About being clean



  • NamsdnaL
    NamsdnaL Posts: 102 Member
    Get a duvet. I don't make our bed like my mom make their bed, all that tucking I have better things to do with my life. I just straight out the sheets and through a covered duvet on the bed (you have to cover the duvet to keep it clean. You don't want to be washing it; it's a big pain in the *kitten*). With that Bob's your uncle and your bed is made. :bigsmile:
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I don't.. When we lived in our apartment, I did only on inspection days (once a year, they did inspections because they got in trouble for some code violations or something lol)
  • Aureilie
    Aureilie Posts: 213 Member
    I make my bed when I change the sheets or if we're going to have company. That's pretty much it.
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 429 Member
    I can't leave my house if the bed is not made ; I'm mentally crippled like that. :sad:
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I make my bed every day, although often right before bed.

    I don't use sheets, however -- just a thick soft blanket underneath and then one thick blanket on top -- so it takes less than a couple minutes to make. :)

    I have a day bed at my mom's house, around 8 pillows, 5 separate blankets, and sheets. Also this frilly lining that goes underneath. I prefer my current set-up haha

    PS: You can see my bed in the background of my current profile pic haha!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I've never made my bed in my entire life. When I wake up the cover is chucked to one side and I go to smash the button on the alarm clock. Then in the evening, I get back in my bed and sleep in it. Where in that time frame does it need to be aesthetically pleasing? :huh:
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I have never made my bed, I usually throw the covers to one side and get out of bed and stumble to the bathroom lol
  • linbee83
    linbee83 Posts: 144
    We have a sheet & a blanket. And I only make the bed when I change the sheets. Guess I haven't grown up yet!
  • same here!
  • AEB_WV
    AEB_WV Posts: 323 Member
    I rarely make our bed b/c my husband sleeps later than me. So ok, HE doesn't make the bed. But my mom always made a big deal about me making my bed and I never could manage when I was growing up and still don't!
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    I make it when I change the sheets. Thats about it

    Same for me. Or if company is coming.
  • AEB_WV
    AEB_WV Posts: 323 Member
    Get a duvet. I don't make our bed like my mom make their bed, all that tucking I have better things to do with my life. I just straight out the sheets and through a covered duvet on the bed (you have to cover the duvet to keep it clean. You don't want to be washing it; it's a big pain in the *kitten*). With that Bob's your uncle and your bed is made. :bigsmile:

    Bob's your uncle lol. I so want to adopt that saying but I'm not British!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Fitted sheet and a duvet - "making the bed = 1 second flat" One movement as I slide out of it ;-)
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    Why make your bed when all you're going to do is sleep in it again? lol I don't. I wash my sheets every five to seven days, and that's it... I put the bottom sheet and pillowcases on and throw the top sheet and my blanket there for me to find when I hit the sack.
  • ShalisaClam
    ShalisaClam Posts: 190
    My thought is that it's just going to get messed up later, so why???

    My husband, on the other hand, cannot STAND it if the bed is unmade.

    The compromise?

    I make the bed, It makes him happy and I don't have to listen to him complain. If he's out of town, bed is def unmade. My secret rebellion.... lol
  • kantone999
    kantone999 Posts: 174
    I don't make mine unless people are coming over. Complete waste of time for me.
  • fj211
    fj211 Posts: 95
    I guess I'm in the minority. I make mine everyday. It takes less than 2 minutes so I'm not sure how it could cut THAT much into time to work out like someone else stated.

    I do say to each their own though.
    I just prefer my house to be super organized. I wash the sheets twice a week . I also wash my bathroom rugs at least once a week so I guess I'm a freak.
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    I only make my bed for two reasons:
    1) I have company coming over
    2) I'm putting on new sheets

    Otherwise, what's the point of spending time doing something that no one will see and you'll mess up again in a few hours?

    this made me laugh. I will agree with #2, but not #1. If company comes over, the bedroom door gets shut. If they snoop and see the bed isn't made, shame on them!
  • ToBeCountry
    ToBeCountry Posts: 81 Member
    I only make my bed for two reasons:
    1) I have company coming over
    2) I'm putting on new sheets

    Otherwise, what's the point of spending time doing something that no one will see and you'll mess up again in a few hours?

  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    I make mine every morning and so do the kids, but we are all kinda ocd. We are the ONLY ones I know that do this....

    I make all the beds in the AM. Every single day. But then again, I am a little OCD-ish about it. I am not busting my *kitten* cleaning my house to walk by a room with an unmade bed. It would drive me BEZERK....LOL....So, Im with ya!!