

  • budhandy
    budhandy Posts: 305 Member
    I could care less, if their cool ill add em, also who I am to judge with a face like mine lol
  • FoxyPhoenixRising
    FoxyPhoenixRising Posts: 26 Member
    How can one be a productive and SELECTIVE stalker without first checking out all the available info: pics, posts, friends...Have you been doing it wrong all this time???

    R:laugh: TFL!!!!!!!
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    I do. I usually click on their profile to get an overall view.

    i do this too, just to get an idea of their goals and motivation
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Most requests I get refer to my before/after pictures, so I assume they look through my pictures. I rarely send FR personally but, when I do, pictures don't usually play that big of a role.

  • I put my weekly weight pictures in my profile so people will see the progress I made and if I am off then I expect everyone, friend or not, to kick me in the butt. I hope people check out my pics and I hope they can help with peoples success.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    Umm... this isn't a dating site. Pics aren't relevant - I don't look. I need inspiration, camaraderie and ideas.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I'm not as concerned with checking out their profile pics as I am reading through their recent posts.


    Edited to add that I get a small number of young guys who "collect" hot friends send me FRs which is hilarious because if they READ my profile they would discover I am a middle weight obese female. I have a disclaimer right at the top and easy to see saying that my avatar is my inspiration NOT a photo.
  • like a few have already said i usually add someone then check out their profile to put a face to a name im more concerned with support and motivation (giving and receiving) than what someone looks like, i usually only add people who send a little note about why they are adding me (i just think its courteous) i dont send many friend requests but if i do its because they've inspired me through posts or replies on the message boards or if we have friend in common and ive seen some comments from them (pics like before and after shots usually have a baring for me to send a friend request but id only view these on the message boards not profiles)

    edited for spelling mistake :blushing: