out there you have to be willing to work it. IF you are comfortable counting calorie's then that is for you. Find what work's best for you.
  • heatmack
    heatmack Posts: 29
    I lost about 56 lbs on WW and I find that I can eat more on MFP. Also the food data base way bigger. Also counting calories makes more sense to me then counting points.
  • kcmg0730
    kcmg0730 Posts: 96
    I lost loads of weight on WW, and didn't feel terribly deprived, but I did gain some back as soon as I stopped point counting. I think it can be a useful tool, but it didn't really teach me to change my lifestyle, it was all about the weight loss. I joined MFP in September, and I have learned to change my eating habits, which was what was missing from WW. I am losing weight slowly, but I know it won't come back, because I'm not on a 'diet' any more.
  • AlbionLass
    AlbionLass Posts: 136
    I did WW for 3 months a couple of years ago, I lost around 44lbs.

    I did Slimming world for 3 months last year, lost around 44lbs
    Slimming World is good for those that love their carbs and meat as on the Extra Easy plan things like brown rice, pasta, eggs and lean meat, even things like beef and lean-back bacon are free (unlimited)

    My issues with these type of slimming clubs is I find them patronising and very costly.

    I've discovered that I lose weight at around the same rate no matter which plan/method I use, mfp works for me as i get an extra buzz that I'm not lining the pockets of some huge company and that I'm doing things for myself.
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    i have done WW and did lose alot of weight.. but.. i really wasnt changing my thoughts on eating.. i tend now to really look for food with more value... and stay away from processed packaged foods. the other big things was cost.. i was paying to step on a scale and panicing if i couldn't raise my hand that week to say i lost weight..

    Also .. i found that exercise wasn't as encouraged. the focus was always on food..
  • AlbionLass
    AlbionLass Posts: 136
    i have done WW and did lose alot of weight.. but.. i really wasnt changing my thoughts on eating.. i tend now to really look for food with more value... and stay away from processed packaged foods. the other big things was cost.. i was paying to step on a scale and panicing if i couldn't raise my hand that week to say i lost weight..

    Also .. i found that exercise wasn't as encouraged. the focus was always on food..

    Agree, I was almost an anomaly in my group as a regular exerciser.

    I think that with WW there is a temptation to eat their porcessed foods that have the points values written on them.

    MFP has made me reevaluate my portion control and I'm eating a wider range of foods now.
  • bgc85
    bgc85 Posts: 68
    I lost about 56 lbs on WW and I find that I can eat more on MFP. Also the food data base way bigger. Also counting calories makes more sense to me then counting points.

    I lost 45 lbs on WW and agree completely with this statement. The new PointsPlus program with the "zero point" fruit was causing me to gain weight and I got frustrated with the program. I was a lifetime member on the old plan, but realize now that I was starving my body of essential nutrients and MFP tracks that for me. Once you STOP weight watchers the lifestyle is harder to maintain. Like the PP said....find what works best for YOU!
  • ChristineW82
    ChristineW82 Posts: 116 Member
    I did WW for a few months. Didn't think it was worth paying for at all. The community here is sooo much more friendly, supportive, and active. :drinker:
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    I've tried WW several times when I got "bored" with counting calories. I MUCH prefer counting calories. I like being able to see how my ratio of carbs/fat/protein keeps me full (or not). I like being able to watch things like fiber, calcium, and sodium. With WW you don't get that information.

    I hate the meetings - useless. I hated weighing in during the middle of the day.

    I also tried online - their message boards are vicious!!!

    I think WW is one of the best "commercial" programs but I prefer calorie counting.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I've done ww twice.

    Pros: you get guidance, group interaction, learn strategies. If this is the first time you are losing weight, they are a great how-to source.

    Cons: Expensive with the weekly fees, time investment. I quit as soon as I hit goal weight and did not learn how to maintain because I wanted to save time and money.

    I was considering going back to WW until my daughter introduced me to this site. What I like about it is that it is free, the forums give you lots of advice from a greater number of people than could attend a ww meeting, and you do it on your own time. I love the accuracy of the tracking and the fact that more than calories are counted. You don't have to change what you eat, but this site makes it real easy to plan portions and food ahead of time. And I especially like the calculations of exercise calories burned and their application to the food limit of the day. This will make maintenance easy once I get back to it.

    If you want to do WW, I say go ahead, especially if you aren't losing here, but keep this site in mind for when you are into maintenance.
  • I have done WW in the past and I have been doing it for 2 years now. I was one of those extreme peeps, and I did a different kind of small group training at the gym. It was the lowest I have been since HS and I had lost 4% +/- body fat. I contribute that to the exercise just as much as my points and portion control. The points plus is sooo misleading as it doesn't count fruit anymore and now that its free you can eat all the fruit you want and still "eat" your point allowance. WW doesn't really work for me and MFP isn't either. I have some medical issues that may be hindering my weight loss, like I can't BM and all that stuff. I am at a loss at this point....
  • siouan
    siouan Posts: 40 Member
    I've also tried WW on and off for a few years, and when I've been strict and stuck at it, its worked for a while, but I think the hassle of converting everything to their points system puts me off.

    As many have already said, the principle of MFP is the same - stick to a daily calorie target as opposed to a daily points target, but I'm now in my 2nd week on MFP, and everything just clicked and made perfect sense to me on here, and I'm finding it a lot easier to stick to.

    Where I used to struggle to eat within my points on some days (as I'm not the world's healthiest eater yet!), I'm finding it easy with MFP, and if we are having a treat at the weekend, I can just up my workouts to cover it. A lot more straight-forward.

    And this thread has reminded me, I need to cancel my WW online subscription this week, so thanks :)
  • Yellerie
    Yellerie Posts: 221 Member
    I guess it depends on what works best for you. My boss lost 100 lbs & his wife 60 lbs following WW I found while it was easy enough to follow (I did the regular points not points plus) I was always uncomfortable at the meetings especially on weeks when you stay the same & they ask you in front of everyone what you did wrong but that might have just been the leader we had she had lost over 100 pounds & almost seemed disgusted by us fat people.
  • Lose25now
    Lose25now Posts: 27 Member
    I have been a member of Weight Watchers for seven year and have kept off the 75 pounds for 6 years. You get a lot of information about nutrition if you stay for the meetings. I have learned to eat threw the holidays, vacations with out gaining weight. I think you have to find what works for you and some people find it work to figure out points and thats ok. Just like here, there are some people who don't teach the right things, unfortunitley they may be Leaders of WW. You have the right to find another meeting with a Leader that knows what they are doing. I find weighing in on a scale that tells the truth (no my home scale) and the positive group enviroment of my meeting really helpful. Now I am going towards a cleaner eating life that I can do both at Weight Watchers and here with great results.
  • SquishyVicki
    SquishyVicki Posts: 280 Member
    I liked WW but did not see any additional benefits from using it compared to MFP.

    Both work great if you follow it correctly; I found extra benefits with MFP being (i) its free and (ii) the people are GREAT. Even when I was doing WW I still used the forums here as I liked the forums and people so much better.... :smile:

    For me both worked but I did not see the point of paying for something that I can already have for free. Good luck though!